2nd Level Magic-user Spells
- Continual Light
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 120’
- This spell has three usages:
- 1. Conjuring light: In a 30’ radius. The magical light is sufficient for reading, but is not as bright as daylight. The spell may be cast upon an object, in which case the light moves with the object.
- 2. Blinding a creature: By casting the spell upon its eyes. If the target fails a saving throw versus spells, it is blinded.
- A blind creature cannot attack.
- 3. Cancelling darkness: Continual light may cancel a continual darkness spell (see below).
- Reversed: Continual Darkness
- Creates a 30’ radius area of magical blackness, preventing both normal sight and infravision. Light sources brought within the area of darkness do not illuminate it.
- Like continual light, it may alternatively be used to blind creatures or to dispel a continual light spell.
- Detect Evil
- Duration: 2 turns
- Range: 60’
- Objects enchanted for evil purposes or living beings with evil intentions are caused to magically glow.
- ▶ Intent only: This spell does not grant the ability to read minds, but only grants a general sense of evil intent.
- ▶ Definition of evil: The referee must decide what is “evil”. Some things that are potentially harmful, like traps, are not “evil.”
- Detect Invisible
- Duration: 6 turns
- Range: 10’ per level
- Invisible creatures or items in range are revealed to the caster.
- Duration: 12 turns
- Range: 60’
- This spell grants the caster the ability to perceive and understand the thoughts of other living creatures.
- ▶ Focus for 1 turn: To pick up thoughts, the caster must focus their concentration in one direction for one turn.
- ▶ After this turn: The thoughts of all creatures within range in that direction can be perceived.
- ▶ Multiple creatures: If multiple creatures are within the range in the direction being focused on, their thoughts mingle into a confusing jumble. The caster must spend an additional turn to sort out one creature’s thoughts.
- ▶ Meaning: The caster understands the meaning of all thoughts even if they do not share the creature’s language.
- ▶ Obstructions: The ability to perceive thoughts is obstructed by a thin layer of lead or by rock of 2’ thick or greater.
- Invisibility
- Duration: Permanent (but may be broken, see below)
- Range: 240’
- The caster or another creature or object within range becomes invisible:
- ▶ If cast on a creature: Any gear the subject is carrying is also rendered invisible (this includes clothing and armour).
- Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible. If the subject attacks or casts a spell, the invisibility is broken, ending the spell.
- ▶ If cast on an object: The invisibility is permanent.
- ▶ Light sources: If a light source is made invisible (either as part of a creature’s gear or as an individual object), the light it casts is unaffected.
- Knock
- Duration: 1 round
- Range: 60’
- The knock spell opens stuck, barred, or locked doors, gates, chests, and so forth.
- ▶ Magically held doors: Are affected (e.g. hold portal, wizard lock).
- ▶ Secret doors: May be opened, but they must be known to the caster.
- Baltron’s Effusive Bloodboil
- Duration: Duration: 3 round
- Range: One target within 30 feet of the caster
- By means of this spell, the magic-user increases the
blood temperature of a single humanoid creature.
- The spell has an effect that lasts for three rounds. In
the first round, the victim burns with fever and sweats
uncontrollably taking 1d4 points of damage. In the
second round, blood starts dripping from the eyes, ears,
and nose, and s/he takes 1d8 points of damage. In the
third round, as the Bloodboil dissipates, the victim takes
an additional 1d4 points of damage.
- The target is allowed a saving throw (Spells) but this only
serves to half the damage.
- Levitate
- Duration: 6 turns +1 per level
- Range: The caster
- This enchantment allows the caster to move up and down through the air:
- ▶ Vertical: The caster mentally directs vertical movement at up to 20’ per round.
- ▶ Horizontal: The caster can push against solid objects to move laterally.
- ▶ Weight: A normal amount of weight can be carried while levitating.
- Locate Object
- Duration: 2 turns
- Range: 60’ +10’ per level
- The caster can sense the direction (but not distance) of an object. One of two types of objects may be located:
- 1. General class: An object of a general class (e.g. a stairway, an altar, etc.).
- In this case, the nearest object of that type is located.
- 2. Specific object: A specific object known to the caster.
- Restrictions: This spell cannot be used to locate creatures.
- Mirror Image
- Duration: 6 turns
- Range: The caster
- 1d4 illusory duplicates of the caster appear.
- ▶ Behaviour: The mirror images look and behave exactly as the caster.
- ▶ Attacks on the caster: Destroy one of the mirror images (even if the attack misses).
- Phantasmal Force
- Duration: Concentration
- Range: 240’
- A visual illusion of the caster’s choosing manifests in a 20’ cube area. Three types of illusions may be created:
- 1. An illusionary monster: That can be directed to attack. The monster has an
- Armour Class of 9 [10] and will vanish if hit in combat.
- 2. An illusionary attack: For example, an avalanche, a falling ceiling, a magic missile, etc. Targets who save versus spells are unaffected.
- 3. A scene: Either changing the appearance of the affected area or creating the appearance of something new. The scene disappears if touched.
- Stipulations: The following apply:
- ▶ Concentration: Is required to maintain the illusion. If the caster moves or loses concentration, the spell ends.
- ▶ Illusionary monsters or attacks: May appear to be harmful but no real damage is ever inflicted. A character who appears to die actually falls unconscious, a character turned to stone will actually be paralysed, and so on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
- ▶ Illusions from imagination: If the illusion is of something the caster has not personally seen, the referee should grant targets a bonus to any applicable saving throws.
- Web
- Duration: 48 turns
- Range: 10’
- Web conjures a many-layered mass of strong, sticky threads, blocking a 10’ cube area.
- ▶ Entanglement: Creatures caught within a web become entangled among the gluey fibres. Entangled creatures can’t move, but can break free depending on their strength (see below).
- ▶ Flammable: The strands of the web are flammable and can be destroyed by fire in two rounds. All creatures caught within flaming webs suffer 1d6 points of damage from the flames.
- Breaking free: Depends on STR:
- ▶ Normal human Range: The creature can break free in 2d4 turns.
- ▶ Magically augmented STR above 18:
- The creature can break free in 4 rounds.
- ▶ Giant strength: The creature can break free in two rounds.
- Wizard Lock
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 10’
- A wizard lock spell magically locks a door, gate, similar portal, or any item that has a lock.
- Bypassing: The magical lock is permanent but may be bypassed as follows:
- ▶ The caster: Can freely pass their own wizard lock.
- ▶ A knock spell: Allows passage.
- ▶ Higher level casters: Any magic-using character who is at least 3 levels higher than the caster of the wizard lock may pass through unimpeded.
- Temporary: Bypassing does not destroy a wizard lock.