The weapons a character can use are normally determined by their class. Two characters of the same class can thus both use the same weapons with equal skill.
This optional rule allows for further differentiation between characters by limiting the types of weapons each character is trained to use. If using this optional rule, each character is proficient with a limited number of types of weapons— the character is comfortable using these weapons and can use them in combat without penalty.
For the sake of determining weapon proficiencies, character classes are divided into three categories: martial, semi-martial, and non-martial. The category each class falls under is determined by the rate at which its THAC0 and saving throw values improve, as follows:
▶ Martial classes: Gain an improvement to their THAC0 and saves every 3 levels (e.g. knight).
▶ Semi-martial classes: Gain an improvement to their THAC0 and saves every 4 levels (e.g. acrobat).
▶ Non-martial classes: Gain an improvement to their THAC0 and saves every 5 levels (e.g. illusionist).
Proficient weapons may only be chosen from the list of weapons usable by the character’s class (also taking into account any limitations due to the character’s race, if the advanced character creation method is used).
At character creation, before purchasing equipment, the player should note the weapons that the character is proficient with. Martial characters are proficient with 4 weapons at 1st level, semi-martial characters with 3 weapons, and non-martial characters with 1 weapon.
As the character gains experience, they become proficient in the use of additional weapons. Every time the character’s THAC0 and saving throw values improve, the character also gains proficiency with a new weapon.
A character using a weapon that they are not proficient with incurs a penalty to attack rolls. Martial characters suffer a –2 penalty, semi-martial characters a –3 penalty, and non-martial characters a –5 penalty.
The referee may optionally allow characters to use weapons that are restricted by their race or class, applying the same non-proficiency penalty in such cases.
Martial characters may optionally be allowed to specialise in a single, specific type of weapon. This requires dedicating two weapon proficiency “slots” to a single weapon type. For example, a 1st level martial character is normally proficient with 4 weapons. If the player chooses to specialise in a weapon, the character is only proficient with 3 weapons (the specialised weapon plus two others).
When attacking with a specialised weapon, the character gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.