5th Level Magic-user Spells
- Animate Dead
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 60’
- This spell turns the bones or bodies of dead creatures into undead skeletons or zombies:
- ▶ Obedient: They obey the caster’s commands.
- ▶ Special abilities: They are unable to use any special abilities (including spell casting) that they possessed in life.
- ▶ Duration: They remain animated until they are destroyed or until a dispel magic spell is cast upon them.
- Number: The spell animates a number of Hit Dice of zombies or skeletons equal to the caster’s level:
- ▶ Skeletons: Have AC 7 [12] and HD equal to those the creature had in life.
- ▶ Zombies: Have AC 8 [11] and HD one greater than the creature had in life.
- ▶ Classed characters: If a PC or NPC with levels in a class is reanimated by this spell, the levels are not counted as HD.
- For example, the reanimated corpse of a 5th level fighter would have 2 HD (1 HD as a normal human, +1 for being reanimated as a zombie).
- Cloudkill
- Duration: 6 turns
- Range: 30’
- A poisonous fog streams from the caster’s fingertips, filling a 30’ diameter area.
- ▶ Movement: The fog moves at 60’ per turn (20’ per round), driven by the wind (or away from the caster, in still conditions).
- ▶ Sinking: Because the fog is heavier than air, it sinks to the lowest level of the land, even pouring down den or sinkhole openings.
- ▶ Damage: All creatures in contact with the vapours suffer 1 hit point of damage per round of contact.
- ▶ Creatures with less than 5 Hit Dice: Must also save versus death (once per round of contact) or die.
- Conjure Elemental
- Duration: Permanent (until dismissed or slain)
- Range: 240’
- A 16 Hit Dice elemental—a being formed of pure elemental matter—is summoned from an elemental plane of the caster’s choice (air, earth, fire, water) to do the caster’s bidding.
- ▶ Materials: The summons requires a large volume of the appropriate element.
- ▶ Concentration: Is required to command an elemental.
- ▶ Dismissing: While control over the elemental is maintained, the caster may dismiss it at any time, sending it back to its plane of origin.
- ▶ Disruption: If the caster moves at more than half speed or their concentration is disturbed, the command over the elemental ends. It is, henceforth, a freewilled entity and will immediately try to kill the caster and any who get in its way.
- ▶ Dispelling: A conjured elemental may be dispelled by dispel magic or dispel evil.
- Restrictions: The caster may summon at most one elemental from each plane in a single day.
- Air Elemental Huge vortexes of whirling air - AC –2 [21], HD 16* (72hp), Att 1 × blow (3d8), THAC0 8 [+11], MV 360’ (120’) flying, SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 2,300
- ▶ Size: 32’ tall, 8’ across.
- ▶ Whirlwind: Creatures with less than 2HD swept aside (save versus death).
- ▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
- ▶ Harm flying creatures: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.
- Earth Elemental Huge humanoid figures of earth or stone - AC –2 [21], HD 16* (72hp), Att 1 × blow (3d8), THAC0 8 [+11], MV 60’ (20’), SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 2,300
- ▶ Size: 16’ tall.
- ▶ Blocked by water: Cannot cross a channel wider than own height.
- ▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
- ▶ Harm creatures on the ground: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.
- Fire Elemental Whirling columns of fire - AC –2 [21], HD 16* (72hp), Att 1 × blow (3d8), THAC0 8 [+11], MV 120’ (40’), SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 2,300
- ▶ Size: 16’ tall, 16’ across.
- ▶ Blocked by water: Cannot cross a channel wider than own diameter.
- ▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
- ▶ Harm cold-based creatures: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.
- Water Elemental Huge waves of water - AC –2 [21], HD 16* (72hp), Att 1 × blow (3d8), THAC0 8 [+11], MV 60’ (20’) / 180’ (60’) swimming, SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 2,300
- ▶ Size: 8’ tall, 32’ across.
- ▶ Water-bound: Must remain within 60’ of water.
- ▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
- ▶ Harm creatures in water: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.
- Contact Higher Plane
- Duration: One conversation
- Range: The caster
- A channel of communication is opened to a higher plane of existence, allowing the caster to ask powerful, otherworldly beings for advice and knowledge on any subject.
- ▶ Plane: The caster must choose which plane of existence to contact: communion with beings of the 3rd to 12th planes is possible via this spell. Higher numbered planes are home to more powerful and knowledgeable beings.
- ▶ Questions: The caster may then ask a number of simple yes/no questions equal to the number of the plane contacted. The referee plays the role of the contacted being, responding to the caster’s questions.
- ▶ Answers: For each question asked, there is a chance of the contacted being not knowing the answer or of answering untruthfully: see the table to the right. It is impossible to detect whether the entity is lying.
- Restrictions: Casting contact higher plane is a great and perilous deed.
- ▶ Usage limit: It may be cast at most once per week. (The referee may limit the spell’s usage to even less frequently, if desired.)
- ▶ Insanity: Communion with otherworldly beings of great power can shatter the caster’s sanity. The basic chance is shown in the table above. For every level of the caster above 11, this chance is reduced by 5%. If the caster is driven insane as a result of the communion, the recovery time is a number of weeks equal to the number of the plane contacted.
Contact Higher Plane Questions |
Plane |
#Qs |
Don’t Know |
Truth |
Insanity |
3rd |
3 |
75% |
50% |
5% |
4th |
4 |
70% |
55% |
10% |
5th |
5 |
65% |
60% |
15% |
6th |
6 |
60% |
65% |
20% |
7th |
7 |
50% |
70% |
25% |
8th |
8 |
40% |
75% |
30% |
9th |
9 |
30% |
80% |
35% |
10th |
10 |
20% |
85% |
40% |
11th |
11 |
10% |
90% |
45% |
12th |
12 |
5% |
95% |
50% |
- Feeblemind
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 240’
- An arcane spell caster (e.g. a magic-user or elf) within range must save versus spells (at a –4 penalty) or become an imbecile, unable to think clearly or cast spells.
- Hold Monster
- Duration: 6 turns +1 per level
- Range: 120’
- This spell causes one or more creatures to be paralysed if they fail a saving throw versus spells. It may be cast in two ways:
- 1. Against an individual: The target’s saving throw is penalised by –2.
- 2. Against a group: 1d4 individuals in the group are targeted.
- Restrictions: Undead are not affected.
- Magic Jar
- Duration: Special
- Range: The caster
- The caster’s body enters a comatose trance as their life-force is transferred into a receptacle (any inanimate object within 30’), known as a magic jar. From there, the caster may attempt to possess the bodies of other creatures.
- When the caster’s life-force is in the magic jar:
- ▶ Possession: The caster may attempt to possess the body of another creature within 120’. The victim may save versus spells to resist possession. If the save is successful, the caster may not make another attempt to possess that victim for one turn. If the save fails, the caster’s lifeforce leaves the magic jar and enters the victim, possessing it.
- ▶ Returning: The caster may choose to return to their own body at any time, ending the spell.
- ▶ If the magic jar is destroyed: The caster dies.
- ▶ If the caster’s own body is destroyed: Their life-force is stranded in the magic jar.
- When the caster’s life-force is possessing a victim:
- ▶ Control: The caster gains full control over the victim’s body, but is not able to make the victim cast spells.
- ▶ If the magic jar is destroyed: The spell ends and the caster’s life-force is trapped in the possessed body.
- ▶ If the possessed victim is killed: The caster’s life-force returns to the magic jar.
- ▶ Dispelling: Dispel evil forces the caster’s life-force back into the magic jar.
- ▶ If the caster’s own body is destroyed: Their life-force is stranded in the body of the creature being possessed.
- Pass-Wall
- Duration: 3 turns
- Range: 30’
- A 5’ diameter hole is temporarily opened in solid rock or stone, forming a passageway up to 10’ deep.
- Telekinesis
- Duration: Concentration (up to 6 rounds)
- Range: 120’
- By concentrating, the caster is able to move objects or creatures by the power of thought.
- ▶ Weight: Up to 200 coins of weight per level of the caster may be targeted.
- ▶ Movement: The target may be moved up to 20’ per round, in whatever direction the caster wishes (including vertically).
- ▶ Save: If a creature is targeted, it may save versus spells to resist the spell.
- ▶ Concentration: If the caster’s concentration is broken, the target will fall.
- Teleport
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 10’
- The caster or a chosen creature vanishes and reappears at a location of the caster’s choosing.
- ▶ Gear: The subject is teleported with all its gear, up to its maximum load.
- ▶ Unwilling subjects: May save versus spells to prevent the teleportation.
- ▶ Destination: May be at any distance, but must be known to the caster. The destination must be an open space at ground level. (It is not possible to intentionally teleport the subject into mid-air or into solid matter.)
- ▶ Risk: There is a risk, when teleporting, of accidentally arriving above or below ground level. The chance of a successful teleportation depends on the caster’s knowledge of the destination (see right).
- Roll d% and consult the table below.
Teleport Result |
Knowledge of Dest. |
Ground Level |
Too High |
Too Low |
Scant |
01–50 |
51–75 |
76–00 |
Moderate |
01–80 |
81–90 |
91–00 |
Exact |
01–95 |
96–99 |
00 |
- Ground level: The subject appears at the desired destination.
- Too high: The subject appears 1d10×10’ above the intended destination. Should this location already be occupied by solid matter, the subject is instantly killed.
- Otherwise, the subject falls from a height.
- Too low: The subject appears in the ground and is killed instantly. Knowledge of destination: The caster’s knowledge of the destination is rated as follows:
- ▶ Scant: A location that the caster has visited once or twice, has seen by magical scrying, or has heard of from descriptions.
- ▶ Moderate: A location that the caster has visited often or has studied via scrying for several weeks.
- ▶ Exact: A location that the caster has made a detailed study of, in person.
- Transmute Rock to Mud
- Duration: 3d6 days /
- Permanent (transmute mud to rock)
- Range: 120’
- This spell turns up to 3,000 square feet of rock into 10’ deep mud.
- ▶ Movement: Any creatures passing through the mud have their movement rate reduced by 90%.
- Reversed: Transmute Mud to Rock
- Changes an area of mud—up to 3,000 square feet and up to 10’ deep—into rock.
- This alteration is permanent.
- Wall of Stone
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 60’
- A wall of solid rock appears.
- ▶ Size: The wall may be of whatever shape the caster desires and is of 1,000 cubic feet in volume. (For example, a 2’ thick wall, 50’ long and 10’ high.)
- ▶ Location: The wall must rest upon a solid surface and may not be evoked so that it appears where objects are.