House Rules

House Rules are a testing bed for optional rules and may be removed if not found to add the the fun of a game. Many of these rules will be coming from the D&D Basic Rules Cyclopedia.

Tough Enough

When starting at level 1 you may start off with maximum HP

Attribute Shuffle

Stats are rolled 3d6 down-the-line. After this is done then any two attributes can be swapped with one another.

This house rule replaces step 4) of character creation. Adjust Ability Score

The Strong Survive

If total modifiers of attributes rolled is lower than a net 0 then you may reroll your stats.

Shields Shall be Splintered

When taking damage while using a shield you may optionally choose to have your shield absorb the full impact of the blow and have it shattered and rendered unusable negating all damage from that attack

A magical shield has a scaling 1 in 6 chance to not be shattered when doing this per +1 bonus to the shield

The Silver Standard

Historically and mechanically this change is nice. The problem with the gold standard is you need 2000XP on average to reach level 2 and now your character has 2000g, is rich, and never needs to work again in his life.

This change will make it so 1sp = 1xp and treasure from dungeons will be measured in silver. Prices of services and items will remain in gold effectively multiplying the cost by 10x. This means in theory you actually will be spending it.

This will be tweaked over time

Critical Hits & Fumbles

Natural 20: On an attack roll of a natural 20, add +1 to the total damage.

Natural 1: On an attack roll of a natural 1, the character is at -1 to attack for the rest of the combat.

Death & Dismemberment (option 1)

Might change depending on what adventure I run. Borrowmaze makes sense to have death at 0, while a more narrative adventure might be at -1, -3, -HP Total ect

Death & Dismemberment (option 2)

When a player character gets knocked to 0hp they make a death saving throw. On a success they are unconcious until healed. On a fail they die.

Second Rank

Polearms and Spears have the Reach quality and can attack from the second rank, behind the front liners. The enemy has partial cover (-2) when attacking from behind allies.

Optional Rules

This is the list of official Optional rules that will be in play during our current campaigns.

Multiple Classes

This option leads to some very strong characters so I think allowing mullticlassing of classes that are not being played by other characters will be allowed unless it proves to be too OP

Secondary Skills

Added roleplay opportunities at no cost

Combat Talents

Fighter is the fallback class for anyone with shit rolls, but could still use a BIT of mechanics

d6 Thief Skills

Player may choose whether to be a normal thief or a d6 Thief


List of available classes (im picky with wierd races)


Haven't tried them yet, but I don't see any reason not too

Turning Undead

Limitations on the useage and length of the turn undead ability

Advanced Spell Book Rules

Playing an arcane spell caster should be hard, but becoming a god should be awesome


Currently using the Basic Encumbrance rules. May use the detailed ones in the future

Basic: Adventuring gear, weapons and armor dont contribute. Speed is based on armor and GM determination of how much you are carrying

Detailed: Adventuring gear weighs 80c, weapons and armor have weight. Speed is based on how much weight you are carrying.

Variable Weapon Damage

Weapons do different damage amounts. Originally all weapons only did d6


For both Retainers and Monsters

Combat Options

Optional Rules Explicitly NOT in use