Creating a Character: Advanced Method

1. Roll Ability Scores

Roll 3d6 for each of your character’s ability scores: Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma in order

Sub-Par Characters

If you roll a character with very poor ability scores—for example an 8 or less in every score or an extremely low rating in one ability—the referee may allow you to discard the character and start again.

2. Choose a Race

Select one of the races available, bearing in mind the minimum ability score requirements of some races.

Ability score modifiers: If the selected race lists ability score modifiers, adjust your character’s ability scores as indicated. Bonuses that would raise an ability above 18 or penalties that would lower it below 3 are ignored.

3. Choose Class

Select one of the classes available to your race, bearing in mind the minimum ability score requirements of some classes.

Multiple Classes

If using the optional rule for multiple classes, you may select more than one class for your character as long as their ability scores meet the requirements of all selected classes.

4. Adjust Ability Scores

If you wish, you may raise your character’s prime requisite(s) by lowering other (non-prime requisite) ability scores. For every 2 points by which an ability score is lowered, 1 point may be added to a prime requisite. The following restrictions apply:

▶ Only Strength, Intelligence, and Wisdom may be lowered in this way.

▶ No score may be lowered below 9.

▶ Some character classes may have additional constraints.

5. Note Ability Scores

Now that your character’s ability scores are fixed, make a note of any associated bonuses or penalties

6. Note Attack Values

The level progression chart for your character’s class lists your THAC0 score. This indicates your chance of hitting opponents in combat, as determined by the Attack Matrix.

For quick reference, it is convenient to look up the values in the matrix row corresponding to your THAC0 and record them on your character sheet. 1st level characters have a THAC0 of 19 [0], resulting in the attack values shown opposite.

Ascending AC (Optional Rule)

If using the optional rule for Ascending AC (p13), record your attack bonus on your character sheet, instead of the attack matrix quick reference.

1st Level PC Attack Values
Attack Roll 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
AC Hit 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

7. Record Saves and Abilities

Record any special abilities possessed by your character as a result of their race and class, as well as their saving throws. If your character has a spell book, ask your referee which spells are recorded in it. The referee may allow you to choose.

Weapon Proficiencies (Optional Rule)

If using the optional rule for weapon proficiency, select which weapons your character is proficient with, choosing from the list of weapons usable by the character’s race and class.

8. Roll Hit Points

Determine your character’s hit points by rolling the die type specified for your class. Modifiers for high or low Constitution apply. Characters always start with at least 1 hit point, regardless of CON modifier.

Re-Rolling 1s and 2s (Optional Rule)

If you roll a 1 or 2 (before applying any CON modifier), the referee may allow you to re-roll. This is in order to increase the survivability of 1st level PCs.

9. Choose Alignment

Decide whether your character is Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic

10. Note Known Languages

Your character’s race determines their native languages. Characters with high INT may also choose additional languages. See Languages

11. Buy Equipment

Your character has 3d6 × 10 gold pieces. Consult the equipment lists and decide what to purchase with this initial wealth.

Remember: Your chosen race and class may restrict your use of some equipment (e.g. weapons and armour).

12. Note Armor Class

Your character’s Armour Class is determined by two factors:

Armour: The armour worn determines your character’s base AC

Dexterity: See Ability Scores

Unarmored AC

If your character has no armour, their base AC is 9[10].

13. Note Level and XP

Your character begins play at 1st level with 0 XP.

14. Secondary Skill (Optional Rule)

If using the optional rule for secondary skills, determine which skill your character has.

15. Name Character

Finally, choose a name for your character. You are now ready for adventure!