6th Level Illusionst Spells
- Acid Fog
- Duration: 1d4 rounds +1 per level
- Range: 30’
- A wall of roiling, acidic vapour appears at a location of the caster’s choosing within range.
- ▶ Area: The fog bank fills a 10’ cube area per level of the caster.
- ▶ Plant-life in the fog: Withers and dies. Small shrubs and grasses perish in two rounds, while large trees are more resilient and may take up to 16 rounds to finally blacken and die.
- ▶ Creatures in the fog: Suffer 1 damage on the first round they are in the fog, 2 damage on the second round, 4 damage on the third round, and 8 damage on each subsequent round.
- ▶ Vision: The acid fog blocks normal vision and infravision.
- ▶ Movement: Creatures moving through the fog move at one tenth of their normal movement rate.
- ▶ Strong winds: Only very strong winds can clear the fog before the spell’s duration has expired.
- ▶ Magical fire: A large area of magical fire can dissipate the fog in one round.
- Dream Quest
- Duration: Permanent until fulfilled
- Range: 60’
- The caster commands a single subject to perform a specific quest or task, conveyed through a recurring dream.
- ▶ The dream: While the spell remains in effect, the subject experiences the recurring dream every time they sleep. In the recurring dream, the subject witnesses themselves completing the prescribed quest.
- ▶ Examples of quests: Rescuing a prisoner, killing a specific monster, bringing a magic item to the caster, or going on a journey to an oracle.
- ▶ Suicidal quests: The prescribed quest must not be obviously suicidal.
- ▶ Saving throw: The subject may save versus spells, with success indicating that the initial dream is experienced but the spell has no further effect.
- ▶ Refusal: The subject must undertake the quest or begin to fade from reality.
- Every day in which the subject does not pursue the quest, they lose 1 hit point.
- This damage cannot be fatal (e.g. if the subject has only 1 hit point, no further loss due to this spell will occur). However, accrued damage cannot be healed by any means except completing the quest.
- ▶ Completion: Once the task is completed, the spell ends. Any lost hit points are recovered.
- Impersonation
- Duration: 1 turn per level
- Range: The caster or a person touched
- The subject takes on the appearance of a person of the caster’s choosing.
- ▶ Appearance: The subject becomes physically indistinguishable from the selected individual, becoming the same height, age, race, sex, etc.
- ▶ Manner: Even the subject’s gestures, voice, mode of speech, and mannerisms are rendered identical to those of the mimicked target.
- ▶ Mind: The subject does not gain any of the memories, mental faculties, experiences, or abilities of the target.
- ▶ Observers: Who know the mimicked target may save versus spells to detect the illusion if the subject does or says anything that the original would not.
- Sympathetic item: The caster must have a personal possession or bodily sample (e.g. drop of blood, lock of hair) of the target to be mimicked.
- Manifest Dream
- Duration: Varies by manifestation (see
- examples below)
- Range: The caster
- This spell harnesses the malleable, imaginative potency of the dream world, manifesting the caster’s wish.
- ▶ Dreaming: After casting the spell, the caster must lie down and drift off to sleep while visualising the desired manifestation.
- The visualisation will then be taken up by the caster’s subconscious and experienced as a potent dream.
- ▶ Upon awakening: If the caster sleeps for an uninterrupted 8 hours, the desired manifestation comes to pass.
- Potency: While manifest dream can bring about a wide range of effects, its power is not unlimited. The following are examples of the maximum potency of the spell:
- ▶ Healing: All of an individual’s wounds.
- ▶ Regeneration: Of a lost body part (e.g. a hand or foot).
- ▶ Revelation: Of a route through the wilderness, a secret entrance into a fortress, or the location of a lost item. (As long as the sought location or object is not warded by magic.)
- ▶ Divination: Of the approximate strength of enemy forces. (Creatures of 7 or more Hit Dice in the force may save versus spells to avoid being detected in this way.)
- ▶ Temporary restoration: Of a dead creature or destroyed object for 1 turn per level of the caster.
- Usage limit: This spell may be used at most once per week. A caster who oversteps this limit will become permanently insane.
- Mass Suggestion
- Duration: 4 turns +4 per level
- Range: 90’
- The caster utters a suggestion to influence the behaviour of selected subjects within range.
- ▶ Number of subjects: Up to one subject per level of the caster may be targeted.
- ▶ Wording: The suggestion must take the form of a short phrase (at most one or two sentences) suggesting a course of action to the subjects.
- ▶ Comprehension: A language that is understood by the subjects must be used.
- ▶ Harmful suggestions: Suggestions that are obviously harmful to a subject cause the spell to automatically fail for that subject.
- ▶ Saving throw: A save versus spells is allowed to resist the suggestion. If the save fails, the subject will follow the caster’s suggestion for up to the duration of the spell.
- ▶ Reasonable suggestions: A suggestion that is worded in such a way to make it sound very reasonable incurs a –2 penalty to the saving throw.
- Restrictions: Undead are unaffected.
- Mislead
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: The caster
- This spell causes an illusory double of the caster to appear while the real caster is rendered invisible.
- ▶ Appearance: The illusion of the double includes visual, sonic, olfactory, and tactile elements. It is an entirely convincing double of the caster.
- ▶ Action: The double may act completely independently, including moving, speaking, attacking, and casting spells (that the caster has memorized).
- ▶ Combat: The double has the same combat capabilities as the caster and has a separate pool of hit points, equal to those of the caster when the spell is cast.
- The caster: Is rendered invisible as follows:
- ▶ Attacking: The caster may attack while invisible.
- ▶ Being attacked: Opponents who are aware of the caster’s presence (but who cannot see invisible) may detect a faint shimmering, allowing them to locate the caster. The caster gains a +4 bonus to AC and saving throws against such attacks.
- ▶ Equipment: Any gear the caster is carrying is also rendered invisible (this includes clothing and armour). Items dropped or put down become visible.
- ▶ Light sources: If a light source is made invisible (as part of the caster’s gear), the light it casts is unaffected.
- Permanent Illusion
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 240’
- An illusion of the caster’s choosing— including sounds, smells, and thermal elements—manifests in a 20’ cube area.
- Two types of illusions may be created:
- 1. An illusionary monster: That can be directed to attack. The monster has AC 5 [14]. If it is hit in combat, the attacker may save versus spells. If the save succeeds, the attacker realises the illusory nature of the monster and can no longer be harmed by it.
- 2. A scene: Either changing the appearance of the affected area or creating the appearance of something new.
- Stipulations: The following apply:
- ▶ Responsiveness: The illusion behaves and responds as decided by the caster when the spell is cast.
- ▶ Illusionary monsters: May appear to be harmful but never inflict real damage.
- A character who appears to die actually falls unconscious, a character turned to stone will actually be paralysed, and so on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
- ▶ Illusions from imagination: If the illusion is of something the caster has not personally seen, the referee should grant targets a bonus to any applicable saving throws.
- Shades
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: 30’
- The caster conjures one or more semi-real monsters, woven from shadow-stuff.
- ▶ Hit Dice: The monsters’ total Hit Dice may not exceed the caster’s level.
- ▶ Type: All monsters must be of the same type.
- ▶ Hit points: The monsters have 1d6 hit points per Hit Die (instead of the normal 1d8 hit points per Hit Die).
- ▶ Control: The monsters are under the caster’s control.
- Saving throw: Every creature viewing the shadow monsters may save versus spells:
- ▶ If the save succeeds: The subject views the monsters as they truly are: vague, shifting forms of shadow. To this subject, the shadow monsters have AC 9 [10] and inflict three quarters of their normal damage (rounding down). This subject is unaffected by any special or magical attack forms of the monsters.
- ▶ If the save fails: The subject perceives the monsters as real creatures of the chosen type. To this subject, the shadow monsters attack as normal and inflict normal damage. They may use any special or magical attack forms they possess, but attacks such as energy drain or petrification do not really occur—at worst, they might cause an opponent to fall unconscious or be paralysed for 1d4 turns.
- Through the Looking Glass
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: 10’
- A finely wrought, full-length, silver mirror is enchanted to act as a scrying device, allowing the caster to view any place or object that is brought to mind:
- ▶ The clarity of the vision: Depends on the scryer’s familiarity with the subject.
- ▶ Casting spells: Through the mirror into the viewed scene is not possible.
- Stepping into the mirror: The caster may step into the divined scene:
- ▶ Portal: A faint, spatial distortion exists at the point at which the caster entered the scene. The portal is invisible, but may be perceived by the caster or by magic.
- ▶ Stepping back through: Anyone who perceives the portal may step out of the mirror and into the location whence the caster originated.
- ▶ At the end of the spell’s Duration: The portal disappears. Any creature (including the caster) that stepped through the portal/mirror and did not return must save versus death or becomes lost in another plane of reality.
- Material cost: The mirror must be of at least 5,000gp value.
- Triggered Illusion
- Duration: Permanent until triggered, then 1 round per level
- Range: 240’
- An area within range is enchanted to produce an illusion of the caster’s choosing —including sounds, smells, and thermal elements—when a specified triggering condition occurs. Once triggered, the illusion manifests in a 20’ cube area, remaining for up to 1 round per level. The enchantment then ends. Three types of illusions may be created:
- 1. An illusionary monster: That can be directed to attack. The monster has AC 5 [14]. If it is hit in combat, the attacker may save versus spells. If the save succeeds, the attacker realises the illusory nature of the monster and can no longer be harmed by it.
- 2. An illusionary attack: For example, an avalanche, a falling ceiling, a magic missile, etc. Targets who save versus spells are unaffected.
- 3. A scene: Either changing the appearance of the affected area or creating the appearance of something new. The scene disappears if touched.
- Stipulations: The following apply:
- ▶ Responsiveness: The illusion behaves and responds as decided by the caster when the spell is cast.
- ▶ Illusionary monsters: May appear to be harmful but never inflict real damage.
- A character who appears to die actually falls unconscious, a character turned to stone will actually be paralysed, and so on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
- ▶ Illusions from imagination: If the illusion is of something the caster has not personally seen, the referee should grant targets a bonus to any applicable saving throws.
- The trigger condition: May be as broad or as specific as the caster wishes, and may include conditions on objects in the enchanted area being touched or on the presence of creatures in the area. It may only take visual appearances into account (e.g. it cannot discern the alignment, class, level, etc. of creatures who pass through).
- True Seeing
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: The caster or a creature touched
- The subject sees all things within 60’ as they truly are.
- ▶ Secret doors: Are revealed.
- ▶ Invisibility: Invisible objects and creatures are perceived.
- ▶ Illusions: Are seen through.
- ▶ Enchantments: Enchanted objects and creatures are made apparent.
- Vision
- Duration: 1 turn
- Range: The caster
- The caster calls upon a supernatural power, asking to be sent a vision in answer to a question which vexes them.
- ▶ The power to be called upon: May be selected by the caster.
- ▶ Sacrifice: In order to supplicate the power being contacted, the caster must sacrifice something either valuable to themselves or valuable to the supernatural power. More valuable sacrifices increase the chance of the caster’s question being answered (see below).
- The response of the power: Is determined by rolling 2d6:
- ▶ 2–6: The power is angered. No vision is sent. Instead, the caster is placed under a powerful enchantment forcing them to perform some quest for the power.
- ▶ 7–9: A minor vision is sent. It may not be directly related to the caster’s question.
- ▶ 10 or higher: A vision that answers the caster’s question is sent.
- Value of sacrifice: The 2d6 roll is modified by the value of the sacrifice (as judged by the referee):
- ▶ Very precious: +1
- ▶ Extremely precious: +2
- ▶ Priceless: +3