Each moss dwarf adventurer practices one of the following knacks, determined at random during character creation. Knacks grant special abilities at 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th levels.
Table of Knacks |
1d6 | Knack |
1 | Bird friend |
2 | Lock singer |
3 | Root friend |
4 | Thread whistling |
5 | Wood kenning |
6 | Yeast master |
- Bird Friend
- Over the course of a life spent in the depths of the forest, among the colonies of birds, the moss dwarf has learned to speak their secret languages and has earned their trust.
- From 1st level: The moss dwarf can converse with birds and understand their responses (which are typically simplistic).
- From 3rd level: The moss dwarf can charm a bird companion of one Hit Die or less. If the bird fails a save versus spells, it will remain in the company of the moss dwarf until it is dismissed. Only one bird may be charmed in this way at a time.
- From 5th level: Once per day, the moss dwarf can relay a message via the twitterings of forest birds. The message is carried to a specific person or location within Dolmenwood and approximately reproduces a spoken message of up to ten words. The message travels at a rate of 12 miles per hour.
- From 7th level: Once per day, the moss dwarf can call upon the aid of woodland birds. A flock of sparrows, starlings, thrushes, and blackbirds gathers and remains in the moss dwarf’s service for 1d4 turns.
- Flock of Birds: AC 7 [12], HD 3+2 (15hp), Att 1 × pecks and clawing (1d6), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’) flying, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3), ML 7, AL Neutral
- Lock Singer
- The moss dwarf practices mysterious songs which have the power to charm locks.
- From 1st level: A simple, mundane lock may be coaxed to open with a 2-in-6 chance of success per turn of singing.
- From 3rd level: A brief, whispered cant persuades a lock to reveal the location of its key (or the closest key, if multiple exist). The information is conveyed via a quiet whining which only the moss dwarf can comprehend.
- From 5th level: Simple, mundane locks within 30’ instantly snap shut after a mere round of song.
- From 7th level: The moss dwarf ’s singing can persuade locks of any complexity to open. Even magically sealed locks are cooperative, although in this case there is a 1-in-6 chance of the magic backfiring and sealing the mossdwarf’s mouth shut for 1d4 days.
- Root Friend
- Dwelling in subterranean burrows, the moss dwarf has developed a keen affinity with the roots of forest plants.
- From 1st level: Once per day, the moss dwarf can pose one question of a root about its surroundings. The root will answer truthfully with 1d6 words.
- From 3rd level: The moss dwarf is able to summon edible roots to the surface once per day. Food enough for 1d4 people for one day is produced.
- From 5th level: The moss dwarf can gain harbour in the roots of a tree or other large plant once per day. The mossdwarf is taken underground, into the plant’s root system, where they may lie unnoticed for up to an hour.
- From 7th level: The moss dwarf can summon a monstrous root vegetable from the earth once per day. The creature arrives at the character’s location in 1d6 rounds and will obey their commands for up 1d6 turns before fleeing into the undergrowth.
- Root Thing: AC 6 [13], HD 3 (13hp), Att 2 × claws (1d4), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16(3), ML 8, AL Neutral