2nd Level Druid Spells
- Barkskin
- Duration: 1 turn per level
- Range: The caster or a creature touched
- The subject’s skin toughens like bark.
- ▶ AC bonus: The subject’s Armour Class improves by 1.
- ▶ Save bonus: The subject gains a +1 bonus to all saving throws except against magical effects.
- Create Water
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: Touch
- This spell causes a magical spring to gush forth from the ground.
- ▶ Volume: The fount produces approximately 50 gallons of water—enough to sustain twelve humans and twelve mounts for one day.
- ▶ Higher level casters: If the caster is higher than 8th level, water sufficient for an additional twelve humans and mounts is produced for each level beyond 8th.
- Cure Light Wounds
- Duration: Instant
- Range: The caster or a creature touched
- This spell has two uses
- 1. Healing a living subject: Restores 1d6+1 hit points of damage. This cannot grant more hit points than the subject’s normal maximum.
- 2. Curing paralysis: Paralysing effects are negated.
- Reversed: Cause Light Wounds
- Inflicts 1d6+1 hit points of damage to a touched creature. In combat, a melee attack roll is required.
- Heat Metal
- Duration: 7 rounds
- Range: 30’
- All metal in the possession of a number of human-sized subjects is heated to extreme temperatures.
- ▶ Number of subjects: One per two experience levels of the caster.
- ▶ The heat produced: Increases for four rounds, then fades (see the table below).
- ▶ Effects: A subject whose flesh is in contact with the affected metal may be damaged (see below).
- ▶ Dropping items: A subject who drops all heated objects suffers no further harm.
- ▶ Water or snow: Immersing heated metal negates the harmful effects.
- ▶ Immunities: Creatures that are immune to fire are not harmed by this spell.
Heat Metal Effects Per Round |
Round | Level of Heat |
1 | Very hot |
2 | Blistering |
3 | Searing |
4 | White hot |
5 | Searing |
6 | Blistering |
7 | Very hot |
- ▶ Very hot: Uncomfortable to the touch.
- ▶ Blistering: 1d3 damage.
- ▶ Searing: 1d6 damage. Flammable materials touching the object are set alight.
- ▶ White hot: 1d6 damage. Flammable materials touching the object are set alight. Save versus spells or suffer a disability, depending on the affected area(s) of the body. Hand or foot: unusable for 2d4 days. Body: severely weakened for 1d4 days (movement rate halved, unable to fight, cast spells, or perform any strenuous activity). Head: unconscious for 1d4 turns.
- Obscuring Mist
- Duration: 1 turn per level
- Range: 10’ per level around the caster
- A cloud of misty vapour emanates from the ground, filling an area centred on the caster.
- ▶ Height: The mist is 10’ high.
- ▶ Vision: The mist blocks normal vision and infravision. Creatures that can see invisible things can see faintly through the mist.
- ▶ The caster: Can see faintly through the mist.
- ▶ Strong winds: Reduce the spell’s duration by three quarters.
- Produce Flame
- Duration: 2 turns per level
- Range: The caster
- A flame springs to life in the palm of the caster’s hand.
- ▶ The caster: Is unharmed by the flame.
- ▶ Light: The flame casts light that clearly illuminates a 30’ radius.
- ▶ Touching objects: Flammable objects touched with the flame catch on fire.
- ▶ Control: During the spell’s duration, the caster can make the flame disappear and reappear at will.
- ▶ Throwing the flame: The caster may drop the flame or throw it up to 30’. This ends the spell (though fires started by the magical flame may persist).
- Slow Poison
- Duration: 1 hour per level
- Range: The caster or a creature touched
- Poisons affecting the subject are dramatically slowed, giving the caster time to effect a full cure.
- ▶ Poison effects: As long as the subject has more than 1 hit point, the slowed poison inflicts 1hp of damage per turn. If the subject is at 1hp, the poison inflicts no further damage.
- ▶ Characters killed by poison: Can be revived by this spell. Death must have occurred within one turn per level of the caster.
- ▶ Natural poisons: If the subject was poisoned by a natural plant or animal, the caster has a 10% chance per level of knowing a herbal antidote that will fully neutralize the poison. In the wilderness, gathering the herbs for the antidote takes one turn. In a settlement, the herbs may be available for purchase from a herbalist.
- ▶ When the duration ends: The full effects of the poison occur. If the subject was revived from death by this spell, they die once more.
- Warp Wood
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 240’
- Wooden objects of the caster’s choice warp and become useless.
- ▶ Common objects: One arrow-sized object is affected per level of the caster. A javelin, magic wand, or spear counts as two arrows; a bow, club, or staff counts as four.
- ▶ Objects of other shapes: (e.g. boards or planks) of roughly equivalent size may also be targeted. Magical objects: That are targeted have a chance of being unaffected:
- ▶ Magic weapons and arms: Have a 10% chance of being unaffected per magical “plus”. (e.g. a magical spear +2 has a 20% chance of being unaffected by warp wood.)
- ▶ Wielding: If the magical object is in the hands of a creature, the creature may also save versus spells to prevent the object being warped.