- Magic-User Level 1
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: Touch
- This spell makes an object appealing to the microcosmic
forces of magic, giving the item an aura
that causes it to register to Detect spells (and spells
with similar capabilities) as though it were magical.
If the object bearing Magic Aura is physically
examined (touched), the examiner recognizes
that the aura is false if he succeeds in a saving
throw versus Magic. Otherwise, he believes the
aura, but no amount of testing reveals what the
true magic is.
- The reverse of this spell, Obscure Aura, hides the
magic aura of a legitimate magical item. A Magic-
User casting Detect Magic and actually handling the
item is permitted a saving throw versus Magic to see
the magical aura of the item.
Magic Jar
- Magic-User Level 5
- Duration: See Below
- Range: 10'/level
- By casting Magic Jar, the caster places his soul in
a gem or large crystal (known as the magic jar),
leaving his body lifeless. An attempt can then be
made to take control of a body within 120', forcing
its soul into the magic jar. At a later time, the
caster can move back to the jar, thereby returning
the trapped soul to its body, and attempt to possess
another body. The spell ends when the caster sends
his soul back to his own body, leaving the receptacle
- To cast the spell, the magic jar must be within
spell range. While in the magic jar, the caster can
sense and attack any life force. Attempting to possess
a body is a full-Round action. The caster
possesses the body and forces the creature’s soul
into the magic jar unless the subject succeeds a
saving throw versus Magic. Failure to take over the
host leaves the caster’s life force in the magic jar,
and the target automatically succeeds on further
saving throws if the caster attempts to possess its
body again.
- If the caster is successful, his life force occupies
the host body, and the host’s life force is imprisoned
in the magic jar. The caster keeps his own
Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, class, and
alignment. The body retains its Strength, Dexterity,
Constitution, Hit Points, natural abilities, and
automatic abilities. The creature’s spells and spelllike
abilities do not stay with the body. The caster
can be forced out of a possessed body if a Dispel Evil
spell is cast.
- The spell ends when the caster shifts from the
jar to his original body. If the host body is slain,
the caster returns to the magic jar, if within range,
and the life force of the host departs (it is dead). If
the host body is slain beyond the range of the spell,
both the caster and the host die. If the caster’s life
force is within the magic jar and his own body is
slain, the caster is trapped in the magic jar until a
creature comes within range and can be possessed.
If the caster’s life force is in possession of a host and
the magic jar is destroyed, the caster’s life force is
stranded in the host. Any life force with nowhere to
go is slain. Destroying the receptacle ends the spell
and destroys any life force inside it.
Magic Missile
- Magic-User Level 1
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: 60' + 10'/level
- A missile of magical energy shoots forth from
the caster’s fingertip and strikes its target, dealing
damage equal to 1d4 per level of the caster
(so a second level Magic-User deals 2d4 points of
damage). The missile strikes unerringly, even if the
target is in mêlée combat or has less than total cover
or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature
cannot be singled out.
- The caster can throw the full force of the missile
at a single target, but if the caster is 2nd level or
higher, he can choose to divide the dice of damage
between targets as he wishes. Dice must be assigned
to targets before any damage is rolled, and targets of
these divided dice are allowed a saving throw versus
Magic, with success meaning that the target takes
half damage.
- Each Magic-User’s Magic Missile is unique in
appearance and always looks the same. When the
caster writes a scroll, the resulting Missile looks
identical to the normally cast version. When using
a scroll written by another Magic-User, or memorizing
a spell out of another’s spellbook, the resulting
spell will look like that other caster’s Missile. Each
different ‘signature’ for a Magic Missile must be
researched and/or transcribed as if it were a different
Magic Mouth
- Magic-User Level 2
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: See Below
- This enchantment is set upon an object, and the
magic is triggered when certain conditions established
by the caster are met. When that happens, a
mouth appears in the object and speaks the message
it has been commanded to speak. The message can
be up to 30 words long.
Magic Sword
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 30'
- The caster evokes a magical sword into being and
can wield it by exerting his will. While doing so,
he cannot cast spells, use magic items, or move,
although the spell does not end if the Magic-User’s
concentration is broken; the sword simply does
not attack during that Round. The sword attacks as
a Fighter one-half of the Magic-User’s caster level
(and always hits on a natural 19 or 20), and it can
hit creatures that can ordinarily be hit only with
magic weapons. The sword inflicts 1d12 damage.
Magic Vestment
- Cleric Level 3
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: Touch
- This spell shields the subject by the power of faith,
granting them a +1 Armor Class for every level of
the caster. This spell does not function if the subject
is wearing armor or using any sort of protective
enchantments or items.
- Magic-User Level 8
- Duration: See Below
- Range: 5'/level
- The caster banishes the subject into an extra dimensional
labyrinth. The number of Turns or Rounds
the subject takes to escape this labyrinth is determined
by his Intelligence.
- Referees should estimate the targeted Intelligence
of the monster or NPC (if it has no given stats).
Intelligence | Time in Labyrinth |
3 or less | 3d4 Turns |
4–5 | 2d4 Turns |
6–8 | 1d4 Turns |
9–12 | 4d4 Rounds |
13–15 | 3d4 Rounds |
16–17 | 2d4 Rounds |
18+ | 1d4 Rounds |
- Magic-User Level 1
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: 30'
- Mending repairs small breaks or tears in objects. It
will weld broken metallic objects such as a ring, a
chain link, a medallion, or a slender dagger, providing
but one break exists. Ceramic or wooden objects
with multiple breaks can be invisibly rejoined to be
as strong as new. A hole in a leather sack or a wineskin
is completely healed over by Mending. The
spell cannot repair magic items, nor does it affect
- Magic-User Level 1
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: 60' + 10'/level
- This spell grants the caster the ability to whisper
messages and receive whispered replies. The caster
points his finger at a creature he wants to receive the
message. The target must be in direct line of sight,
with no barrier. The whispered message is audible
only to the target. The creature that receives the
message can whisper a reply that the caster can hear.
The spell transmits sound, not meaning. It does not
transcend language barriers. Unlike casting most
spells, the gestures of this spell are subtle, and it is
easy to conceal that the spell is being cast.
Mind Blank
- Magic-User Level 8
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: 30'
- The subject is protected from all devices and spells
that detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts.
This spell protects against all mind-affecting spells
and effects as well as information gathering by divination
spells or effects. In the case of scrying that
scans an area the creature is in, such as a crystal ball,
the spell works, but the subject of the Mind Blank
spell is simply not detected. Scrying attempts that
are targeted specifically at the subject do not work
at all.
Mind Switch
- Magic-user Level 6
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: Touch
- This spell allows the caster to switch the minds of
two beings. The beings must be of the same race. The
caster must touch the two beings in turn, and when
the second being is touched their minds switch
bodies. A character not wishing to have their mind
switched must make a saving throw versus Magic
to resist the change. If either of the intended targets
succeeds in their saving throw, the spell fails.
Mind-switched characters retain their Charisma,
Intelligence, and Wisdom, gain the Constitution,
Dexterity, and Strength of the body they have been
switched into. The body retains its previous Hit
Point maximum, but the minds otherwise retain
their former class, level, experience points, and
- The spell is permanent until dispelled. The
caster must touch both involved parties once again
to cancel the spell, and they are each entitled to a
saving throw versus Magic if they want to resist the
spell's cancellation. Casting Dispel Magic allows
no such saving throw. In each case, if the affected
parties are not Dispelled or cancelled at the same
time, the first one to be so affected goes into a consciousless
void until his original body is freed of its
possessing consciousness. If the original body dies
while a mind is in limbo, it is forever lost.
Mirror Image
- Magic-User Level 2
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 0
- This spell grabs 1d4 duplicates of the caster from
near-identical timelines to confuse foes and make
it more difficult for the original caster to come to
harm. Since all of the mirror images are the caster,
in the same situation and fighting the same battle
in their own timeline, they are indistinguishable
in every way from the caster and mimic his every
motion. When an opponent makes a successful
attack against one of the duplicates, it instantly dies
and dissipates into nothingness (the others remain).
- If an opponent attempts to attack a Magic-User
obscured by this spell, it is randomly determined
whether the to-hit roll is directed toward the caster
or one of the duplicates. Note that the duplicates do
not take independent action; they are just “mirror
images” as the spell name implies.
Mnemonic Enhancer
- Magic-User Level 4
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: 0
- This spell allows the caster to prepare additional
spells or retain spells recently cast. Up to 3 levels of
spells could be retained, or memorized above and
beyond the number normally available for the caster’s
level. This can be in any combination of spell
levels. For instance, one 3rd level spell or three 1st
level spells. If spells are to be retained, then rather
than memorize extra spells, Mnemonic Enhancer is
cast first and then used to discharge the spells of
the stated spell levels, while retaining them for one
more casting.
Move Earth
- Magic-User Level 6
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: 240'
- A 50' cube of loose soil can be moved per Turn
within the spell’s range. Solid stone cannot be
- Cleric Level 4
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: Touch
- The caster removes all trace of venom and poison
in the creature or object touched. A poisoned creature
suffers no additional effects from the poison,
and any temporary effects are ended. The spell does
not reverse instantaneous effects such as Hit Point
damage, or other effects that do not go away on their
own. If a character dies of poison, Neutralize Poison
will revive the character if the spell is used no more
than one Turn after death.
- The reverse of this spell, Inflict Poison, gives the
caster a poison touch, and the first victim touched
by the Cleric must save versus Poison or die.
- Cleric Level 7
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: 120'
- The caster creates a path 10' wide and a maximum of
120' long through water, such as a pond, lake, river,
or other body of water. The caster can dismiss the
spell effects before the duration ends, thus allowing
water to crash down upon unwanted pursuers.
Pass wall
- Magic-User Level 5
- Duration: 3 Turns
- Range: 30'
- The caster creates a passage through wooden, plaster,
or stone walls, but not through metal or other
harder materials. The passage is 10' deep with a 5'
- Magic-User Level 8
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: Touch
- The Permanency spell makes other spell effects permanent.
It is also used to lock the enchantments
of a magic item permanently into the item, such
magical items, wands, and staves. Certain spells
can be made permanent upon the caster or another
creature, and other spells can be made permanent
only if cast upon an area or an object. Each use of
this spell requires the caster to make a saving throw
versus Magic; failure permanently reduces the caster’s
Constitution by 1 point.
- Spells that can be made permanent upon a
person or other creature (and these must be cast by
a Magic-User, not a Cleric):
- Army of One, Change Self, Clairvoyance, Comprehend
Languages, Detect Illusion, Detect Invisible,
Duo-Dimension, Enlarge, ESP, Faerie Fire, False
Alignment, Fly, Gaseous Form, Glass Eye, Globe of
Invulnerability (Major and Minor), Haste, Howl
of the Moon, Invisibility, Mind Blank, Polymorph
(Other and Self), Projected Image, Protection from
Normal Missiles, Protection from Normal Weapons,
Ray of Enfeeblement, Shape Change, Speak with Animals,
Speak with Monsters, Speak with Plants, Spell
Turning, Spider Climb, Telekinesis, Unseen Servant,
Ventriloquism, Water Breathing, Wizard Eye.
- Spells that can be made permanent upon an area
or object:
- Airy Water, Audible Glamour, Barrier, Enlarge,
Floating Disc, Force of Forbidment, Light, Prismatic
Wall, Remote Surveillance, Reverse Gravity, Seven
Gates, Stinking Cloud, Veil, Wall of Fire, Wall of Fog,
Wall of Force, Wall of Ice, Web.
Phantasmal Force
- Magic-User Level 2
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 10'/level
- This spell creates a creature the caster has previously
seen that will obey his every mental command.
However, it only exists in the minds of those seeing,
smelling, or hearing it. The first time a phantasmal
creature causes damage in combat, the victim
receives a saving throw versus Magic. Success means
the creature ceases to exist as far as that character is
concerned and no damage is taken, otherwise, the
illusion is as deadly as any real creature. The illusion
is dispelled the first time it is hit in combat by
someone who believes in it.
Phantasmal Psychedelia
- Magic-User Level 3
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 10'/level
- This spell creates a creature the caster has previously
seen that will obey his every mental command.
However, it only exists in the minds of those seeing,
smelling, or hearing it. The first time a phantasmal
creature causes damage in combat, the victim
receives a saving throw versus Magic. Success means
the creature ceases to exist as far as that character is
concerned and no damage is taken, otherwise, the
illusion is as deadly as any real creature. Whenever
the illusory creature is hit in combat by someone
believing in it, the attacker gains another saving
throw to disbelieve the illusion.
Phantasmal Supergoria
- Magic-User Level 6
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 10'/level
- This spell creates a creature the caster has previously
seen that will obey his every mental command.
However, it only exists in the minds of those seeing,
smelling, or hearing it. The first time a phantasmal
creature causes damage, the victim receives a saving
throw versus Magic. Success means the creature
ceases to exist as far as that character is concerned
and no damage is taken; otherwise, the illusion is as
deadly as any real creature. If the saving throw is not
made, then another save is allowed only after the
illusory creature has taken so much “damage” that
it must be dead although the illusion can take no
actual damage because it does not exist.
Saving throws are also granted if a character disbelieves
a certain situation created by the illusion.
Phase Door
- Magic-User 7
- Duration: 1 passage per 2 levels
- Range: Touch
- This spell creates an ethereal passage through
wooden, plaster, or stone walls, but not other materials,
including metals. This passage is 10' deep with
a 5' diameter. The phase door is invisible and inaccessible
to all creatures except the caster, and only
the caster can use the passage. The caster disappears
when entering the phase door and reappears when
exiting. If the caster desires, he can take one other
creature (human-sized or smaller) through the
door. This counts as two uses of the door. The door
does not allow light, sound, or spell effects through
it, nor can it be seen through. A Phase Door is subject
to Dispel Magic. If anyone is within the passage
when it is dispelled, he is harmlessly ejected, the
Referee rolling randomly to see from side of the
Phase Door.
Plant Growth
- Magic-User Level 4
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 120'
- Plant Growth causes normal vegetation (grasses,
bushes, creepers, thistles, trees, vines, etc.) within
range and a 20' square area per level to become
thick and overgrown. The plants entwine to form
a thicket or jungle that creatures must hack or
force a way through. Movement drops to 10', or 20'
for large creatures. The area must have brush and
trees in it for this spell to take effect. At the caster’s
option, the area can be any shape. This spell has no
effect on plant creatures.
Polymorph Any Object
- Magic-User Level 8
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 5' per level
- This transforms one object or creature into another.
Objects can be changed into living creatures, creatures
can be turned to plants, etc. Subjects cannot
be transformed into specific creatures or items—a
rock can be turned into a human, but not into the
king of the realm, for example. Objects transformed
across kingdoms (Plant, Animal, Mineral) cannot
increase mass by more than three times. The spell
Dispel Magic will reverse the effects of this spell. All
objects or creatures affected by this spell will radiate
magic should such detections be made.
- This spell can also be used to duplicate the effects
of Flesh to Stone, Stone to Flesh, and similar spells
that alter matter. When this spell is used to create
the effects of Flesh to Stone, the victim makes a
saving throw with a penalty of –4.
Polymorph Others
- Magic-User Level 4
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 60'
- By means of this spell, one living being can be transformed
into another kind of being. The creature
may make a saving throw versus Magic, but if the
creature is willing this roll can be forgone and the
effects are automatic. If the new creature’s Hit Dice
totals more than twice the Hit Dice of the original
creature, the spell does not work. Although the final
form will retain the same number of Hit Points
as the original, all other abilities of the new form
will be acquired, including Intelligence level. The
creature becomes the new creature in every way,
including instincts, alignment, preferences, etc. This
spell cannot be used to reproduce the appearance of
a specific identity. Dispel Magic negates the effects of
this spell, and if the subject dies while in a different
form he will revert to his natural form in death.
Polymorph Self
- Magic-User Level 4
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: 0
- The caster transforms himself into another being. A
particular individual cannot be mimicked with this
spell, but only a typical individual of a creature type.
The new body must be of a creature with a number
of Hit Dice, equal to, or less than that of the caster.
The caster retains his Intelligence, Hit Points, saving
throws, and ability to attack, but does gain physical
abilities of the new form, including Strength or
Strength-based attack forms and damage. Magical
abilities or other special abilities are not gained.
- For example, if the caster transforms into a winged
creature, he will be able to fly. If the caster takes the
form of a creature with a petrifying gaze, his gaze
will not petrify. The caster is unable to cast spells
when transformed. Dispel Magic negates the effects
of this spell, and if the caster dies while in a different
form he will revert to his natural form in death.
Power Word Kill
- Magic-User Level 9
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: 2.5'/caster level
- The caster utters a single word of power that
instantly kills one or more creatures within a 20'
diameter, whether the creatures can hear the word
or not. This spell will kill multiple creatures if they
have less than 11 Hit Points each, or the spell will
kill a single creature that has 60 Hit Points or less.
- The caster must choose whether he is attempting to
kill one creature or multiple creatures when he casts
the spell. If multiple creatures are targeted, a maximum
of 120 Hit Points’ total of creatures can be
killed. Any creature that has 61 or more Hit Points
is unaffected by Power Word Kill. There is no saving
throw against this spell.
Power Word Stun
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: See Below
- Range: 5'/level
- The caster utters a single word of power that
instantly causes one creature of his choice to
become stunned, whether the creature can hear the
word or not. The duration of the spell depends on
the target’s current hit point total. Any creature that
has 91 or more Hit Points is unaffected by Power
Word Stun. There is no saving throw against this
Hit Points | Duration |
30 or less | 4d4+1 Rounds |
31–50 | 2d4+1 Rounds |
51–90 | 1d4+1 Rounds |
Prismatic Sphere
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: 0
- The caster conjures up an immobile, opaque
globe of shimmering, multicolored light that surrounds
him and offers protection from all forms of
attack. The sphere flashes in all colors of the visible
spectrum. The sphere has a blindness effect
on creatures with less than 8 Hit Dice, which lasts
2d4 Turns.
- The caster can pass into and out of the prismatic
sphere and remain near it without harm. However,
the sphere blocks any attempt to project something
into the sphere (including spells). Other creatures
that attempt to attack the caster or pass through
suffer the effects of each color, one at a time in
order. Typically, only the upper hemisphere of the
globe will exist, since the caster is at the center of
the sphere, so the lower half is usually excluded by
the floor surface.
Prismatic Spray
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: 70'
- This spell causes seven shimmering, intertwined,
multicolored beams of light to spray from the
caster’s hand. The beams are intertwined in a fan of
light 70' long, 5' wide at the origin, and 15' wide at
the terminal end. Each beam has a different power.
- Creatures in the area of the spell with 8 Hit Dice or
less are automatically blinded for 2d4 Turns. Every
creature in the area is randomly struck by one or
more beams, which have additional effects that are
identical to the same color of the globes produced
by the Magic-User spell Prismatic Sphere.
Prismatic Wall
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: 1 Turn/Level
- Range: 10'
- Prismatic Wall creates a vertical, opaque wall—a
shimmering, multicolored plane of light that protects
the caster from all forms of attack. For all
purposes this spell functions identically to the Magic-
User spell Prismatic Sphere, except a shimmering
wall is produced rather than an opaque globe.
Projected Image
- Magic-User Level 6
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 10'/level
- The caster creates a quasi-real, illusory version of
himself. The Projected Image looks, sounds, and
smells like the caster, but is intangible. The projected
image mimics the caster’s actions (including
speech) and any sound or spell effects will seem to
come from the image. In fact, ranged spells (not
touch spells) can be cast from the Projected Image
rather than the actual Magic-User! If the image
is physically touched, either by a hand or with a
weapon wielded by hand, it disappears. However,
all missile weapons or spells will pass through the
image or otherwise appear to do nothing to the
Protection from Evil*
- Cleric Level 1
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: Touch
- “Evil,” for purposes of this spell, is an in-game colloquial
term. It should properly be called “Protection from Chaos.”
The subject of this spell becomes more resistant
to Chaotic creatures and effects. Any Chaotic
creature suffers a penalty to hit the subject in
mêlée combat equal to the level of the caster, and
the subject gets a +1 bonus per level of the caster
to save against any attack or effect caused by a
Chaotic creature. Protection from Evil also allows
a saving throw against Magic-User spells and
effects against the subject which normally do not
grant saves (spells which deliver damage do half
on a successful save, other spells fail entirely on
a successful
save), but the subject must also save
against the effects of the beneficial spells he wants
to be cast on him.
- For purposes of this spell, “Chaotic creatures”
include undead creatures, monsters with any sort
of magical ability or attack, any creature that is able
to use magic (including Magic-Users and Elves, but
not Clerics), beings carrying magical items (potions
and scrolls do not count, but wands and staves do),
and any sort of supernatural creature incapable of
acting beneficently.
- Beings and manifestations that have no realworld
essence without the forces of Chaos or magic
(incorporeal undead, demons, extra-dimensional
beings, Elves, etc., but not angels or other powers
of Law) are not able to physically touch those protected
by this spell at all.
- The reverse of this spell, Protection from Good,
instead protects against Lawful creatures and Cleric
Protection from Evil, 10' Radius*
- Cleric Level 4
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 0
- “Evil,” for purposes of this spell, is an in-game colloquial
term. It should properly be called “Protection
from Chaos, 10' Radius.”
- This spell creates a zone of protection 10' in
radius, centered on and moving with the caster.
Everyone within this zone becomes more resistant
to Chaotic creatures and effects. Any Chaotic
creature suffers a penalty to hit the subject in mêlée
combat equal to the level of the caster, and the subject
gets a +1 bonus per level of the caster to save
against any attack or effect caused by a Chaotic creature.
Protection from Evil also allows a saving throw
against Magic-User spells and effects against the
subject which normally do not grant saves (spells
which deliver damage do half on a successful save,
other spells fail entirely on a successful save), but
the subject must also save against the effects of the
beneficial spells he wants to be cast on him.
- Magic-User spells or effects cast from within the
zone suffer the same penalties as spells being cast
into the zone, no matter where the spell is aimed.
For purposes of this spell, “Chaotic creatures”
include undead creatures, monsters with any sort
of magical ability or attack, any creature that is able
to use magic (including Magic-Users and Elves, but
not Clerics), beings carrying magical items (potions
and scrolls do not count, but wands and staves do),
and any sort of supernatural creature incapable of
acting beneficently.
- Beings and manifestations that have no realworld
essence without the forces of Chaos or magic
(incorporeal undead, demons, extra-dimensional
beings, Elves, etc., but not angels or other powers
of Law) are not able to enter this zone at all. If such
a being is forced into the zone by fault of the caster
(backing one into a corner, for instance), the spell
ends. It is a defensive spell and using it as a weapon
disrupts it.
- The reverse of this spell, Protection from Good, 10'
Radius, instead protects against Lawful creatures
and Cleric magic.
Protection from Normal Missiles
- Magic-User Level 3
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: Touch
- While under the effects of this spell, the caster
or subject is completely unharmed by small and
non-magical missiles. Only the subject receives
this protection, and it does not extend to large
hurled boulders such as those that giants employ,
or enchanted arrows. The spell conveys no protection
whatsoever against spells, including spells with
missile-like qualities.
Protection from Normal Weapons
- Magic-User Level 4
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: Touch
- The subject of this spell becomes completely invulnerable
to the effects of non-magical weapons.
- Creatures of 4 Hit Dice or greater, but not including
character levels, are still able to attack as normal if
not using weapons. The spell conveys no protection
whatsoever against spells.
Purify Food and Drink*
- Cleric Level 1
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: 30'
- Enough food and water for up to a dozen people is
made pure, removing all spoilage and poisons.
The reverse of the spell, Foul Food and Drink,
contaminates food and water and will spoil holy
- Cleric Level 5
- Duration: See Below
- Range: 60'
- When this spell is cast on a character, a saving throw
versus Magic is allowed. Success indicates that the
spell is not effective. If the save fails, the caster can
compel the character to take on a quest. This quest
can be dangerous, but the character cannot be
instructed to purposefully harm himself. Should the
affected character resist taking on the quest, he will
be under the effect of a curse, the nature of which is
decided by the Referee. The only way to remove the
curse is to undertake the quest, and when the quest
is finished the spell terminates.
- Magic-User Level 2
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 20'
- When this spell is cast, a coruscating ray shoots
from the caster’s hand. The target of the spell suffers
a penalty to his Strength equal to 25%, +2%
per caster level beyond level 3. This penalty applies
equally to mêlée and missile damage inflicted by an
affected creature as well. A successful saving throw
versus Magic negates the effect.
Read Magic
- Magic-User Level 1
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: 0
- By means of Read Magic, the caster can decipher
magical inscriptions on objects—books, scrolls,
weapons, and the like—that would otherwise be
unintelligible. This does not normally invoke the
magic contained in the writing, although it can do
so in the case of a cursed scroll. Furthermore, once
the spell is cast and the caster has read the magical
inscription, he thereafter is able to read that particular
writing without recourse to the use of Read
Magic. All spellbooks are written such that only the
Elf or Magic-User who owns the book can decipher
it without the use of this spell. Each casting of the
spell allows the reading of 1d4 items.
- If a character loses access to Read Magic (a
spellbook is stolen or destroyed, for instance),
the character must research the spell as if it was
unknown to him and then written up in a new
Remote Surveillance
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: Touch
- This spell enables a caster to enchant a particular
item. The first person or creature to handle that item
immediately becomes a conduit for the caster, with
no saving throw. The victim will not realize that he
is the victim of a spell.
- When this happens, the caster is immediately
aware of the spell’s activation. The caster can then
experience all of the subject’s senses. In effect, the
subject of the spell becomes the caster’s perfect spy.
The caster can also cast spells through the subject of
the spell. However, the caster cannot read the subject’s
mind, nor does the caster find anything out
about the subject. There could be circumstances
where the caster does not even know where the subject
is. All that the caster becomes aware of is that
the spell is active, and from that point is also aware
of whatever the subject sees, hears, smells, tastes, or
touches until the duration of the spell ends.
Remove Curse*
- Cleric Level 3
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: Touch
- Remove Curse instantaneously removes one curse on
a creature if it makes a saving throw versus Magic.
Remove Curse does not remove the curse from a
cursed shield, weapon, or suit of armor, although
the spell enables the creature afflicted with any such
cursed item to remove it from his person and get
rid of it. Remove Curse counters and dispels Bestow
- Bestow Curse (the reverse of Remove Curse) can
bring about any number of unfortunate effects
upon a being, determined by the caster and Referee.
Some limits of effect must be enforced. Typical
possibilities are limited to no more than a –2 penalty
to saving throws or –4 to hit, an ability being
reduced by 50%. These effects can have any number
of creative symptoms. The victim can avoid being
affected by Bestow Curse with a successful saving
throw versus Magic.
Remove Fear*
- Cleric Level 1
- Duration: See Below
- Range: Touch
- This spells instills courage in the subject, and potentially
removes the effect of magic-induced fear by
allowing the target a saving throw versus Magic to
attempt to remove the effects. The subject receives a
saving throw bonus of +1 per level of the caster. The
subject automatically succeeds in any morale checks
for a number of Rounds equal to the caster’s level.
- Remove Fear counters and dispels Cause Fear.
The reverse, Cause Fear, will cause a subject who
is touched to run away, hysterical, at full running
movement for a number of Rounds equal to the
caster’s level.
Resist Cold
- Cleric Level 2
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: Touch
- While under the effects of this spell, a character or
monster is unharmed by freezing (non-magical)
cold, and receives a bonus of +2 to all saving throws
versus cold-based magical or breath attacks. In addition,
1 point of damage is subtracted from each dice
of damage dealt by a cold-based attack. Each die will
still inflict a minimum of 1 point of damage.
Resist Fire
- Cleric Level 2
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: Touch
- While under the effects of this spell, a character
or monster is unharmed by intense (non-magical)
heat, and he receives a bonus of +3 to all saving
throws versus heat-based magical or breath attacks.
In addition, 1 point of damage is subtracted from
each die of damage dealt by a heat-based attack.
Each die will still inflict a minimum of 1 point of
Reverse Gravity
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: 1 Round
- Range: 5'/level
- Nature is a Magic-User’s plaything, and this spell
commands the earth to throw away people and
objects standing upon it. This affects a 30' squared
area, causing all unattached objects and creatures
within that area to “fall” upward 20'. If some solid
object (such as a ceiling) is encountered in this fall,
falling objects and creatures strike it in the same
manner as they would during a normal downward
fall. If an object or creature reaches the maximum
height without striking anything, it remains there,
oscillating slightly, until the spell ends. At the end
of the spell duration, affected objects and creatures
fall downward, suffering the usual falling damage
when they hit the ground.
- Cleric Level 3
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: Touch
- This spell allows the Cleric to transfer any desired
number of Hit Points from himself to the target. The
reverse of this spell, Drain Life, allows the caster to
drain 1d6+1 Hit Points from a creature, with a successful
attack roll. The Hit Points are transferred to
the cleric through healing.
- Cleric Level 1
- Duration: 2 Rounds/level
- Range: Touch
- This spell allows the subject to be attacked less often
by foes. Any creature attempting to attack the subject
must first make a saving throw versus Magic,
or else it is not permitted to make an attack. The
attacker does not lose its turn; it can still attack
another target, move, or do anything else it is normally
allowed to do. This restriction applies to area
effect attacks as well, unless there is another target
within that area.
- The spell ends immediately if the subject makes
any violent or offensive action.
Secret Chest
- Magic-User Level 5
- Duration: 60 days
- Range: See Below
- By casting this spell, a Magic-User can hide a chest
in another dimension for as long as sixty days and
can retrieve it at will. The chest can contain up to 1
cubic foot of material per caster level (regardless of
the chest’s actual size, which is about 3' by 2' by 2').
If any living creatures are placed in the chest, there
is a 75% chance that the spell simply fails. Once the
chest is hidden, the caster can retrieve it by concentrating
(a standard action), and it will appear next
to him.
- The chest must be exceptionally well crafted and
expensive. The cost of such a chest is never less than
500 sp. Once it is constructed, the caster must make
a tiny replica (of the same materials and perfect in
every detail), so that the miniature of the chest
appears to be a perfect copy. The caster can have but
one pair of these chests at any given time. The chests
are non-magical and can be fitted with locks, wards,
and so on, just as any normal chest can be.
To hide the chest, the spell is cast while touching
both the chest and the replica. The chest vanishes
into the negative plane. The caster needs the replica
to recall the chest. After sixty days, there is a
cumulative chance of 5% per day that the chest is
irretrievably lost. If the miniature of the chest is lost
or destroyed, there is no way that the large chest can
be summoned back. There is a slim chance (cumulative
1% per week) that a denizen or some other
extra-dimensional being will find the chest. If this
happens, roll on the table below:
Roll | Result |
1–3 | One item is added |
4–9 | One item is stolen |
10–16 | All new contents are present |
17–20 | The chest is empty |
Secret Page
- Magic-User Level 3
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: Touch
- This spell allows the caster to disguise a single page
in a book (or inscriptions on a tombstone, a framed
painting, or any sort of medium analogous to a
“page”) as something else.
- The caster will see still the information as it truly
is, but all others looking upon it will see the illusory
information as determined by the caster.
Seven Gates
- Magic-User Level 4
- Duration: 4d6 Turns
- Range: See Below
- Seven pre-prepared gates (some marker must be
placed at the gate’s intended location) at a distance
of up to five miles from each other are activated,
allowing people to move between them. The first
gate appears in front of the caster. After entering a
gate, roll d8 to determine the exit point; a roll of
8 means the traveler has been temporarily caught
between dimensions and cannot get out for 1d6
Turns. At that point, he gets a saving throw each
additional Turn to emerge successfully at a random
gate—if the spell hasn’t ended by that time, of
- Magic-User Level 6
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 30'
- The caster creates phantasmal pseudo-real monsters
in an area of 20'. The monster or monsters created
cannot exceed the caster’s level in Hit Dice. Monsters
created in this fashion must all be the same
type. They each have 5 hp per the creature’s normal
Hit Dice. Victims are allowed a saving throw versus
Magic to realize that the creatures are only partly
real. The phantasmal monsters are able to attack and
deal damage as per a normal creature of their type
to any being that fails this saving throw. If the saving
throw succeeds, the phantasmal monsters have an
effective AC 15 and only inflict half of their normal
damage .
Shadow Monsters
- Magic-User Level 4
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 30'
- The caster creates phantasmal pseudo-real monsters
in an area 20' square. The monster or monsters created
cannot exceed the caster’s level in Hit Dice.
Monsters created in this fashion must all be the
same type. They have 2 hp per the creature’s normal
Hit Dice. Victims are allowed a saving throw versus
Magic to realize that the creatures are only partly real.
The phantasmal monsters are able to attack and deal
damage as per a normal creature of their type to any
being that fails this saving throw. If the saving throw
succeeds, the phantasmal monsters have an effective
AC 12 and only a quarter of their normal damage.
Shape Change
- Magic-User Level 9
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: 0
- This spell enables the caster to assume the form of
any single non-unique creature (of any type) except
for particularly powerful creatures like demons,
devils, or demi-gods. The caster’s Hit Points remain
the same. The caster gains all of the extraordinary
and supernatural abilities (both attacks and qualities)
of the assumed form, except for any abilities
relying on the knowledge or intelligence of the
monster, because the caster’s mind remains his own.
The caster can change form once each Round for
the duration of the spell.
- Magic-User Level 1
- Duration: 2 Turns
- Range: Touch
- Magic-Users are masters of matter and as such can
command objects racing towards them to stop. The
objects are sometimes impertinent, it is true, but
this spell will protect the caster from many attacks
which would otherwise harm him. Against missile
attacks, the spell grants the caster AC 19, and
an effective AC 17 for all other attacks. Even if an
attack hits, it does one less point of damage than it
otherwise would have.
Silence 15' Radius
- Cleric Level 2
- Duration: 2 Rounds/level
- Range: 120'
- Upon the casting of this spell, complete silence prevails
in a diameter of 30'. All sound is stopped and
conversation is impossible. No noise whatsoever
issues from the area, but noise originating from outside
the silenced area can be heard by those within
it. The spell can be cast on a point in space, but the
effect is stationary unless cast on a mobile object.
The spell can be centered on a creature, and the
effect then radiates from the creature and moves as
it moves. An unwilling creature can attempt a saving
throw versus Magic, and if successful the spell takes
effect in a stationary location near the creature, but
the creature can move out of the affected area.
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: Touch
- Simulacrum creates a pseudo-duplicate of any
creature. The spell is cast over a rough snow or ice
form, and some piece of the creature to be duplicated
(hair, nail, or the like) must be placed inside
the snow or ice. The simulacrum appears to be the
same as the original, but it has only one-half of
the real creature’s Hit Points. The duplicate has a
faulty memory of the original’s life, but will remember
most details 30% of the time. At all times, the
simulacrum remains under the caster’s absolute
command. No special telepathic link exists, so command
must be exercised in some other manner. A
simulacrum has no ability to become more powerful.
It cannot increase its level or abilities. If
reduced to 0 Hit Points or otherwise destroyed, a
simulacrum reverts to snow and melts instantly into
nothingness. A simulacrum will radiate magic with
a Detect Magic spell, and True Seeing will reveal a
simulacrum’s true nature.
- Magic-User Level 1
- Duration: d4 Turns
- Range: 30' + 10'/level
- A Sleep spell causes a magical slumber to come upon
creatures with 4+1 or fewer Hit Dice. The caster
can only affect 1 creature if it has 4+1 or more Hit
Dice, but the spell will otherwise affect creatures
totaling no more than 2d8 Hit Dice. Calculate
monsters with less than 1 Hit Die as having 1 Hit
Die, and monsters with a bonus to their Hit Dice as
having the flat amount. For example, a 3+2 Hit Die
monster would be calculated as having 3 Hit Dice.
Excess Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a
creature are wasted. Creatures with the fewest Hit
Dice are affected first. Slapping or wounding awakens
an affected creature, but normal noise does not.
Sleep does not affect undead, constructs, or other
magical or unnatural creatures (such as Elves).
Speak with Animals
- Magic-User Level 2
- Duration: 2 Rounds/level
- Range: 0
- The caster can comprehend and communicate
with ordinary animals or giant versions of ordinary
animals. The caster can ask questions of, and
receive answers from, one particular kind of animal,
although the spell does not make it any more
friendly or cooperative than normal. The type of
animal is decided when the spell is cast. If an animal
is friendly toward the caster, it may do him some
favor or service.
Speak with Dead
- Magic-User Level 3
- Duration: See Below
- Range: 10'
- This spell rips the spirit of a corpse from the
afterlife and returns it to its body. The habitation
is imperfect, and as such the spirit is only able to
move the body’s lips and tongue, and thus is able
to answer questions.
The corpse’s knowledge is limited to what the
person knew during life, including the languages it
spoke (if any). Answers are often brief, cryptic, or
- People that were decent, honest, innocent, or
at least devout in their religion (not all gods care
about morality), will be anxious to answer questions
and remain on Earth for as long as possible.
They have learned that the afterlife is nothing,
simply a void with no effective consciousness and
no sensation, but for the numbing awareness
of passing time. They know that being
alive, even inside a rotting corpse
for the briefest sliver of
time that leaves them in agony as the decay of their
physical form leaves every nerve transmitting unrelenting
pain, is better than being dead.
Cads, scoundrels, and heretics, on the other
hand, were pleasantly surprised to not find eternal
torture waiting for them in death. Only the vicious
and undeserving find this peace in death, and they
will be furious about this peace being disturbed.
This allows them a saving throw versus Magic to
resist answering questions.
The spell allows a base of three questions. If the
death occurred more than a day ago, one less question
can be asked, and of more than a year, again
one less question can be asked.
This spell does not affect a corpse that has been
turned into an undead creature. The head of the
person to be spoken with (or at least the mouth),
even if it is merely a skull, must be intact and present
for the spell to work.
Speak with Dead only functions on human
Speak with Monsters
- Magic-User Level 6
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 30'
- The caster can comprehend and communicate with
any creature. The caster can ask questions of, and
receive answers from, one particular kind of monster,
although the spell does not make it any more
friendly or cooperative than normal. If a creature is
friendly toward the caster, it may do him some favor
or service.
Speak with Plants
- Magic-User Level 4
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 0
- The caster can communicate with plants, including
both normal plants and plant creatures. The caster
is able to ask questions of and receive answers from
plants, and can ask plants to move in such a way to
clear a path that is otherwise impassable or covered
in difficult growth. The spell does not make plant
creatures any more friendly or cooperative than
normal. If a plant creature is friendly toward the
caster, it may do him some favor or service.
Spell Immunity
- Cleric Level 4
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: Touch
- The caster can use this spell to grant resistance
to all spells and spell-like abilities, improving his
chance to make saves versus Magic. Spells that
Charm, Command, Cause Fear, and similar effects
are granted a saving throw bonus of +8. Extremely
powerful compulsive spells such as Geas are granted
a bonus to a saving throw of +5. All other spells are
granted a +3 saving throw bonus. The caster can
affect 1 creature for the spell's duration, per level, or
multiple creatures with the duration divided among
Spell Turning
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 0
- Spells and spell-like effects targeted on the caster
are turned back upon the original caster. The spell
turns only effects that have the caster as a singular
target. Area effect spells are not affected. Spell Turning
also fails to stop touch range spells.
When a spell is turned, the original caster
receives a saving throw if the spell normally calls
for one.
Spider Climb
- Magic-User Level 1
- Duration: 1 Round + 1 Round/level
- Range: Touch
- The subject can climb and travel on vertical surfaces
or even traverse ceilings as a spider does. The
affected creature must have its hands and feet free
to climb in this manner. Any objects weighing less
than 5 pounds cling to the spell recipient’s hands
and feet. This spell can be used on another being
(touch required) with no saving throw.
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: 6 Turns/level
- Range: Touch
- A Statue spell turns the caster or a subject to solid
stone, along with any garments and equipment
worn or carried. The subject can see, hear, and smell
normally, but it does not need to eat or breathe.
Feeling is limited to those sensations that can affect
the granite-hard substance of the individual’s body.
Chipping is equal to a mere scratch, but breaking off
one of the statue’s arms constitutes serious damage.
The subject of a Statue spell can return to its normal
state, act, and then return instantly to the statue
state if it so desires, as long as the spell duration is
in effect.
Stinking Cloud
- Magic-User Level 2
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 30'
- Stinking Cloud creates a 20' cubed bank of fog
centered anywhere within range, making living
creatures within it helpless with nausea. This condition
lasts as long as a creature is in the cloud and for
1d4+1 Rounds after it leaves. Any creature that succeeds
in a saving throw versus Poison when leaving
the fog is not affected for the additional Rounds.
Stone Shape
- Magic-User Level 5
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: Touch
- This spell can form an existing piece of stone into
any shape that suits the caster’s purpose, to a total
volume of 1' cubed per level. While it is possible to
make crude coffers, doors, and so forth with stone
shape, fine detail is not possible.
Stone to Flesh*
- Magic-User Level 6
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 120'
- This spell returns a petrified creature to its normal
state, restoring both life and goods. Any petrified
creature, regardless of size, can be restored.
Flesh to Stone (the reverse of Stone to Flesh) turns
one creature into a statue, including all gear and any
items currently held. A saving
throw versus Paralyzation
is permitted to resist the
Strange Waters II
- Magic-User Level 3
- Duration: See Below
- Range: 10'
- This spell creates a small sphere of water, filled with
twenty small fish, in the air which immediately
crashes to the ground. The fish immediately begin
suffocating, and will all die in one Turn. If a fish is
eaten before it dies, it delivers a magical effect to
the one eating it. The following table shows what
effect each fish delivers. Each fish from the sphere is
identical to the others in all respects, except for its
magical effect; there is no way to know what effect
each fish delivers without eating one.
- 1. Poisonous: Save versus Poison or die.
- 2. Flight: Gives the power of flight, as per the Fly spell, for 1d6 Turns.
- 3. Diminution: The consumer shrinks to one inch tall for 2d6 Turns.
- 4. Climbing: Gives the power of the Spider Climb spell for d6 Turns.
- 5. Gaseous Form: Turns the consumer into a gas, as per the Gaseous Form spell, for 1d6 Turns.
- 6. Strength: The consumer gains a +3 Strength modifier for 1d6 Turns.
- 7. Fire Breath: The consumer is able to deliver one breath of fire for 2d6 damage. This attack automatically hits with no saving throw.
- 8. Time Stop: The consumer is able to take 1d4+1 Rounds worth of actions before anyone else can act.
- 9. Dexterity: The consumer gains a +3 Dexterity modifier for 1d6 Turns.
- 10. Haste: The consumer gains speed as per the Haste spell for 1d4 Turns.
- 11. Invulnerability: The consumer becomes completely immune to non-magical weapons for 1d4 Turns.
- 12. Levitation: The consumer gains the ability to Levitate as per the spell for 1d4 Turns.
- 13. Enspelled: The consumer is able to cast one random 1st level Magic-User spell once and once only. Clerics are instead poisoned and must save versus Poison or die.
- 14. Mirror Image: The consumer gains 1d6 mirror images for 1d4 Turns as per the Mirror Image spell.
- 15. Invisibility: The consumer becomes invisible, as per the spell, for 1d6 Turns.
- 16. Begone: The consumer is teleported d6 × 1d100% feet in a random direction. The character will appear in the open area closest to the target area.
- 17. Energy Blast: The consumer releases a pulse of energy which inflicts 1d8 damage to all within 20', save versus Breath Weapon for half damage.
- 18. Blinding Flash: All within 30' must save versus Paralyzation or be blinded for 3d10 Turns as the consumer's skin releases a flash of light.
- 19. Poison Kiss: The consumer’s lips are filled with a poisonous liquid, and the consumer must kiss another living being to deliver the poison within one Turn or suffer the poison himself. The poisoned character must save versus Poison or die.
- 20. Giant Strength: The consumer receives a +6 Strength modifier, and does +3 damage in mêlée combat, for 1d4 Turns.
- Although a character can eat more than one fish at a
time, the magical effects granted are not guaranteed
to work in tandem or altogether. When a character
eats more than one fish, roll on the table above to
see what the magical effect is for each one, and then
roll on the following table to determine the result of
the magical fish mélange:
- 1. The two fish cancel each other out; neither is effective.
- 2. No issue; both fish take normal effect.
- 3. One fish overpowers the other; only one effect occurs (50% chance for each).
- 4. One fish has half duration, the other has halfagain duration (determine which is which randomly).
- 5. Poison! Death! No save!
- 6. Only one of the fish works, but for 10 times the listed duration.
- 7. Both fish take effect, but the consumer is struck blind for 1d6 hours.
- 8. Both work, but the consumer is drugged (–2 Strength and Dexterity modifiers, –3 Intelligence and Wisdom modifiers).
- Magic-User Level 3
- Duration: Permanent until Triggered
- Range: 30'
- The Magic-User is an expert in tricking the nether
forces into revealing its secrets, and thus magic
use was born. Fooling common humans is nothing
compared to this. Suggestion is one of the few
spells that is cast surreptitiously during an ongoing
conversation, and only Magic-Users and Elves will
recognize what is happening. After the spell is cast,
and if the victim fails a saving throw versus Magic,
the caster can implant a suggestion in the mind of
one listener. This suggestion will lie buried in the
victim's mind until a trigger event, set by the caster,
occurs. Then the victim will carry out the suggested
action. A more subtle suggestion not having to do
with specific actions (for example, suggesting that a
certain person or group is evil or undesirable) will
instead affect the victim's attitudes, but after every
time that the victim behaves in a manner contrary
to his regular nature he receives an additional
saving throw versus Magic to shake off the effects
of the spell.
- The Suggestion itself must be worded in a reasonable
manner (even if the end result is not
reasonable) and not immediately suicidal. "You
should stick this dagger in your chest," is not a valid
Suggestion, but "You know you can fly and want to
do so right now from the roof," might be, as would,
"People label bottles as poison in order to hide their
sweet, delicious wine," depending on the delivery.
A victim of a Suggestion does not detect as cursed
or magical. The enchantment is spent as the spell
is cast; the effects are simply stored in the victim’s
Suggestion, Mass
- Magic-User Level 6
- Duration: Permanent until Triggered
- Range: 10'/level
- As a Magic-User becomes more comfortable (never
completely comfortable, just more than before) in
manipulating the forces of magic, he also becomes
more proficient in warping the hearts and minds of
those around him. Mass Suggestion is one of the few
spells that is cast surreptitiously, during an ongoing
conversation, and only Magic-Users and Elves
will recognize what is happening. After the spell is
cast, and if the victim(s) fails a saving throw versus
Magic, the caster can implant a single suggestion in
the mind of one listener per caster level. If there is
only one victim, he saves at a -2 penalty. This Suggestion
will lie buried in the victim's mind until a trigger
event, set by the caster, occurs. Then the victim will
carry out the suggested action. A more subtle suggestion
not having to do with specific actions (for
example, suggesting that a certain person or group
is evil or undesirable) will instead affect the victims’
attitudes, but after every time that a victim
behaves in a manner contrary to his regular nature
he receives an additional saving throw to shake off
the effects of the spell.
- The Suggestion itself must be worded in a
reasonable manner (even if the end result is not reasonable)
and consistent with the victim’s attitudes.
“You will ignore these escapees here,” is not a valid
Suggestion, but “These are not the escapees you are
looking for,” would be.
- The victims of a Mass Suggestion do not detect
as cursed or magical. The enchantment is spent as
the spell is cast; the effects are simply stored in the
victims’ thoughts.
- Magic-User Level 8
- Duration: Permanent until Triggered
- Range: Touch
- This spell allows the caster to scribe a potent rune
of power upon a surface. There are eight different
Symbols, each with a different effect. Symbols are
triggered by being read, touched, or if a creature
passes through a door with a Symbol inscribed on
it. The only way a Symbol can be identified is by
reading it, which triggers the effects. The kinds of
Symbols the caster can inscribe are detailed below.
Symbol of Conflict
When triggered, all creatures within 60' will argue
for 5d4 Rounds. Any beings of differing alignment
may (50% chance) fight for 2d4 Rounds.
Symbol of Death
When triggered, a Symbol of Death slays one or
more creatures within 60' whose total Hit Points
do not exceed 80.
Symbol of Despair
Any beings within 60' must succeed in a saving
throw versus Magic, or leave the area in hopelessness.
This feeling lasts for 3d4 Turns, during
which time the affected creatures will cower, surrender,
and otherwise lack enthusiasm. Only 75%
of affected creatures will act in a given Round, the
remaining creatures will either leave the area or
hang around doing nothing.
Symbol of Fear
All creatures within 60' must succeed in a saving
throw versus Magic with a penalty of –4 or suffer
from the effects of a Fear spell (the reverse of
Remove Fear).
Symbol of Insanity
When triggered, a Symbol of Insanity causes all
creatures within 60' whose total Hit Points do not
exceed 120 to become permanently insane (as the
confusion spell). This effect can be negated with the
spells Heal or Wish.
Symbol of Pain
Each creature within 60' suffers wracking pains that
impose a –4 penalty on attack rolls and –2 to Dexterity.
These effects last for 2d10 Turns.
Symbol of Sleep
All creatures within 60' of 8 Hit Dice or less fall
into a catatonic slumber for 1d12+4 Turns. Unlike
with the Sleep spell, sleeping creatures cannot be
awakened by non-magical means before this time
Symbol of Stunning
When triggered, a Symbol of Stunning causes all
creatures within 60' whose total Hit Points do not
exceed 160 to become stunned and unable to act for
3d4 Rounds. Any held items will be dropped.
- Magic-User Level 5
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 120'
- By concentrating on nothing else and taking no
other actions, the caster can move objects or
creatures by concentrating on them. A total of
20 pounds per caster level can be moved 20' per
Round. Living beings can also be moved, but they
are allowed a saving throw versus Magic to resist
being moved by the spell.
- Magic-User Level 5
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: Touch
- This spell fixes the caster in one absolutely point in
space, and moves creation so that the caster appears
to instantly travel an incredible distance. The caster
chooses where he wishes to go, which can be as
distant as 100 miles per caster level. The caster can
bring along objects or creatures, not to exceed 300
pounds plus 100 pounds per level above 10th. The
caster must be in contact with all objects and/or
creatures to be transported (although creatures to
be transported can be in contact with one another,
with at least one of those creatures in contact with
the caster). Unwilling creatures are allowed a saving
throw versus Magic to resist, and the caster may
need to make an attack roll to make contact with
such a creature. Likewise, a creature’s save versus
Magic prevents items in its possession from being
- To see how well the teleportation works, after
casting the spell, the player must roll 1d100 and
consult the Teleport table. Refer to the following
information for definitions of the terms on the
- ¶¶ Familiarity: “Very familiar” is a place where the
caster has been very often and feels at home.
“Studied carefully” is a place that the caster
knows well, either because it can currently be
seen, the caster has been there often, or other
means (such as scrying) have been used to study
the place extensively. “Seen casually” is a place
that the caster has seen more than once, but with
which he is not very familiar. “Viewed once” is
a place that the caster has seen but only the one
- ¶¶ “False destination” is a place that does not truly
exist, or if the caster is teleporting to an otherwise
familiar location that no longer exists or
has been so completely altered as to no longer be
familiar. When rolling on the “False destination”
row, use 1d20+80.
- ¶¶ On Target: The caster appears exactly where
- ¶¶ Off Target: The caster arrives safely a random
distance away from the destination in a random
direction. Distance off target is 1d10x1d10% of
the distance that was to be traveled. The direction
off target is determined randomly.
- ¶¶ Similar Area: The caster winds up in an area that
is visually or thematically similar to the target
area. This means that the caster appears in the
closest similar place within range. If no such area
exists within the spell’s range, the spell simply
fails instead.
- ¶¶ Mishap: The caster and anyone else teleporting
with the caster have gotten “scrambled.” Each
takes 1d10 points of damage; then rerolls on the
chart to see where they wind up. For these rerolls,
roll 1d20+80. Each time “Mishap” appears, the
characters take more damage and must reroll.
Familiarity |
On Target |
Off Target |
Similar Area |
Mishap |
Very Familiar |
1-97 |
98-99 |
100 |
- |
Studied Carefully |
1-94 |
95-97 |
98-99 |
100 |
Seen Casually |
1-88 |
89-94 |
95-96 |
97-100 |
Viewed Once |
1-76 |
77-78 |
89-90 |
91-100 |
False Destination |
- |
- |
81-92 |
93-100 |
Temporal Stasis
- Magic-User Level 9
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: Touch
- The subject is placed into a state of suspended animation.
For the character so afflicted, time ceases
to flow. The character does not grow older, and his
body functions virtually cease. This state persists
until the magic is removed (such as with Dispel
Magic spell). No saving throw is permitted.
Time Stop
- Magic-User Level 9
- Duration: See Below
- Range: 0
- This spell brings all of creation (and anti-creation)
to a complete halt, while allowing the caster the
freedom to act in this inert universe. Because existence
wants to be active, this spell cannot last long.
The caster can take 1d4+2 Rounds worth of actions
(the exact amount rolled by the Referee in secret)
instantly, as the caster acts within the folds of adjacent
- Cleric Level 6
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 0
- This spell allows the Cleric to communicate with one
specific being. This does not give the Cleric the ability
to speak different languages, nor does it give the
other being the ability to speak any specific language,
but the Cleric and this being will understand each
other. If for some reason the target of the spell does
not wish this communication, it is allowed a saving
throw versus Magic to avoid the spell’s effect.
The reverse of this spell, Babble, curses one victim
to never again understand or be understood by his
fellow beings. The Cleric must touch the victim,
who receives a saving throw versus Magic to avoid
the spell’s effect.
Transmute Rock to Mud*
- Magic-User Level 5
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 120'
- This spell turns 3,000 square feet of rock 10' deep into
mud for 3d6 days. Any beings passing through the
mud have their movement reduced by 90%. Transmute
Mud to Rock (the reverse of Transmute Rock to
Mud) changes an equal volume of mud described
above into rock. This alteration is permanent unless
the reverse spell is cast on the altered mud or rock.
Trap the Soul
- Magic-User Level 8
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 10'
- Trap the Soul forces a creature’s life force (and material
body) into a gem. The gem holds the trapped
entity indefinitely or until the gem is broken and
the life force is released, allowing the material body
to reform. Before the actual casting of Trap the Soul,
the caster must procure a gem of at least 1,000 sp
value for every Hit Die possessed by the creature
to be trapped. The spell can be triggered in one of
two ways.
- ¶¶ Spell Completion: First, the spell can be completed
by speaking its final word as a standard
action as if one were casting a regular spell at the
subject. This allows the victim a saving throw
versus Magic to avoid the effect. If the save is
successful, the gem shatters.
- ¶¶ Trigger Object: The second method is far more
insidious, for it tricks the subject into accepting a
trigger object inscribed with the final spell word,
automatically placing the creature’s soul in the
trap. To use this method, both the creature’s name
and the trigger word must be inscribed on the trigger
object when the gem is enchanted. A sympathy
spell can also be placed on the trigger object. As
soon as the subject picks up or accepts the trigger
object, his life force is automatically transferred to
the gem without the benefit of a saving throw.
True Seeing*
- Cleric Level 5
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: Touch
- The caster confers on a subject the ability to ignore
all of the lies told to us by our natural eyes and to
see all things as they actually are. The subject sees
through normal and magical darkness, notices
secret doors, sees invisible creatures or objects normally,
sees through illusions, and sees the true form
of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things.
False Seeing, (the reverse of True Seeing), makes
objects, characters, and monsters appear as their
“opposite.” The ugly appears beautiful, the valuable
appears worthless, and so on.
Turn Undead
- Cleric Level 1
- Duration: 1d4+2 Turns
- Range: 120'
- One true measure of divine power is the command
over life and death. In particular, power over
the walking dead. They are abominations, a crime
against creation. One of a Cleric’s first duties is to
ensure that the dead shall dead remain. And so they
have the power to first ward against, and later outright
destroy, these creations.
When the spell is cast, the Cleric’s player rolls
2d6. The Referee will then reference the result on
the Turn Undead table on the previous page.
If the roll is less than the listed number, then the
undead are seemingly unaffected (but see below).
- If the roll is greater than, or equal to, the listed
number, then undead totaling no more than 1d6 +
the level of the casting Cleric in Hit Dice, will flee
to the best of their ability for the duration of the
spell. Surplus Hit Dice are lost (so if the Cleric is
turning four creatures of two Hit Dice each, and the
roll is a 7, then only three are turned). If there are
undead of multiple Hit Dice values, only one roll is
made, and the roll is applied to all types. Lower Hit
Dice undead are always turned before greater Hit
Dice undead.
- ¶¶ A “T” signifies that no roll is necessary; the
undead are automatically turned.
- ¶¶ A “D” signifies that the power of the Cleric is so
great that the undead are instantly destroyed,
rather than turned. Alternately, a Cleric can
instead choose to command the undead, and in
this case they become the Cleric’s loyal slaves
until destroyed. Note that intelligent undead
creatures are allowed a saving throw versus Magic
to avoid a “D” result; if successful, the creature is
simply turned.
- ¶¶ A “–” signifies that a Cleric of that level cannot
turn an undead creature of that many Hit Dice.
- ¶¶ An asterisk denotes that twice the usual number
of undead are turned.
- If the turning was successful and there are still
unturned undead remaining, the Cleric can roll to
turn additional undead every Round until he fails a
turning roll or the spell ends.
- Regardless of the result, as long as the Cleric
is concentrating (neither movement nor fighting
nor other spellcasting allowed) and holding his
holy symbol before him, undead creatures cannot
approach within ten feet of him, and if already
within that distance, will back away.
- Attacking or approaching a turned undead creature
will negate the effects of the spell and allow the
creature to act freely.
- Magic-User Level 1
- Duration: 6 Turns +1 Turn/level
- Range: 0
- An Unseen Servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless
force that performs simple tasks at the caster’s
command. It can run and fetch things, open unstuck
doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend.
It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and
the like. It can lift 20 pounds or drag 40 pounds.
The Servant cannot attack in any way, and it cannot
be killed because it is a magical force, not a living
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: Touch
- By casting this spell, a Magic-User can teleport an
object as per the spell Teleport, or even banish the
object to the spirit plane, in which case the object is
replaced in the material plane with small stone that
matches the object’s shape. A total of 50 pounds
per level, not to exceed a volume of 3' cubed per
level, can be caused to vanish in this manner. If
the spell Dispel Magic is cast upon the stone item
that replaced the object of the Vanish spell, it might
bring back the original item.
- Magic-User Level 6
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: 10'/level
- The caster instantly changes the appearance of a
20' square area, including creatures in it if desired.
The illusion is maintained for the spell’s duration.
The caster can make the subjects appear to appear
as anything he that he wants them to. They look,
feel, and smell just like the creatures the spell makes
them resemble, or the area looks, feels and smells
like a different area as desired. Affected creatures
resume their normal appearances if slain. This spell
can also be used to mimic the effects of Hallucinatory
Terrain, but the illusion does hold up even
under physical inspection. The spell True Seeing or
similar magical effects will reveal the illusion for
what it is.
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: 0
- This spell calls upon the greater Powers of the universe
to impart knowledge unto the caster. The
caster must have a specific question in mind when
casting, and if the spell is successful, the caster falls
into a hallucinogenic daze as the information floods
his mind.
- To determine the results of the spell, roll on the
table. Bonuses to the roll are given for the sacrifice
of valuable items (+1 per 1,000 sp value of a single
item) and the sacrifice of intelligent beings (+1 per
level or Hit Dice of the sacrifice; does not have to
be a single being). A roll of 1 can never be adjusted
to greater than 2.
Roll | Result |
1 | The request offends the Power, and the Magic-User is disintegrated |
2 | Failure: caster is affected by a Geas to do the bidding of the Power consulted |
3–5 | No information gained |
6–10 | Ambiguous: only partial information or periphery information is imparted |
11–20 | Success: the vision is accurate and detailed |
- Magic-User Level 4
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 80' or 0
- This spell calls up a blazing inferno of flame in the
shape of a wall. One side of the conflagration emits
the searing heat that one would expect, but the
other side merely emits a gentle warmth. Passing
through the flames inflicts 2d6 damage. Creatures
as far as ten feet from the hot side of the wall suffer
1d6 points of damage. Undead creatures suffer
worse, taking twice the ordinary damage that the
wall would inflict. The wall persists for as long
as the caster concentrates upon it, or, if concentration
is not maintained, will remain for 1 Round
per caster level. The caster can evoke a wall of fire
in one of two shapes, a wall or a ring. The size of a
straight wall is up to 20' square per caster level. A
ring has a radius of up to five feet per caster level
(with the caster in the center) and is 20' high. If
the caster manifests the spell as a wall, the effect
is stationary. The ring-shaped wall moves with the
Wall of Fog
- Magic-User Level 2
- Duration: 5 Rounds +1 Round/level
- Range: 30'
- The caster of this spell creates an opaque, fog-like
vapor in a 20' cube area per caster level. All beings
caught within the vapor cannot see beyond 2'.
Strong winds of natural or magical origin can dissipate
the Wall of Fog before its duration has expired.
Wall of Force
- Magic-User Level 5
- Duration: 1 Turn
- Range: 30'
- This spell creates an airtight invisible wall of able to
resist most attacks. The wall cannot move after the
spell is cast, and it is immune to damage of all kinds,
including most spells. Even Dispel Magic will not
bring the wall down, but Disintegrate immediately
destroys it. Breath weapons, spells, mêlée and missile
attacks, electrical attacks, and thermal attacks
cannot pass through the wall in either direction,
and of course physical movement is likewise curtailed.
The caster can form the wall into any shape
which has an area up to one 20' square per level of
the caster.
Wall of Ice
- Magic-User Level 4
- Duration: 12 Turns
- Range: 120'
- An immobile, translucent, wall of ice springs into
existence for the duration of the spell. The wall can
be as large as 1,200 square feet, and can be shaped
in any manner and to any dimensions the caster
desires, so that it can be a straight wall or curved
into a protective circle. This wall of ice is impenetrable
to monsters with less than 4 Hit Dice. Monsters
with more than 4 Hit Dice suffer 1d6 points of
damage when they break through the wall. The wall
deals double damage to creatures that use fire or are
accustomed to hot conditions. The wall cannot be
evoked so that it appears where objects are, and it
must rest on a solid surface.
Wall of Iron
- Magic-User Level 5
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 120'
- With this spell the caster can cause a flat, vertical
iron wall to spring into being. The wall inserts itself
into any surrounding nonliving material if its area
is sufficient to do so. The wall cannot be conjured
so that it occupies the same space as a creature or
another object. It must always be a flat plane. If not
supported, the wall has a 50% chance of falling in
either direction, smashing any creatures under it. A
wall of iron is ¼" thick per caster level. Total area
can be 15' square per caster level, and the area can
be doubled if the thickness is halved. Like any iron
wall, this wall is subject to rust, perforation, and
other natural phenomena.
Wall of Stone
- Magic-User Level 5
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 120'
- The caster brings a stone wall into being that can be
any form that the caster desires, to a maximum of
1,000 cubic feet. This wall is permanent unless otherwise
destroyed or a Dispel Magic spell is cast upon
it. The wall cannot be evoked so that it occupies the
same space as a creature or another object, and it
must rest on a solid surface.
Water Breathing*
- Magic-User Level 3
- Duration: 6 Turns/level
- Range: Touch
- The subject of this spell grows gills in his neck, his
skin takes on a scaly texture, and he gains the ability
breathe water freely for the duration of the spell.
Creatures under the influence of the spell are not
granted any additional proficiency at swimming. Air
Breathing (the reverse of Water Breathing) allows
sea creatures to breathe air, but unless they already
possess a means to move around on land, it does not
grant them the ability to do so.
Water Walk
- Cleric Level 3
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: Touch
- The subject of this spell is granted divine favor,
allowing him to walk on water, or any kind of liquid,
as if it were dry land. However, liquid is similarly
impenetrable to the subject as normal ground, so
it would be impossible to reach into a pool of water
to grab anything, for example. If the liquid is dangerous
(lava, acid), the subject is still subject to
negative effects of the substance. The subject can
end the spell at any time.
- Magic-User Level 2
- Duration: 2 Turns/level
- Range: 5'/level
- This spell causes a large volume of sticky, disgusting
strands of goo to shoot forth from the caster’s
mouth into an area approximately 20 feet square.
Creatures caught within the web become entangled
among the gluey fibers. Entangled creatures cannot
move, but can break loose depending on their
Strength. Any being with Strength in a human range
can break free of the webs in 2d4 Turns. Creatures
of higher Strength or magically augmented Strength
above 18 can break free in 4 Rounds. Creatures
larger than ogre size can rip through the web at will.
The strands of a Web spell are flammable. All creatures
within flaming webs take 1d6 points of fire
damage from the flames for 2 Rounds. After this
time, all surviving creatures are free of the webs.
Weird Vortex
- Magic-User 6
- Duration: See Below
- Range: 120'
- As this spell is cast, a great storm of light whips
around the target and produces a random effect.
Roll a 1d20 and consult the following table:
- 1. A 30' radius fog appears around the target for
1d4+2 Rounds. All plant material within the
fog dies instantly, and all living beings within
it take 1d4 damage per Round.
- 2. The lightstorm electrifies, frying the target for
1d6 damage per caster level. Everyone within
20' is also struck by lightning bolts for half the
number of dice of damage as the main target.
All victims suffer half damage if they make a
saving throw versus Breath Weapon.
- 3. The target ages 2d20 years, save versus Magic
for half effect.
- 4. The target's mind is melded with the mind of
a Magic-User level 1d10+4, with a full load of
(randomly determined) spells. The target can
cast any of these spells, but cannot re-memorize
them; when they are gone, they are gone.
- 5. The target begins dancing uncontrollably for
2d6 Rounds, during which time he can take no
other action but the dancing. The target will
automatically fail any saving throws during this
- 6. A duplicate of the target appears, with the
same current Hit Points (and spells, if any)
and equipment and will fight the target to the
- 7. The subject becomes immaterial, invisible, and
silent to all but the caster. Forever. Or until dispelled.
- 8. A duplicate of the target appears, with the
same current Hit Points (and spells, if any) and
equipment. The duplicate will be of the same
mind and attitudes as the original, and a fast
and firm ally.
- 9. The target is infected with a Poverty Curse.
He must divest himself of all wealth (including
luxury or magical items) within 6 Turns or
die. If he ever comes in contact with any of his
discarded wealth, he will die instantly.
- 10. A fleshy umbilical cord forms attaching the
caster and target. Their Hit Points are then
added together to form a common pool; when
one dies so does the other. Only a Remove
Curse can dissolve the cord and give each character
their proper individuality back.
- 11. The target develops explosive blood. When
struck in mêlée, the target's attackers suffer 1d4
damage for every point of damage they inflict.
This lasts until the target has suffered in total
the same amount of Hit Points as he had when
this spell was cast on him.
- 12. The target gains 2d100 temporary Hit Points,
but will never succeed at a saving throw until
the temporary Hit Points are lost.
- 13. The target becomes hyper-evolved, suffering a
–2 penalty to his Constitution, Dexterity, and
Strength modifiers, and gains a +4 adjustment
to his Intelligence modifier and a +2 bonus to
his Wisdom modifier.
- 14. The target de-evolves, suffering a –2 penalty
to his Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom
modifiers, and gains a +3 adjustment to his
Constitution modifier, a +1 bonus to his Dexterity
modifier, and a +2 bonus to his Strength
- 15. Food becomes poisonous to the target; only
by consuming 10 gold pieces every day can he
sustain himself.
- 16. Two vials appear, one red, one blue, halfway
between the caster and target. If both the caster
and target toast, one dies (no save), the other
gains a level. Which character gets which result
is entirely random.
- 17. The caster comes under the total mental domination
of the target.
18. The target's skin becomes as hard as stone. He
gains AC 22 and 3d6 extra Hit Points. When
the extra Hit Points are used up (these extra
Hit Points, as all other “extra” Hit Points, cannot
be healed), the stone covering falls off.
- 19. A 10 Hit Dice extra-dimensional creature materializes
between the caster and target. It will
serve as a staunch to one of them and an enemy
to the other, 50%/50% chance for each.
- 20. A 10 Hit Dice extra-dimensional creature materializes
between the caster and the target. It
is in fact an illusion, as per Phantasmal Supergoria,
but not under anyone’s control, and nobody
realizes initially that it is but an illusion.
It is on one side or the other, 50%/50% chance
for each.
Witchlamp Aura
- Magic-User Level 7
- Duration: 1 Round/level
- Range: 0
- When the Aura is in effect, any magic cast upon or
including the caster in its area of effect is affected in
the following ways:
Aimed spells targeted at the caster (like Magic
Missile) will be deflected. Roll 1d6; on 1–2, the
magic is reflected back at the offending caster. Otherwise,
it is deflected at a random target.
Magical attacks delivered by touch are always
reflected back on the attacker.
- Area effect magic is altered as follows (roll 1d10):
Roll | Effect |
1–2 | Area of effect is doubled and damage is halved (if applicable) |
3–4 | Target point of the spell can be redetermined by the protected Magic-User |
5 | Complete nullification of the incoming spell |
6 | The incoming spell is unaffected |
7–8 | Spell is randomly targeted |
9–10 | Area of effect is halved and damage is doubled (if applicable) |
Wizard Eye
- Magic-User Level 4
- Duration: 1 Turn/level
- Range: 0
- The caster creates
an invisible magical sensor that sends visual information,
and can see with 60' dark vision. The arcane eye travels up
to 120' each Turn. The eye can travel in any
direction as long as the spell lasts. Solid
barriers block its passage, but it can pass
through a hole or space as small as 1 inch
in diameter.
Wizard Lock
- Magic-User Level 2
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: Touch
- Some doors are never meant to be opened.
This spell magically holds shut a door, gate,
window, or shutter of wood, metal, or stone.
The magic affects the portal just as if it were
securely closed and normally locked. A
Knock spell or Dispel Magic spell can negate
a Wizard Lock spell, but the Wizard Lock
will take effect when a portal opened with a
Knock is closed again.
Word of Recall
- Cleric Level 6
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Range: 0
- The casting of this spell summons the very
essence of his deity to protect him, and this
divine force removes the caster from his
current location and delivers him instantly to his
sanctuary. The caster must designate the sanctuary
when preparing the spell, and it must
be a very familiar place. Any distance can be
traveled with no chance of error. In addition to
himself, the caster can transport an additional
25 pounds per level of experience.