Elf Runes

The runes of the elves are among the deepest magical secrets of fairy-kind. Discovered by mighty elf sorcerers in aeons long past, the runes tap into the magical fundament of Fairy itself. Their usage is thus governed by ancient and immutable laws of Fairy. The runes are guarded by elf lords and ladies and may be bestowed upon an elf of lesser rank.

Intangibility: Runes are intangible; they are not physical objects and thus cannot be stolen, lost, or given to another.

acquiring runes

As noted in the elf class (see p34), an elf may, upon gaining an experience level, journey into Fairy to treat with an elf lord of lady. The referee should make a reaction roll to determine which rune the character is granted:

▶ Reaction roll: Roll 2d6 modified by the character’s CHA score.

▶ Experience level: If the elf is of 4th–6th level, they gain a +1 bonus. If the elf is of 7th level or above, they gain a +2 bonus.

▶ Reward granted: The Result of Petition table indicates the reward granted, based on the result of the reaction roll. If a rune is granted, the exact rune should be determined at random.

▶ Duplicates: If a rune is granted which the elf already knows, the number of times it may used is doubled.

Lesser Runes

Greater Runes

Mighty Runes