Roll 3d6 for each ability score (Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom) and place them in whichever order you choose on the character sheet. Afterwords you may swap two of the stats around.
Each ability score has a Modifier which is associated with it:
Ability Score | Modifier |
3 | -3 |
4-5 | -2 |
6-8 | -1 |
9-12 | 0 |
13-15 | +1 |
16-17 | +2 |
18 | +3 |
If the total modifiers for the character is less than 0 you may reroll the stats.
Charisma is the measure of a character’s aptitude for leadership and the respect that others bestow on the character’s authority. It is not a measure of the appeal of a character’s personality (the player must portray the character’s personality) nor a measure of the character’s beauty. Charisma modifiers affect both the character’s ability to hire retainers and the loyalty of those retainers.
CHA | Reaction Adjustment | Max # of Retainers | Retainer Morale |
3 | -2 | 1 | 4 |
4-5 | -1 | 2 | 5 |
6-8 | -1 | 3 | 6 |
9-12 | None | 4 | 7 |
13-15 | +1 | 5 | 8 |
16-17 | +1 | 6 | 9 |
18 | +2 | 7 | 10 |
Constitution is the measure of a character’s health, vitality, and toughness. Constitution modifiers affect a character’s Hit Points and fitness for certain physical activities such as traveling long distances.
Dexterity is the measure of a character’s agility and reflexes. Dexterity modifiers affect a character’s Armor Class, ability to hit with ranged weapons, and ability to act first in combat.
Intelligence is the measure of a character’s knowledge prior to the start of play. Intelligence does not measure a character’s memory or ability to solve puzzles; it is the player’s wits that must be used in these situations. Intelligence modifiers affect the character’s ability to learn languages, and for Magic-Users it affects the time (and thus expense) required to research spells and create magic items, as well as influencing the saving throws of those subject to the Magic-User’s spells.
Strength is a measure of a character’s raw power. Strength modifiers affect a character’s ability to hit in mêlée combat, open stuck doors, or succeed in unarmed combat.
Wisdom is the measure of a character’s connection to the greater universe, and the strength of the character’s spirit. Wisdom does not affect the character’s ability to make good decisions or judge situations or characters; it is the player’s own judgment which must be used in these situations. Wisdom modifiers affect the character’s non-spell related saving throw rolls, and for Clerics it affects the time (and thus expense) required to research spells and create holy items, as well as influencing the saving throws of those subject to the Cleric’s spells.
Every Player Character must choose a class. Most people encountered in the game world will have no character class at all, and are known as zero or ‘0’ level characters. A character’s class cannot be changed once play begins.
The Core classes include the following, any class not on this list of for a specific type of campaign or allowed at referee discretion
Each character will start with the maximum HP for their class:
Class | Minimum Starting HP |
The Alice | 3 |
Cleric | 4 |
Crab-men | 6 |
Dwarf | 6 |
Elf | 4 |
Fighter | 8 |
Amazon | 8 |
Halfling | 4 |
Magic-user | 3 |
Elementalist | 3 |
Necromancer | 3 |
Vivimancer | 3 |
Witch | 3 |
Paladin | 5 |
Psionicist | 3 |
Specialist | 4 |
Upon reaching level 2 and all subsequent levels player's will roll their characters HD and add the con bonus to determine HP
In combat, the attacking character makes a d20 roll, and if the roll (after all modifiers are applied) is equal to or greater than the target’s Armor Class, the attack is a success. A natural 20 is always a hit (unless the enemy is only vulnerable to special weapon types which the attacker does not possess, but this is a rare situation), and a natural 1 is always a miss.
Many characters, including all Player Characters, get an Attack Bonus which they add to their to-hit roll. As the following chart shows, most classes get a +1 Attack Bonus. The Fighter (and only the Fighter) gets an Attack Bonus of +2 at first level. Both the Fighter and Crab-men and gain an additional +1 every time a level is gained.
Fighter | Crab-men | All Others | Attack Bonus |
- | Level 1 | Level 1+ | +1 |
Level 1 | Level 2 | - | +2 |
Level 2 | Level 3 | - | +3 |
Level 3 | Level 4 | - | +4 |
Level 4 | Level 5 | - | +5 |
Level 5 | Level 6 | - | +6 |
Level 6 | Level 7 | - | +7 |
Level 7 | Level 8 | - | +8 |
Level 8 | Level 9 | - | +9 |
Level 9+ | Level 10+ | - | +10 |
Saving throw charts for Player Characters of all classes and levels are found within the individual class descriptions. The Referee will inform the player when a saving throw needs to be made, and what category of save it is. The number on the chart is the number that needs to be rolled (after all modifiers are applied), or higher, to successfully save. A natural 20 is always a successful save, and a natural 1 is always a failed save.
These saving throws cover all possible save situations. When there is a doubt as to which save category to use, start at the left column on the Saving Throw chart and move to the right, using the first category which matches the particular effect.
Alignment is a character’s orientation on a cosmic scale. It has nothing to do with a character’s allegiances, personality, morality, or actions. Alignments will mostly be used to determine how a character is affected by certain magical elements in the game. The three alignments are Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic.
The universe has an ultimate, irrefutable truth, and a flawless, unchanging plan towards which all events inevitably march. As time moves on, all distraction and resistance to this plan falters until everything is in its perfect state forevermore, without alteration or the possibility of possibilities. Those who are Lawful in alignment are part of an inevitable destiny, but have no knowledge of what that destiny is and what their role will be in fulfilling it. So they are forever looking for signs and omens to show them their proper way.
The howling maelstrom beyond the veil of shadows and existence is the source of all magic. It bends and tears the fabric of the universe; it destroys all that seeks to be permanent. It allows great miracles as reality alters at the whim of those that can call the eldritch forces, and it causes great catastrophe as beings we call demons (and far, far worse) rip into our reality and lay waste to all. Everything that is made will be unmade. Nothing exists, and nothing can ever exist, not in a way that the cosmos can ever recognize. Those who are Chaotic in alignment are touched by magic, and consider the world in terms of ebbing and flowing energy, of eternal tides washing away the sand castles that great kings and mighty gods build for themselves. Many mortals who are so aligned desperately wish they were not.
To be Neutral is merely to exist between the forces of Law and Chaos. Mortal beings exist as Neutral creatures, and remain so throughout their existence unless taking specific steps (often unwittingly) to align themselves otherwise. In fact, most beings would be rather displeased with the notion of pure Law and Chaos, as they are defined in alignment terms. Even most who would claim allegiance to Law or Chaos are not actually Lawful or Chaotic. In the real world, every human being that has ever existed has been Neutral.
Every character begins with 3d6 × 10 gp. If a character starts above first level, then he begins with 180 sp plus 3d6 × 10 gp for every level greater than one. For example, a fourth level character would begin with 180 + (9d6 × 10 gp).
Refer to the equipment section, you may buy your equipment at the lower of the two costs between city and rural.