3rd Level Illusionst Spells
- Blacklight
- Duration: 1 turn per level
- Range: 60’
- Twisting the nature of light and darkness, this spell creates a 30’ diameter area of illumination which cannot be perceived outside of this area.
- ▶ Stealth: It is thus possible for those within the area of blacklight to see in utter darkness while not revealing their own presence.
- ▶ Area: The caster may cause the area of blacklight to manifest either in a designated area within range or about their own person. (In the latter case, the magical effect moves with the caster.)
- ▶ Magical darkness: The illumination created by blacklight does not penetrate magical darkness.
- Dispel Illusion
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 10’ per level
- Dispel illusion ends ongoing illusions or phantasms (i.e. those with a non-instantaneous duration) within a 20’ cube area.
- ▶ Spells cast by a non-illusionist: Are automatically dispelled.
- ▶ Spells cast by another illusionist:
- Have a chance of not being dispelled.
- If the level of the caster of the effect to be dispelled is higher than the level of the caster of dispel illusion, there is a 5% chance per level difference that the attempt to dispel will fail.
- ▶ Magic items: Are unaffected.
- Fear
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 60’ cone, 30’ wide at end
- Conjures a cone of magical energy that terrifies those within it.
- ▶ Effect: Creatures in the cone are struck with terror and will flee from the caster at maximum speed for one round per level of the caster. (A save versus spells negates the effect).
- ▶ Dropping items: Affected creatures have a 60% chance of immediately dropping anything in their hands. The chance is decreased by 5% for each level or Hit
- Die above 1.
- Hallucinatory Terrain
- Duration: Until touched
- Range: 240’
- Hallucinatory terrain either conjures an illusory terrain feature (e.g. a hill, wood, marsh, etc.) or hides an existing terrain feature.
- ▶ Area: The illusion must fit completely within the spell’s range.
- ▶ Touching: If the illusion is touched by an intelligent being, the spell is negated.
- Invisibility 10’ Radius
- Duration: Permanent (but may be broken, see below)
- Range: 120’
- A selected creature and all creatures within 10’ of it become invisible:
- ▶ Area: The 10’ radius area of the spell’s effect moves with the chosen creature.
- ▶ Exiting the area: Subjects that move more than 10’ away from the chosen creature become visible.
- ▶ Entering the area: Creatures that move into the area after the spell is cast do not become invisible.
- ▶ Gear: Any gear a subject is carrying is also rendered invisible. Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible. Carried light sources become invisible but the emitted light does not.
- ▶ Breaking the invisibility: If a subject attacks or casts a spell, the invisibility is broken for that subject.
- Nondetection
- Duration: 1 turn per level
- Range: The caster
- While this spell lasts, the caster is invisible to all forms of magical location, scrying, and divination, including effects such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and ESP.
- Paralysation
- Duration: 6 turns or until cancelled
- Range: 10’ per level
- A number of creatures within a 20’ cube area are afflicted with the terrifying phantasm of being unable to move.
- ▶ Number of creatures affected: Up to 2HD of creatures per level of the caster.
- ▶ Priority: Creatures with the lowest HD are affected first.
- ▶ Saving throw: Each target may save versus spells to resist the phantasm.
- ▶ Mindless creatures: Are unaffected.
- ▶ Cancelling: The caster may cancel the phantasm at will.
- Phantom Steed
- Duration: 6 turns per level
- Range: 10’
- A quasi-real, shadowy, horse-like creature is conjured by this spell to carry the caster (or another, designated person) upon its back.
- ▶ Appearance: The steed is deep black in colour and has ghostly hooves that make no sound as it runs.
- ▶ Loads: The steed refuses to carry any load beyond that of the rider and their possessions.
- ▶ Stats: The steed has 12 hit points, AC 8 [11], and a movement rate of 30’ (10’) per level of the caster.
- ▶ If the steed is killed: It evaporates into smoke.
- Special abilities: The phantom steed gains additional abilities, depending on the level of the caster:
- ▶ 8th level: The steed is unhindered by unstable ground (e.g. mud or bog).
- ▶ 10th level: The steed may walk across water.
- ▶ 12th level: The steed may walk upon air and is thus able to cross chasms and pits.
- ▶ 14th level: The steed can fly.
- Rope Trick
- Duration: 2 turns per level
- Range: Touch
- A rope is enchanted to rise up into the air, enabling the caster and others to climb it and disappear into an imaginary space.
- ▶ The rope: Rises up to its full length (or at most 30’) and hangs stiffly in the air, magically tethered at the upper end.
- ▶ Climbing the rope: The rope may be climbed normally.
- ▶ Imaginary space: Human-sized (or smaller) creatures that climb to the top of the rope disappear into the imaginary space beyond.
- ▶ Capacity: The imaginary space can hold up to six individuals.
- ▶ Hidden: Creatures inside the imaginary space cannot be perceived or affected in any way by those on the outside, in real space.
- ▶ Pulling up the rope: The rope may be pulled up into the imaginary space, also disappearing.
- When the spell’s duration ends: The rope falls slack, the imaginary space disappears, and anyone inside the imaginary space reappears in mid air.
- Spectral Force
- Duration: Concentration
- Range: 240’
- An illusion of the caster’s choosing including sounds, smells, and therma elements—manifests in a 20’ cube area.
- Three types of illusions may be created:
- 1. An illusionary monster: That can be directed to attack. The monster has AC 5 [14] and vanishes if hit in combat.
- 2. An illusionary attack: For example, an avalanche, a falling ceiling, a magic missile, etc. Targets who save versus spells are unaffected.
- 3. A scene: Either changing the appearance of the affected area or creating the appearance of something new. The scene disappears if touched.
- Stipulations: The following apply:
- ▶ Concentration: Is required to maintain the illusion. If the caster moves at faster than half speed or loses concentration, the spell ends.
- ▶ Persistence: Even when the caster stops concentrating on the spell, the illusion persists for three further rounds.
- ▶ Illusionary monsters or attacks: May appear to be harmful but never inflict real damage. A character who appears to die actually falls unconscious, a character turned to stone will actually be paralysed, and so on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
- ▶ Illusions from imagination: If the illusion is of something the caster has not personally seen, the referee should grant targets a bonus to any applicable saving throws.
- Suggestion
- Duration: 4 turns +4 per level
- Range: 30’
- The caster utters a suggestion to influence the behaviour of a selected subject.
- ▶ Wording: The suggestion must take the form of a short phrase (at most one or two sentences) suggesting a course of action to the subject.
- ▶ Comprehension: A language that is understood by the subject must be used.
- ▶ Harmful suggestions: Suggestions that are obviously harmful to the subject cause the spell to automatically fail.
- ▶ Saving throw: A save versus spells is allowed to resist the suggestion. If the save fails, the subject will follow the caster’s suggestion for up to the duration.
- ▶ Reasonable suggestions: A suggestion that is worded in such a way to make it sound very reasonable incurs a –2 penalty to the saving throw.
- Restrictions: Undead are unaffected.
- Wraithform
- Duration: 1 turn
- Range: The caster
- The caster’s person—along with everything worn or carried—becomes shadowy and semi-ethereal.
- ▶ Movement: The caster is able to pass through small holes and cracks.
- ▶ Actions: The caster may cast spells but may only attack incorporeal creatures.
- ▶ Invulnerability: Only ethereal creatures or magic may harm the caster.
- ▶ Pass undead: Undead will ignore the caster, believing them to be a phantom of some kind. Undead of 10 or more HD may save versus spells (at a –4 penalty) to notice the illusion.
- ▶ Cancelling: The caster may end the spell at will, returning to normal.