5th Level Illusionst Spells
- Chaos
- Duration: 12 rounds
- Range: 120’
- This spell causes all creatures in a 60’ diameter area to become confused, making them unable to independently determine what they will do.
- ▶ Saving throw: Subjects that can cast illusionist spells or that have innate powers of illusion may save versus spells to resist the spell’s effect.
- ▶ Behaviour: Roll on the following table separately for each affected subject each round to determine how that subject acts that round:
Chaos: Subject Behaviour |
2d6 |
Behaviour |
2–5 |
Attack caster’s group |
6–8 |
No action |
9–12 |
Attack subject’s group |
- Demi-Shadow Monsters
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: 30’
- The caster conjures one or more semi-real monsters, woven from shadow-stuff.
- ▶ Hit Dice: The monsters’ total Hit Dice may not exceed the caster’s level.
- ▶ Type: All monsters must be of the same type.
- ▶ Hit points: The monsters have 1d4 hit points per Hit Die (instead of the normal 1d8 hit points per Hit Die).
- ▶ Control: The monsters are under the caster’s control.
- Saving throw: Every creature viewing the shadow monsters may save versus spells:
- ▶ If the save succeeds: The subject views the monsters as they truly are: vague, shifting forms of shadow. To this subject, the shadow monsters have AC 9 [10] and inflict half of their normal damage (rounding down). This subject is unaffected by any special or magical attack forms of the monsters.
- ▶ If the save fails: The subject perceives the monsters as real creatures of the chosen type. To this subject, the shadow monsters attack as normal and inflict normal damage. They may use any special or magical attack forms they possess, but attacks such as energy drain or petrification do not really occur—at worst, they might cause an opponent to fall unconscious or be paralysed for 1d4 turns.
- Illusion
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: 240’
- An illusion of the caster’s choosing— including sounds, smells, and thermal elements—manifests in a 20’ cube area.
- Three types of illusions may be created:
- 1. An illusionary monster: That can be directed to attack. The monster has AC 5 [14]. If it is hit in combat, the attacker may save versus spells. If the save succeeds, the attacker realises the illusory nature of the monster and can no longer be harmed by it.
- 2. An illusionary attack: For example, an avalanche, a falling ceiling, a magic missile, etc. Targets who save versus spells are unaffected.
- 3. A scene: Either changing the appearance of the affected area or creating the appearance of something new.
- Stipulations: The following apply:
- ▶ Responsiveness: The illusion behaves and responds as decided by the caster when the spell is cast. No concentration is required to maintain the illusion.
- ▶ Illusionary monsters or attacks: May appear to be harmful but never inflict real damage. A character who appears to die actually falls unconscious, a character turned to stone will actually be paralysed, and so on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
- ▶ Illusions from imagination: If the illusion is of something the caster has not personally seen, the referee should grant targets a bonus to any applicable saving throws.
- Looking Glass
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: Touch
- A finely wrought, silver mirror is enchanted to act as a scrying device, allowing the caster to fleetingly view any place or object that is brought to mind:
- ▶ The clarity of the vision: Is dependent on the scryer’s familiarity with the subject.
- ▶ Casting spells: It is not possible to cast spells through the mirror into the viewed scene.
- Material cost: The mirror enchanted by this spell must be of at least 1,000gp value.
- Major Creation
- Duration: 12 or 6 turns per level
- Range: Touch
- Over the course of a turn, the caster weaves a semi-real but tangible object from a tiny piece of constituent matter.
- For example, a sword could be formed from a splinter of steel.
- ▶ Non-living: Only objects of non-living vegetable or mineral matter may be created (e.g. fabric, rope, wood, metal, stone, etc.).
- ▶ Size: The object may be no larger than one cubic foot per level of the caster.
- ▶ Food: While it is possible to create food, its semi-real nature means that it provides no nourishment.
- ▶ Duration: If objects of vegetable matter are created, the duration is 12 turns per level, otherwise it is 6 turns per level.
- ▶ When the duration ends: The conjured item disappears. The piece of matter from which it was woven remains.
- Maze of Mirrors
- Duration: Varies by subject’s INT
- Range: 5’ per level
- A single subject within range is transported into a shifting, extra-dimensional mirror maze.
- ▶ Duration: The subject is trapped in the maze for a duration depending on its intelligence. See the table below.
- ▶ Escaping the maze: Once the subject has found its way out of the maze, it reappears in the location it was transported from.
Maze of Mirrors Duration |
Subject’s INT | Duration |
Less than 3 | 2d4 turns |
3–5 | 1d4 turns |
6–8 | 5d4 rounds |
9–11 | 4d4 rounds |
12–14 | 3d4 rounds |
15–17 | 2d4 rounds |
18 or higher | 1d4 rounds |
- Projected Image
- Duration: 6 turns
- Range: 240’
- An illusory duplicate of the caster appears within range.
- ▶ Duplicate: The image is an exact duplicate of the caster that can only be differentiated by touch.
- ▶ Subsequent spells cast: Appear to originate from the image. (Targets must still be visible to the caster, however.)
- ▶ Spells and missiles: The image appears unaffected by spells or missile weapons.
- ▶ Melee or touch: If the image is touched or hit in melee, it disappears.
- Seeming
- Duration: 12 hours
- Range: 10’
- This spell alters the outward appearance of one or more persons to that of another type of humanoid.
- ▶ Number of subjects: Up to one subject per two levels of the caster may be affected.
- ▶ The illusionary appearance: All subjects take on the appearance of the same type of creature (e.g. human, elf, goblin, etc.), but each remains a recognisable individual—they do not look like clones.
- ▶ Size and weight: The illusionary appearance may be at most 1’ taller or shorter than the subject. Apparent weight may be altered in any way.
- ▶ Clothing or equipment: May be altered in any way.
- ▶ Cloning: The spell cannot be used to precisely copy another’s appearance.
- ▶ Saving throw: Unwilling subjects may save versus spells to avoid being affected.
- Shadowcast
- Duration: Up to 6 turns +1 per level
- Range: 30’
- The shadows cast by the light of a candle are enchanted, causing them to re-enact events which previously occurred in the area where the spell is cast.
- ▶ Candle: The caster must light a candle and place it in the centre of the area to be affected, which must otherwise be in darkness. The candle burns down completely over the spell’s duration.
- ▶ Time span: The caster may choose to look back into the past up to six turns plus one turn per level.
- ▶ Shadow play: Once the starting point for the shadow re-enactment has been selected, the spell lasts for that amount of time, producing a shadowy replay of the past up to the moment the spell was cast.
- ▶ Silhouettes: Only silhouettes of past events in the area are produced; any sound or speech which occurred is not replicated.
- Enhancement: The power of the illusion may be enhanced by using a specially manufactured candle:
- ▶ Special candle: The candle must be formed from the earwax of a giant monster (which must be obtained by adventuring) and be inlaid with fine runes in gold leaf (at a cost of 200gp).
- ▶ Sound: If such a candle is used, the shadow play is also accompanied by sound, faintly reproduced in the sputtering of the candle’s flame.
- Shadowy Transformation
- Duration: 1d4 rounds +1 per level
- Range: The caster or a creature or object touched
- An object or creature touched becomes shadowy and semi-ethereal.
- If an object is touched:
- ▶ Insubstantial: The object becomes utterly insubstantial. It cannot be touched and provides no physical resistance. For example, a door transformed by this spell could be freely passed through.
- ▶ Size: The object may be no larger than one cubic foot per level of the caster.
- ▶ Magical objects: Magic items and objects
- created by spells (e.g. a wall of stone) cannot be targeted.
- If a creature is touched:
- ▶ Insubstantial: The subject and everything it carries becomes insubstantial.
- ▶ Movement: The subject is able to pass through small holes and cracks.
- ▶ Invulnerability: Only ethereal creatures or magic may harm the subject.
- ▶ Pass undead: Undead will ignore the subject, believing them to be a phantom of some kind. Undead of 10 or more HD may save versus spells (at a –4 penalty) to notice the illusion.
- ▶ Saving throw: An unwilling subject may save versus spells to avoid the transformation.
- Time Flow
- Duration: 6 turns per level
- Range: 10’
- This powerful spell warps the flow of time in the location where it is cast.
- ▶ Time acceleration: For those within the area of effect, each turn that passes has the subjective effect of a whole hour.
- Within the affected area, spell durations pass more quickly and characters must eat and sleep at the accelerated rate.
- ▶ Rest: If enough perceptual time is spent in the affected area, hit points may be recovered due to rest and spells may be re-memorized, subject to the normal rules.
- ▶ Interaction: Any interaction between characters within the enchanted area and those outside of it occur at the normal rate—characters inside the area of time distortion do not gain or lose actions in combat, for instance.
- ▶ Usage limit: Casting time flow more than once in the space of a week causes a permanent loss of one point of CON.
- Visitation
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Range: Unlimited
- This spell sends an apparition to deliver a message to a named subject.
- ▶ The apparition: Takes the form of a ghostly figure of sinister or beguiling aspect, as the caster wishes.
- ▶ The message delivered: May be up to 5 minutes long.
- ▶ Sympathetic item: The caster requires an item of close personal connection to the subject (e.g. a ring, commonly worn garment, lock of hair, etc.).
- ▶ Saving throw: If the subject is unwilling, they may save versus spells to prevent the visitation.