The caster approaches a neutral-aligned
beast of animal intelligence with a piece
of food that it finds attractive. The animal
must save versus spells:
▶ If the save succeeds: The animal is
not affected by the magic and behaves
▶ If the save fails: The animal waits quietly
while the caster performs a binding
ritual lasting 6 turns.
Once the binding is complete: The animal
behaves as follows:
▶ Follow: It will follow the caster wherever
they go.
▶ Leaving the animal: The animal will
not harm the caster, but if it is left alone
for more than three days during the first
three months, it reverts to its natural
behaviour, ending the spell.
▶ Training: During the first three
months, the animal may be trained to
perform up to six simple tricks (depending
on its intelligence). Each trick takes
one week to train.
Maximum animal companions: Up to
2HD of animals per level of the caster
may be befriended by this spell at any one
Detect Danger
Duration: 6 turns (outdoors), otherwise
3 turns
Range: 5’ per level
The caster can concentrate to detect dangers
within range.
▶ Areas: Scanning a 10’ × 10’ area takes
one turn.
▶ Creatures: Scanning a creature takes
one round.
▶ Objects: Scanning a small object (e.g.
a chest, weapon, etc.) takes one round.
Larger objects take longer.
After scanning: The caster knows whether
the area, creature, or object poses a
danger to their person. This knowledge
distinguishes between immediate dangers
and potential dangers.
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 80’
All plants present in a 20’ radius area
within range bend and twist, entangling
creatures inside the area.
▶ Saving throw: Each creature in the
affected area may save versus spells.
▶ If the save fails: The creature is entangled
and cannot move.
▶ If the save succeeds: The creature is
able to move through the entangled area
at half its normal movement rate.
Faerie Fire
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 60’
Selected objects or creatures in range are
outlined with a lambent, green fire.
▶ Targets: The caster must be able to
perceive or detect the targets.
▶ Size of targets: If the caster is below
5th level, a single object or creature of approximately
human size (or smaller) can
be affected. At 5th level, two human-sized
targets or one target up to 10’ tall can be
affected. At 10th level, three human-sized
targets or one target up to 15’ tall can be
affected. At 14th level, four human-sized
targets or one target up to 20’ tall can be
▶ Harmless: The faerie fire does not
cause damage.
▶ Counters invisibility: The flickering
fire makes invisible targets visible.
▶ In low light conditions: Attacks on
targets gain a +2 bonus to hit.
Invisibility to Animals
Duration: 1 turn
Range: The caster or a creature touched
This spell renders the subject undetectable
to all senses (smell, sight, hearing) of
non-magical animals and able to wander
among them completely unnoticed.
Locate Plant or Animal
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 120’
The caster can sense the direction (but
not distance) of a non-magical, non-sentient
plant or animal of a chosen type.
The spell has two uses:
1. Named species: Locating a plant or
animal of a named species. In this
case, the nearest plant or animal of
that species is located.
2. Individual: Locating a specific plant
or animal which the caster can clearly
visualise in all aspects.
Predict Weather
Duration: Instant
Range: 1 mile diameter per level
The caster gains accurate knowledge of
the weather within range over the next 12
Speak with Animals
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 30’
The caster can communicate with one
type of animal within range when the
spell is cast.
▶ Type of animal: Ordinary animals or
giant versions of ordinary animals may
be targeted.
▶ Questions: The caster can ask questions
of and receive answers from animals
of the chosen kind, although the spell
doesn’t make animals any more friendly
or cooperative than normal (a reaction
roll may be required).
▶ Services: If an animal is friendly
toward the caster, it may perform some
favour or service.