4th Level Necromancer Spells
- Command Undead
- Duration: Permanent / one or more days (see below)
- Range: 120’
- This spell brings one or more undead monsters under the caster’s control. The effects differ depending on the intelligence of the monsters targeted.
- Mindless undead:
- ▶ Targets: Multiple mindless undead monsters (e.g. skeletons, zombies) totalling up to 1 HD per level of the caster can be affected.
- ▶ Obedient: The monsters mindlessly obey the caster’s commands.
- ▶ Duration: Permanent.
- Intelligent undead:
- ▶ Targets: A single monster of Hit Dice not exceeding the caster’s level can be affected.
- ▶ Saving throw: The monster may save versus spells to negate the spell.
- ▶ Mastery: The monster regards the caster as its master and will come to the caster’s defence.
- ▶ Commands: If they share a language, the caster may give the monster commands, which it will obey.
- ▶ Suicidal commands: The affected monster never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders.
- ▶ Duration: The control lasts indefinitely, but the monster may save versus spells once per month to break free. Monsters of greater than 3 HD may save once per week, and monsters of greater than 6 HD may save once per day.
- Corpse Clairvoyance
- Duration: 1 hour per level
- Range: Corpse touched
- The caster can see and hear through the dead eyes and ears of a corpse.
- Range: The caster may move up to a mile away from the corpse and still receive its sensory impressions.
- Undead: Animated corpses (e.g. zombies) may be affected, and an affected corpse may subsequently be animated.
- Intelligent undead may save versus spells to resist the communion.
- Corpse Mask
- Duration: 1 hour per level
- Range: Corpse touched
- The face of a humanoid corpse twists into a replica of another person’s face.
- Mental image: The caster must have a clear mental image of the person to be replicated (e.g. a portrait, personal meeting).
- Replica: The replicated face is a perfect duplicate. The corpse’s body is unchanged by this spell.
- Undead: Animated corpses (e.g. zombies) may be affected, and an affected corpse may subsequently be animated.
- Curse
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 30’
- Places a deleterious effect upon a creature, if it fails a save versus spells.
- Effects: The exact form and effects of the curse are determined by the caster.
- Maximum possible effects include: A –2 penalty to saving throws, a –4 penalty to hit, reducing an ability score by 50%.
- Multiple curses: May afflict a creature, as long as each has a different effect.
- Referee judgement: The referee should judge the effects of this spell and may turn overly powerful curses back onto the caster!
- Dispel Magic
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 120’
- Dispel magic ends spell effects within a 20’ cube area.
- Caster levels: If the level of the caster of the effect to be dispelled is higher than the level of the caster of dispel magic, there is a 5% chance per level difference that the attempt to dispel will fail.
- Magic items: Are unaffected.
- Inter
- Duration: 2d4 rounds
- Range: 60’
- A sinister force drags a single target into the earth over the course of 2d4 rounds.
- Hit Dice limit: The target’s Hit Dice may not exceed the caster’s level.
- Saving throw: A save versus death is allowed to resist the spell.
- Aid: A creature of giant strength or 4 or more creatures of above average strength (combined STR score of 50 or more) can prevent the victim’s interment.
- Effect: If the victim fails to resist, they are interred 10’ beneath the earth. Suffocation usually occurs within 1d4 rounds.
- Reversed: Exhume
- Causes buried bodies within range to rise to the surface of the earth.
- Depth: Corpses buried deeper than 20’ cannot be exhumed.
- Selecting: The caster may optionally choose which bodies are exhumed (for example, by reading names from gravestones).
- Rotting Touch
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: Touch
- The caster’s touch inflicts a horrible rotting disease on living creatures.
- Attack roll: In combat, a melee attack roll is required.
- Effects: The victim receives no benefit from magical healing. Natural healing is ten times slower.
- Removing: The disease can only be removed by magic (e.g. cure disease).
- Reassemble
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 60’
- This spell repairs corporeal undead monsters, stitching rended flesh and knitting shattered bone back together. It has two usages (chosen when cast):
- 1. Restore hit points: A total of 1d4 hit points per level of the caster can be repaired, divided between any number of corporeal undead within range.
- 2. Reanimate: Corporeal undead monsters killed within the last turn are restored to 1d4 hit points and reanimated.
- Up to 1 HD of monsters per level of the caster are affected.
- Skeletal Wings
- Duration: 1 turn per level
- Range: 10’
- Conjures a skeletal horse with ragged, bat-like wings that will carry the caster (or another, designated person) upon its back.
- Move silently: The steed moves with a preternatural silence.
- Loads: The steed can carry one rider and up to 3,000 coins of weight. Any weight beyond this causes the spell to end.
- Expiration: When the duration expires, the skeletal horse crumbles into dust.
- Winged Skeletal Horse AC 7 [12], HD 2 (9hp), Att None, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 180’ (60’) / 360’ (120’) flying, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 20
- ▶ Undead: Makes no noise. Immune to effects that affect living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading spells (e.g. charm, hold, sleep).
- Swarm Transformation
- Duration: Permanent until ended
- Range: The caster
- The caster, their clothing, and all carried items transform into a scurrying swarm of rats, spiders, or insects.
- Movement: While in swarm form, the caster can move at 60’ (20’).
- Attacks: The swarm can attack by engulfing victims within a 10’ × 10’ area. Victims suffer damage (no attack roll): 2hp if wearing armour, 4hp without. Victims who defend themselves by brandishing a weapon (or similar) suffer half damage from the swarm.
- Immunity: The swarm is immune to normal damage, but can be harmed by fire, spells, or area attacks (e.g. breath attacks).
- Duration: The caster can end the spell’s effect at any time, returning to their normal physical form. If the caster is killed, they also return to their normal form.
- Wall of Bones
- Duration: 12 turns
- Range: 120’
- An immobile wall of jagged bones springs into existence.
- Size: The wall can be any size, and may be shaped in any manner and to any dimensions the caster desires, up to 1,200 sq. ft. For example, it may be a straight wall or curved into a protective circle.
- Location: The wall must rest upon a solid surface and may not be evoked so that it appears where objects are.
- Cover: Missiles may be fired through gaps in the bone wall, suffering a –3 penalty to attack rolls.
- Monsters with fewer than 4 HD: Cannot pass the wall of bones.
- Monsters with 4 or more HD: Can break through the wall, but suffer 1d8 hit points of damage when doing so.
- Wound Transference
- Duration: Instant
- Range: Creature touched
- The subject’s wounds are transferred to the caster.
- Healing: The subject is healed of up to 2hp per level of the caster (at most as many hit points as the caster currently has). The caster may decide how many hit points to heal.
- Wounding: The caster suffers damage equal to the hit points healed.