1st Level Illusionst Spells
- Auditory Illusion
- Duration: 3 turns
- Range: 240’
- A sound of the caster’s choosing is conjured, emanating from a point anywhere within range.
- ▶ Motion: The sound may move as long as it remains within range.
- ▶ Change: The sound may change and evolve over the course of the duration as the caster wishes.
- ▶ Loudness: The loudness of the sound is limited by the caster’s level: a maximum equivalent to approximately four humans shouting per experience level. (For example, a horde of rats is equal to 8 humans, a lion roaring is equal to 16 humans, a dragon roaring is equal to 24 or more humans.)
- Chromatic Orb
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 60’
- This spell conjures an orb of pure colour that shoots towards a visible target within range.
- ▶ Colour: The caster may conjure an orb of one of the colours listed in the table opposite, depending on their experience level and the gems available.
- ▶ Gemstone: The colour orb is created by refracting and amplifying the pure hue and intrinsic properties of a gemstone, which must be in the caster’s possession.
- Casting chromatic orb does not cause the gemstone to be consumed.
- ▶ Value: The gem to be used must be of a certain minimum value (indicated in the table opposite).
- ▶ Hit: The orb hits unerringly, inflicting damage on the target and another effect that depends on its colour.
Chromatic Orb Effects |
Caster’s Level |
Gem (Value) |
Colour of Orb |
Damage |
Effect |
1st or greater |
Quartz (10gp) |
Clear |
1d4 |
Light |
2nd or greater |
Ruby (50gp) |
Red |
1d6 |
Heat |
3rd or greater |
Agate (100gp) |
Orange |
1d8 |
Fire |
4th or greater |
Onyx (250gp) |
Black |
1d10 |
Blindness |
5th or greater |
Emerald (500gp) |
Green |
1d12 |
Stench |
6th or greater |
Magnetite (500gp) |
Grey |
2d6 |
Magnetism |
7th or greater |
Sapphire (1,000gp) |
Blue |
2d8 |
Paralysis |
- Chromatic Orb Effects
- Light: If the target fails a saving throw versus spells, it is surrounded by light in a 15’ radius for 1d4 rounds. In low light conditions, attacks against the target gain a +2 bonus. Any attempts at stealth or surprise on the target’s part may be nullified.
- Heat: If the target fails a saving throw versus spells, it suffers a –2 penalty to attacks, saves, and AC for 1d4 rounds. The heat of the ruby orb may also be used to melt up to a cubic yard of ice.
- Fire: All flammable objects within 2’ of the target are set alight. If the target fails a saving throw versus spells, flammable objects (e.g. clothing, hair, etc.) on its person are also set alight. This inflicts 1d3 damage for 1d4 rounds, unless the target spends a round extinguishing the flames.
- Blindness: The target is blinded for 1d4 rounds unless it saves versus spells. A blind creature cannot attack.
- Stench: A 5’ radius cloud of stinking vapours erupts at the target’s location. Creatures within the cloud (including the target) must save versus poison or be overcome with nausea—unable to act except to move at half movement rate. Once leaving the cloud, the nausea subsides after 1d4 rounds. The cloud disperses after 1 turn.
- Magnetism: The electrical energy of the orb strongly magnetizes any metal objects on the target (e.g. armour, weapons) unless a saving throw versus spells is made. The magnetic charge lasts for 1d4 rounds and causes metal objects to stick together. A target wearing metal armour suffers a –2 penalty to AC and is unable to attack with metal weapons.
- Paralysis: Unless a saving throw versus paralysis is made, the target is paralysed for 1d4 rounds.
- Colour Spray
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 20’ long cone, 20’ wide at end
- A flurry of clashing, rainbow-hued colours erupts from the caster’s hand.
- ▶ Targets: 1d6 creatures in the area of effect.
- The effect: Depends on the HD of each target, relative to the caster:
- ▶ HD less than or equal to caster: Knocked unconscious for 2d4 rounds. (Creatures of 6HD or greater may save versus spells.)
- ▶ HD up to 2 greater than caster:
- Save versus spells or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. A blind creature cannot attack.
- ▶ HD 3 or more greater than caster:
- Save versus spells or be unable to move, attack, or make other actions for one round.
- Creatures that cannot see: Are unaffected by this spell.
- Dancing Lights
- Duration: 1 turn
- Range: 40’ + 10’ per level
- Lights under the caster’s control are conjured and may be directed to move anywhere within range. The caster may choose to conjure one of the following types of light:
- 1. Torches: 1–4 lights that resemble torches or lanterns, casting the appropriate volume of light.
- 2. Spheres: 1–4 glowing spheres, resembling will-o-the-wisps.
- 3. Humanoid: A single, glowing, humanoid form.
- Detect Illusion
- Duration: 3 turns
- Range: The caster or a creature touched
- The subject can see through illusions within 10’ per level of the caster. Invisible creatures or objects in the same range are also revealed.
- Glamour
- Duration: 2d6 rounds +2 per level
- Range: The caster
- The caster is wrapped in an illusion, taking on the outward appearance of another humanoid. Two variants are possible, chosen as the spell is cast:
- 1. Imagined form: The caster takes on a form which they imagine.
- 2. Duplicate individual: The caster copies the form of a living individual whom they touch. An attack roll is required if the target is unwilling.
- Stipulations: The following apply:
- ▶ Height: The illusionary form may be at most 1’ taller or shorter than the caster’s normal form.
- ▶ Weight: Apparent weight may be altered in any way.
- ▶ Gear: Clothing or items may be altered in any way.
- ▶ Observers: If the spell is used to copy another’s appearance, those familiar with the copied individual may save versus
- spells to detect the ruse.
- Hypnotism
- Duration: 1 round +1 per level
- Range: 30’
- The caster’s gestures and droning syllables open the minds of one or more subjects within range to a hypnotic suggestion that is uttered as part of the spell casting.
- ▶ Number of targets: Up to 1d6 creatures are affected. The number of creatures affected is determined after the suggestion is made.
- ▶ Wording: The suggestion must take the form of a short phrase (at most one or two sentences) suggesting a course of action to the subjects.
- ▶ Comprehension: A language that is understood by the subjects must be used.
- ▶ Harmful suggestions: A suggested course of action that is obviously harmful to a subject causes the spell to automatically fail for that subject.
- ▶ Saving throw: Each subject may save versus spells to resist the hypnotic suggestion.
- If the save fails, the subject will follow the caster’s suggestion for up to the duration of the spell.
- ▶ Reasonable suggestions: A suggestion that is worded in such a way to make it sound very reasonable incurs a –2 penalty to the saving throw.
- Restrictions: Undead are not affected by hypnotism.
- Light
- Duration: 6 turns +1 per level
- Range: 120’
- This spell has three usages:
- 1. Conjuring light: In a 15’ radius. The magical light is sufficient for reading, but is not as bright as daylight. The spell may be cast upon an object, in which case the light moves with the object.
- 2. Blinding a creature: By casting the spell upon its eyes. If the target fails a saving throw versus spells, it is blinded for the duration. A blind creature cannot attack.
- 3. Cancelling darkness: Light may cancel a darkness spell (see below).
- Reversed: Darkness
- Creates a 15’ radius area of magical blackness, preventing normal sight (but not infravision). Like light, it may alternatively be used to blind creatures or to dispel a light spell.
- Phantasmal Force
- Duration: Concentration
- Range: 240’
- A visual illusion of the caster’s choosing manifests in a 20’ cube area. Three types of illusions may be created:
- 1. An illusionary monster: That can be directed to attack. The monster has AC 9 [10] and vanishes if hit in combat.
- 2. An illusionary attack: For example, an avalanche, a falling ceiling, a magic missile, etc. Targets who save versus spells are unaffected.
- 3. A scene: Either changing the appearance of the affected area or creating the appearance of something new. The scene disappears if touched.
- Stipulations: The following apply:
- ▶ Concentration: Is required to maintain the illusion. If the caster moves or loses concentration, the spell ends.
- ▶ Illusionary monsters or attacks: May appear to be harmful but never inflict real damage. A character who appears to die actually falls unconscious, a character turned to stone will actually be paralysed, and so on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
- ▶ Illusions from imagination: If the illusion is of something the caster has not personally seen, the referee should grant targets a bonus to any applicable saving throws.
- Read Magic
- Duration: 1 turn
- Range: The caster
- By means of read magic, the caster can decipher magical inscriptions or runes as follows:
- ▶ Scrolls: The magical script of a scroll of arcane spells can be understood. The caster is then able to activate the scroll at any time in the future.
- ▶ Spell books: A spell book written by another arcane spell caster can be deciphered.
- ▶ Inscriptions: Runes or magical words inscribed on an object or surface can be understood.
- ▶ Reading again: Once the caster has read a magical inscription using read magic, they are thereafter able to read that particular writing without recourse to the use of this spell.
- Spook
- Duration: Until broken (see below)
- Range: 10’
- The caster gestures threateningly at an intelligent target within range.
- ▶ Saving throw: The target may save versus spells to avoid coming under the spell’s effect.
- ▶ An afflicted target: Perceives the caster as a monster from its worst nightmares and will flee from the caster at maximum speed.
- ▶ Breaking the spell: The target may make a new save versus spells each round with success indicating that the spell is broken. Until the spell is broken, the target believes it is being pursued by the imagined horror.
- Restrictions: Undead and creatures of less than animal intelligence are not affected.
- Wall of Fog
- Duration: 1 turn
- Range: 60’
- A wall of roiling vapour is conjured at a location of the caster’s choosing within range.
- ▶ Area: The fog fills a 10’ cube area per level of the caster.
- ▶ Vision: The fog blocks normal vision and infravision.
- ▶ Strong winds: Can clear the fog before the spell’s duration has expired.