4th Level Illusionst Spells
- Confusion
- Duration: 12 rounds
- Range: 120’
- This spell causes 3d6 subjects within 60’ of one another to become confused, making them unable to independently determine what they will do.
- ▶ Subjects of 2+1 HD or greater: May save versus spells each round to resist the spell’s effect, acting with free will that round if they make the save.
- ▶ Subjects of 2 HD or lower: May not make a saving throw.
- ▶ Behaviour: Roll on the following table separately for each affected subject each round to determine how that subject acts that round:
Confusion: Subject Behaviour |
2d6 |
Behaviour |
2–5 |
Attack caster’s group |
6–8 |
No action |
9–12 |
Attack subject’s group |
- Dispel Magic
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 120’
- Dispel magic ends spells of non-instantaneous duration within a 20’ cube area.
- ▶ Caster levels: If the level of the caster of the effect to be dispelled is higher than the level of the caster of dispel magic, there is a 5% chance per level difference that the attempt to dispel will fail.
- ▶ Magic items: Are unaffected.
- Emotion
- Duration: Concentration
- Range: 10’ per level
- All creatures in a 40’ square area within range must save versus spells or be afflicted by an emotion of the caster’s choosing:
- ▶ Fear: Subjects are struck with terror and will flee from the caster at maximum speed. Affected creatures have a 60% chance of immediately dropping anything in their hands. The chance is decreased by 5% for each level or Hit Die above 1.
- Fear counters ongoing rage effects.
- ▶ Hate: Subjects gain a +2 bonus to attacks, damage, saving throws, and morale.
- Hate counters ongoing hopelessness effects.
- ▶ Hopelessness: Subjects are utterly demoralised and will dejectedly follow enemies’ orders (e.g. to surrender or leave). In combat, there is a 1-in-4 chance of a subject doing nothing each round, and a 1-in-4 chance of them retreating.
- Hopelessness counters ongoing hate effects.
- ▶ Rage: Subjects go berserk, gaining a +1 bonus to hit and +3 to damage. Subjects fight without thought for their own lives and will not use shields. Subjects also gain 5 temporary hit points. These may take a subject above its normal maximum, but disappear when the spell ceases.
- Rage counters ongoing fear effects.
- Concentration: Is required to maintain the projected emotion. If the caster moves or loses concentration, the spell ends.
- Illusory Stamina
- Duration: 3 turns per level
- Range: Touch
- Up to four persons touched by the caster are refreshed, some of their lost hit points being temporarily restored.
- ▶ Bonus hit points: Each subject gains a number of bonus hit points equal to 50% of the number of hit points they are currently below maximum. For example, if the subject has a maximum of 30 hit points and a current total of 12 hit points, they gain 9 bonus hit points (50% of 18).
- ▶ Any damage suffered: Is subtracted first from the bonus hit points.
- ▶ When the duration ends: If any of the bonus hit points remain, they disappear.
- Improved Invisibility
- Duration: 4 rounds +1 per level
- Range: The caster or a creature touched
- The caster or another creature touched becomes invisible:
- ▶ Attacking: The subject may attack while invisible.
- ▶ Being attacked: Opponents who are aware of the subject’s presence (but who cannot see invisible) may detect a faint shimmering, allowing them to locate the subject. The subject gains a +4 bonus to AC and saving throws against attacks from such opponents.
- ▶ Equipment: Any gear the subject is carrying is also rendered invisible (this includes clothing and armour). Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible.
- ▶ Light sources: If a light source is made invisible (as part of the subject’s gear), the light it casts is unaffected.
- Massmorph
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 240’
- A force of human-sized creatures within a 240’ diameter area is veiled by illusion to appear as a copse of trees or orchard.
- ▶ Moving through: Once the illusion is in place, even creatures moving among the veiled subjects are deceived.
- ▶ Subjects who leave the affected area: Cease to be veiled.
- ▶ Dismissing: The caster may dismiss the illusion in its entirety at any time.
- Minor Creation
- Duration: 6 turns per level
- Range: Touch
- Over the course of one turn, the caster weaves a semi-real but tangible object from a tiny piece of constituent matter.
- For example, a semi-real rope could be formed from a strand of hemp fibre.
- ▶ Non-living: Only objects of non-living vegetable matter may be created (e.g. fabric, rope, wood, etc.).
- ▶ Size: The object may be no larger than one cubic foot per level of the caster.
- ▶ Food: While it is possible to create food, its semi-real nature means that it provides no nourishment.
- ▶ When the duration ends: The conjured item disappears. The piece of matter from which it was woven remains.
- Phantasmal Killer
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: 5’ per level
- The subconscious fears of a single target are manifest in its mind as a vision of the most horrible monstrosity it can imagine.
- ▶ Saving throw: The subject may save versus spells with a +2 bonus to resist the phantasm.
- ▶ Pursuit: The monster pursues the subject relentlessly and, as it only exists in the subject’s mind, can move at any speed and pass through any obstacles.
- ▶ Invulnerability: The monster is invulnerable to all of the subject’s attacks.
- ▶ Attacks: The monster attacks the subject once per round with a THAC0 of 16 [+3]. If one of the monster’s attacks is successful, the subject dies of terror.
- ▶ Cancelling: Killing or knocking out the caster ends the phantasm.
- Restrictions: Undead and creatures of less than animal intelligence are unaffected.
- Rainbow Pattern
- Duration: Concentration
- Range: 30’ square around the caster
- A band of twisting, interweaving, rainbow colours fills the air in a 30’ × 30’ area centred on the caster.
- ▶ Creatures that see the pattern: Must save versus spells or become hypnotised as long as they are able to watch the pattern.
- ▶ Number of creatures affected: A total of up to 24 Hit Dice of creatures may be hypnotised.
- ▶ Hypnotised creatures: Simply stand still, gazing at the pattern of colours.
- ▶ If a hypnotised creature is harmed:
- The pattern ceases to enthral it and it may act next round.
- Maintaining the pattern: The pattern can be maintained and directed as follows:
- ▶ Concentration: The caster can maintain the pattern indefinitely, as long as they concentrate on the spell and remain stationary.
- ▶ Releasing: The caster may optionally end concentration and direct the pattern to drift away in a specified direction. The pattern drifts at a rate of 30’ per round and fades after 1d4 rounds. Hypnotised creatures will do their best to follow the pattern, but if they are led into a dangerous area, another saving throw versus spells is allowed to snap out of the trance.
- Shadow Monsters
- Duration: 1 round per level
- Range: 30’
- The caster conjures one or more semi-real monsters, woven from shadow-stuff.
- ▶ Hit Dice: The monsters’ total Hit Dice may not exceed the caster’s level.
- ▶ Type: All monsters must be of the same type.
- ▶ Hit points: The monsters have 1d2 hit points per Hit Die (instead of the normal 1d8 hit points per Hit Die).
- ▶ Control: The monsters are under the caster’s control.
- Saving throw: Every creature viewing the shadow monsters may save versus spells:
- ▶ If the save succeeds: The subject views the monsters as they truly are: vague, shifting forms of shadow. To this subject, the shadow monsters have AC 9 [10] and inflict one quarter of their normal damage (rounding down). This subject is unaffected by any special or magical attack forms of the monsters.
- ▶ If the save fails: The subject perceives the monsters as real creatures of the chosen type. To this subject, the shadow monsters attack as normal and inflict normal damage. They may use any special or magical attack forms they possess, but attacks such as energy drain or petrification do not really occur—at worst, they might cause an opponent to fall unconscious or be paralysed for 1d4 turns.
- Solid Fog
- Duration: 1 turn
- Range: 60’
- A wall of roiling vapour appears at a location of the caster’s choosing within range.
- ▶ Area: The fog bank fills a 10’ cube area per level of the caster.
- ▶ Vision: The solid fog blocks normal vision and infravision.
- ▶ Movement: Creatures moving through the fog move at one tenth of their normal movement rate.
- ▶ Strong winds: Only very strong winds can clear the fog before the spell’s duration has expired.
- ▶ Magical fire: A large area of magical fire can dissipate the fog in one round.
- Veil of Abandonment
- Duration: 1 turn per level
- Range: 10’ per level
- An area is cloaked with a combination of invisibility and illusion, making it seem vacant and neglected—covered in dust, cobwebs, and dirt, as if long abandoned.
- ▶ Creatures: In the affected area when the spell is cast are not cloaked.
- ▶ Inanimate objects: In the affected area are cloaked with invisibility and are veiled such that only direct contact will reveal their presence. Even then, an observer must make a saving throw versus spells to realise that the whole area is under the effects of an illusion: if the save fails, the observer believes that the detected object is merely invisible.
- ▶ Creatures passing through the area: Believe that their passing makes footprints in the dust, breaks through cobwebs, etc.
- ▶ Detection: Creatures that can detect invisible cannot see through this illusion.