Plates of jagged bone surround the caster, acting as a formidable suit of armour.
Armour Class: The bone armour grants AC 5 [14].
In melee: Any creature that successfully attacks the caster in melee suffers 1d3 damage, due to flying fragments of jagged bone.
Destruction: The armour lasts until the caster suffers 5 points of damage, +1 point per level.
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 90’
A pair of spectral hands clasp around the throat of a living creature and begin choking them.
Saving throw: The victim may save versus spells to negate the spell.
Damage: The victim automatically suffers 1d4 damage per round.
Attack penalty: The victim suffers a –2 penalty to attack rolls.
Escaping: Due to their ghostly nature, the choking hands cannot be wrenched away from the victim. However, the spell is negated if the caster is killed or knocked unconscious.
Death Recall
Duration: 1 turn
Range: Corpse touched
Upon casting this spell and touching the body of a creature which has died within the last 24 hours, the caster experiences a vision of the last 10 minutes of the creature’s life, ending with its demise.
Trance: While witnessing the deceased creature’s last moments of life, the caster is in a trance state, unable to move or perceive their surroundings.
Detect Magic
Duration: 2 turns
Range: 60’
Enchanted objects, areas, or creatures are caused to glow. Both permanent and temporary enchantments are revealed.
Feign Death
Duration: 6 turns +1 per level
Range: The caster or a creature touched
A willing subject falls into a cataleptic state, indistinguishable from death.
Hit Dice limit: The subject may not have higher HD than the caster’s level.
Senses: The subject retains their senses of hearing and smell, but cannot see or feel.
Damage: Any damage inflicted on the subject is halved.
Immunities: The subject is unaffected by paralysis and energy drain.
Poison: The effects of any poison in the subject’s system are suspended while the spell lasts. Once the duration ends, poison has its normal effect once more.
Ending: The caster can end the spell at any time. The subject requires 1 round to awaken.
Paralysing Touch
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: Touch
The caster’s touch paralyses living creatures.
Attack roll: In combat, a melee attack roll is required.
Effects: The victim must save versus paralysis or be paralysed for 2d4 turns.
Restrictions: Elves and creatures larger than ogres are unaffected.
Seal Tomb
Duration: Permanent / Instant
Range: 60’
A magical seal is placed on a single crypt door or coffer lid, causing it to close and become magically locked.
Bypassing: The magical seal is permanent but may be bypassed as follows:
The caster: Can freely pass their own seal.
A knock spell: Allows passage.
Higher level casters: Any magic-using character who is at least 3 levels higher than the caster of seal tomb may pass through unimpeded.
Temporary: Bypassing does not end a seal tomb spell.
Reversed: Open Tomb
Causes a crypt door or coffer lid to open.
Magical locks: Spells such as seal tomb and wizard lock are dispelled.
Wards: Warding spells normally triggered by opening the door are temporarily bypassed.
Skeletal Steed
Duration: 3 turns per level
Range: 10’
Conjures a skeletal horse that will carry the caster (or another, designated person) upon its back.
Move silently: The steed moves with a preternatural silence.
Loads: The steed can carry one rider and up to 3,000 coins of weight. Any weight beyond this causes the spell to end.
Expiration: When the duration expires, the skeletal horse crumbles into dust.
Skeletal Horse AC 7 [12], HD 1 (4hp), Att None, THAC0 19 [0], MV 180’ (60’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 10
▶ Undead: Makes no noise. Immune to effects that affect living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading spells (e.g. charm, hold, sleep).
Skull Sight
Duration: 3 turns per level
Range: Skull touched
Binding their eyes with a cloth, the caster gains the ability to see through the empty eye sockets of a humanoid skull, often one worn as a necklace or placed atop a staff.
Dark vision: The skull can see normally, up to 60’, in absolute darkness.
Distance: If the caster moves more than 30’ away from the skull, the spell ends.
Removing the cloth: If the caster removes the cloth covering their eyes, the spell ends.
Silence 15’ Radius
Duration: 12 turns
Range: 180’
A 15’ radius area is rendered utterly silent.
Within the area: All sound is stopped.
Conversation and spell casting are impossible.
Noise from outside the area: Can be heard by those within it.
Casting upon a creature: Silence may be cast upon a creature, which must save versus spells. If the save fails, the 15’ radius area of silence moves with the creature. If the save succeeds, the spell’s effect remains stationary—the targeted creature may move out of it.
Speak With Dead
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 10’
The caster may ask questions of a deceased person, the spirit’s voice echoing out from beyond the grave.
Remains: Some remnant of the person’s physical body (e.g. bones) must be within range.
Time since death: It is only possible to awaken the spirit of a person who died within a certain time frame, dependent on the caster’s level (see table below).
Questions: The number which can be asked depends on the caster’s level (see table below). The spirit answers truthfully but briefly, and only possesses knowledge it had during life.
Speech: The spirit speaks with tongues it knew in life.
Speak With Dead Limitations
Time Since Death
6 or lower
7 days
7 months
7 years
70 years
Spectral Hand
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Range: 60’ +10’ per level
A glowing, ghostly hand formed of the caster’s own life force manifests at their side.
Moving the hand: By concentrating, the caster can direct the hand to move, within range. The hand can move up to 60’ per round.
Touch attacks: The hand can be used to deliver spells of up to 4th level that take effect via touch. When making a touch attack with the hand, the caster gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
Concentration: Moving, attacking, or performing any other action besides casting spells causes the hand to return to hover at the caster’s side.
Vulnerability: As the hand is formed of the caster’s life force, it is vulnerable to attack.
It can only be harmed by magic and has AC –2 [21]. If the hand is damaged, the spell ends and the caster suffers 1d4 damage.