2nd Level Illusionst Spells
- Blindness / Deafness
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 30’
- A single creature is afflicted by a phantasm
- which nullifies either its visual or aural sensory input (as selected by the caster), rendering it blind or deaf.
- ▶ Saving throw: The target may save versus spells to avoid the phantasm.
- ▶ Removing: As the blindness or deafness caused by this spell is illusory, it cannot be removed by magic that cures disease. The affliction may be removed by spells that dispel magic or illusions.
- ▶ Cancelling: The caster may cancel the spell’s effect at will.
- Blur
- Duration: 1 turn
- Range: The caster
- The caster’s form becomes blurry and wavering.
- ▶ Attack penalties: Creatures attacking the caster suffer a –4 penalty to hit. This penalty is reduced to –2 on a creature’s second or subsequent attempts to hit the caster.
- ▶ Save bonus: The caster gains a +1 bonus to saving throws against magic that directly targets them.
- Detect Magic
- Duration: 2 turns
- Range: 60’
- Enchanted objects, areas, or creatures are caused to glow. Both permanent and temporary enchantments are revealed.
- False Aura
- Duration: 1 turn
- Range: 30’
- The aura of a creature or object is veiled.
- ▶ Detection spells: (e.g. detect magic, detect evil) are deflected, revealing another creature or object nearby.
- ▶ Divination spells: (e.g. know alignment) cast upon the subject reveal the opposite to the truth.
- Fascinate
- Duration: See below
- Range: 30’
- This spell causes a single creature to perceive the caster—whatever their normal appearance—as utterly captivating.
- ▶ Restrictions: Creatures of less than animal intelligence are not affected.
- ▶ Saving throw: The subject may save versus spells to avoid the effect.
- Affected subjects: Behave as follows:
- ▶ Besotted: The subject follows the caster wherever they go, as if besotted, unless doing so would present a serious danger.
- ▶ Obedience: If the caster can communicate with the subject (even if only by gestures), it may obey requests. Each time a request is made of the subject, the caster must make a CHA check (possibly penalised, if the request is against the nature or best interests of the subject). If the check fails, the spell is broken and the target’s perception of the caster becomes one of horror, rage, and hate.
- ▶ Animals: An animal remains fascinated for 1d4 days, after which it may either attack the caster (if it has been mistreated) or simply leave. If the caster treated the animal well, there is a percentage chance equal to the caster’s CHA that the animal will henceforth remain by the character’s side of its own free will.
- Hypnotic Pattern
- Duration: Concentration
- Range: 30’ square around the caster
- A pattern of twisting, interweaving colours fills the air in a 30’ × 30’ area centred on the caster.
- ▶ Creatures that see the pattern: Must save versus spells or become hypnotised as long as they are able to watch the pattern.
- ▶ Number of creatures affected: Up to 24HD of creatures may be hypnotised.
- ▶ Hypnotised creatures: Simply stand still, gazing at the pattern of colours.
- ▶ If a hypnotised creature is harmed:
- The pattern ceases to enthral it and it may act next round.
- Concentration: The caster can maintain the pattern indefinitely as long as they concentrate on the spell and remain stationary.
- Improved Phantasmal Force
- Duration: Concentration
- Range: 240’
- An illusion of the caster’s choosing— including minor sounds (though not speech)—manifests in a 20’ cube area.
- Three types of illusions may be created:
- 1. An illusionary monster: That can be directed to attack. The monster has an Armour Class of 7 [12] and will vanish if hit in combat.
- 2. An illusionary attack: For example, an avalanche, a falling ceiling, a magic missile, etc. Targets who save versus spells are unaffected.
- 3. A scene: Either changing the appearance of the affected area or creating the appearance of something new. The scene disappears if touched.
- Stipulations: The following apply:
- ▶ Concentration: Is required to maintain the illusion. If the caster moves at faster than half speed or loses concentration, the spell ends.
- ▶ Persistence: Even when the caster stops concentrating on the spell, the illusion persists for two further rounds.
- ▶ Illusionary monsters or attacks: May appear to be harmful but never inflict real damage. A character who appears to die actually falls unconscious, a character turned to stone will actually be paralysed, and so on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
- ▶ Illusions from imagination: If the illusion is of something the caster has not personally seen, the referee should grant targets a bonus to any applicable saving throws.
- Invisibility
- Duration: Permanent (but may be broken, see below)
- Range: 240’
- The caster or another creature or object within range becomes invisible:
- ▶ If cast on a creature: Any gear the subject is carrying is also rendered invisible (this includes clothing and armour).
- Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible. If the subject attacks or casts a spell, the invisibility is broken, ending the spell.
- ▶ If cast on an object: The invisibility is permanent.
- ▶ Light sources: If a light source is made invisible (either as part of a creature’s gear or as an individual object), the light it casts remains visible.
- Magic Mouth
- Duration: Permanent until triggered
- Range: Touch
- The caster imbues an inanimate object with a message that is to be spoken out loud by a magical mouth when a certain trigger condition occurs.
- ▶ The message: Must be in a language the caster speaks and may consist of up to 25 words.
- ▶ The trigger condition: May be as broad or as specific as the caster wishes. It may include conditions on the enchanted object being touched or on the presence of creatures within 30’ of the object. The trigger condition may only take visual appearances into account (e.g. it cannot discern the alignment, class, level, etc. of creatures who pass by).
- ▶ Once triggered: The mouth appears, animates, and speaks the predetermined message. The enchantment then ends.
- ▶ Casting spells: The triggered message cannot cast spells.
- Mirror Image
- Duration: 6 turns
- Range: The caster
- 1d4 illusory duplicates of the caster appear.
- ▶ Behaviour: The mirror images look and behave exactly as the caster.
- ▶ Attacks on the caster: Destroy one of the mirror images (even if the attack misses).
- Quasimorph
- Duration: 3d4 rounds +2 per level
- Range: The caster
- The caster’s physical form undergoes a quasi-real transformation, taking on the appearance of another creature.
- ▶ The new form: Is chosen by the caster.
- The form of any creature may be adopted.
- ▶ Size: The new form may be at most 50% larger or smaller than the caster’s normal size.
- The physical capabilities of the new form: Are granted to the caster to a limited degree:
- ▶ Flight: If the new form can fly, the caster is able to fly at one-quarter of its flying movement rate.
- ▶ Breathing: If the new form can breathe underwater, the caster may also do so.
- ▶ Attacks: When attacking, the caster may appear to use the attacks of the new form but cannot make more attack rolls or inflict more damage than they are normally able to (using whatever weapon is carried).
- ▶ Special abilities: The caster does not gain any special or magical attacks possessed by the new form (e.g. breath weapons, poison, charm, etc.).
- Whispering Wind
- Duration: Special
- Range: 1 mile per level
- This spell allows the caster to send a message or other, non-verbal sound via the wind to a distant location within range.
- ▶ The destination: Must be known to the caster.
- ▶ The message: Up to 100 words or one minute of non-verbal sound.
- ▶ Rate: The message travels on the wind, unnoticed, at one mile per turn.
- ▶ Delivery: On reaching the designated destination, the wind delivers the caster’s message. The message is whisper quiet, relayed by the susurrations of the air, but can be heard by all within 30’. The message is delivered at the location whether or not anyone is present to hear it.