6th Level Necromancer Spells
- Bonesteel
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 60’
- A single object or creature of normal bone is hardened with the resilience of steel.
- Armour Class: The subject’s AC improves by 4 points.
- Mundane damage resistance: The subject takes half damage from non-magical attacks.
- Metal affecting magic: May target the subject.
- Deathlessness
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: The caster
- The caster is rendered immune to much physical harm, their heart and breathing stopping and their blood ceasing to flow.
- Regeneration: The caster regenerates 1 hit point at the start of each round. Even damage that reduces the caster’s hit points below 0 can be regenerated while the spell lasts. The caster falls unconscious upon reaching 0hp, but awakens once they regenerate to 1hp.
- Attacks: Weapons (including natural weapons such as claws and bites) inflict but a single point of damage. Magic weapons also inflict their magical “plus” bonus (e.g. a sword +2 would inflict a total of 3 damage to the caster).
- Energy: Damage from fire, electricity, cold, and acid is halved.
- Immunities: The caster is unaffected by gases, paralysis, and energy drain.
- Poison: Has no effect on the caster, but lingers in the system and, unless neutralised by other means, takes effect once the spell ends.
- Saving throws: The caster gains a +4 bonus to saves versus death and paralysis.
- Death Spell
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 240’
- Up to 4d8 Hit Dice of creatures within a 60’ cube area must save versus death or die, instantly.
- Restrictions: Undead and creatures with greater than 7 Hit Dice are unaffected.
- Doomveil
- Duration: 1 turn per level
- Range: 15’
- All living creatures within range (excluding the caster) must save versus spells or be surrounded with a shimmering black aura.
- Effect: While the spell lasts, affected creatures are unable to gain hit points due to healing of any kind (natural or magical) or regeneration.
- Energy Drain
- Duration: Instant
- Range: Touch
- The creature touched permanently loses one experience level (or Hit Die).
- Attack roll: In combat, a melee attack roll is required. If the attack misses, the spell is wasted.
- Effects: The victim loses one Hit Die of hit points, as well as all other benefits due to the drained level (e.g. spells, saving throws, etc.). A character’s XP is reduced to halfway between the former and new levels. A person drained of all levels becomes a zombie in 1d4 days, under the control of the caster.
- Restrictions: Non-living targets (including undead) are not affected.
- Eternal Quest
- Duration: Permanent until fulfilled / Instant (remove eternal quest)
- Range: 60’
- The caster commands a single subject to perform a specific quest or task.
- Examples of quests: Rescuing a prisoner, killing a specific monster, bringing a magic item to the caster, or going on a journey to an oracle.
- Suicidal quests: The prescribed quest must not be obviously suicidal.
- Saving throw: The subject may save versus spells to resist the eternal quest.
- Refusal: The subject must undertake the quest or slowly perish. Every day in which the subject does not pursue the quest, their maximum hit points are reduced by 1. If the subject dies, they rise as an undead monster of Hit Dice equal to half their level and continue the quest. The type of undead should be chosen by the referee.
- Completion: Once the task is completed, the spell ends. If the subject is undead, they perish, released into death. If they are alive, their maximum hit points are restored to normal.
- Reversed: Remove Eternal Quest Can dispel an active eternal quest spell and any incurred penalties. If the caster of the eternal quest to be nullified is higher level than the character casting remove eternal quest, there is a chance of the spell having no effect. The probability of spell failure is 5% per level the caster is below the caster of eternal quest.
- Necrotic Gaze
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: 30’
- The caster’s eyes turn pure black, bringing death to any they gaze upon.
- Gaze attack: Once per round, the caster may gaze at a living target within 30’. The gaze may be used in addition to other attacks and actions.
- Effects: The target must save versus death or suffer 2d6 damage. The body of a target killed by the gaze disintegrates into black sludge.
- Expiration: When the spell ends, there is a 1-in-20 chance of the caster being rendered blind for 1d6 hours.
- Protection From Undead
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: The caster or a creature touched
- The subject is rendered immune to the special attacks of all undead creatures.
- Special attacks: The immunity includes paralysis, energy drain, ability score drain, disease, poison, fear effects, etc.
- Normal attacks: Undead can still harm the subject with attacks that inflict damage. For example, the claw attacks of a ghoul still inflict 1d3 damage, but have no risk of paralysis.
- Spells: The subject does not gain immunity to spells cast by undead creatures, but gains a +2 bonus to saving throws against them.
- Sacrificial Resurrection
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 120’
- By making a bargain with the powers of death, the caster can exchange one soul for another, bringing a dead creature back to life in return for a sacrifice of equal magnitude.
- Time limit: The caster can raise a person that has been dead for no longer than four days per level of the caster above 10th. For example, a 13th level caster can revive a character that has been dead for twelve days (three levels above 10th × four days).
- Ritual sacrifice: The spell is cast as a ritual lasting 1 turn, during which a number of intelligent beings must be sacrificed, whose total Hit Dice equal that of the creature to be resurrected.
- Weakness: Returning from death is an ordeal. Until the subject gets two full weeks of bed rest, they have 1 hit point, move at half the normal rate, cannot carry heavy items, and cannot attack, cast spells, or use other class abilities. This period of weakness may not be shortened by any magical healing.
- Skeletal Army
- Duration: 1 hour per level
- Range: 120’
- Cast in a graveyard or at the site of a battle, this spell causes a troop of skeletons to reanimate and rise up from the earth, ready to do the caster’s bidding.
- Number: Up to 4 skeletons per level of the caster are reanimated.
- Weapons: The skeletal legion is equipped with any weapons they were buried with.
- Expiration: When the duration ends, the raised skeletons and their weaponry crumble to dust.
- Skeleton AC 7 [12], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × weapon (1d6 or by weapon), THAC0 19 [0], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 10
- ▶ Undead: Make no noise, until they attack. Immune to effects that affect living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading spells (e.g. charm, hold, sleep).
- Spirit Shield
- Duration: 6 turns or until expired
- Range: The caster
- This spell summons 2d6 guardian spirits from the realm of the dead. The spirits are faintly visible, whirling around the caster, forming a protective shield against magic.
- Spell reflection: When the caster is targeted by a spell, one of the guardian spirits reflects it back at the character who cast it. The guardian spirit perishes.
- Expiration: Once all guardian spirits have reflected a spell, spirit shield ends.
- Turning: The guardian spirits can be turned, being treated as 8 HD undead.
- Undead Regeneration
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: 60’
- One or more undead monsters of the caster’s choosing become indestructible for the duration.
- Hit Dice limit: Up to 1 HD of undead per level of the caster are affected. Undead monsters of more than 3 HD cannot be affected.
- Regeneration: If an affected monster is killed, it rises again the following round, regaining 1d8 hit points.
- Destruction: Affected monsters which are utterly destroyed (e.g. disintegrated, destroyed by a D result on a turning attempt) do not regenerate.