5th Level Cleric Spells
- Commune
- Duration: 3 turns
- Range: The caster
- The caster calls upon divine powers in
order to seek knowledge.
- ▶ Questions: The caster may ask three
questions per casting. Once per year, the
caster may instead ask six questions.
- ▶ Answers: Each question receives a
simple “yes” or “no” answer.
- ▶ Usage limit: Commune may only be
cast once per week. If the referee feels this
spell is being overused, its usage may be
limited to once per month.
- Create Food
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: Appears in the caster’s presence
Conjures food from thin air.
- ▶ Volume: Food sufficient for twelve
humans and twelve mounts for one day is
- ▶ Higher level casters: If the caster is
higher than 8th level, food sufficient for
an additional 12 humans and mounts is
produced for each level beyond 8th.
- Dispel Evil
- Duration: Concentration (up to 1 turn)
or instant (see below)
- Range: 30’
- This spell has three uses:
- 1. Ward: By concentrating and remaining
stationary, enchanted or undead
monsters that come within range
may be banished or destroyed. Each
monster may save versus spells to
avoid banishment or destruction. If
a monster’s save succeeds, it flees the
affected area.
- 2. Target single monster: Instantly
banish or destroy a single enchanted
or undead monster within range. The
monster may save versus spells (with
a –2 penalty) to avoid banishment
or destruction. If the monster’s save
succeeds, it flees the affected area.
- 3. Dispel curse: Instantly dispel the hold
that a cursed item has over a being
within range.
- Insect Plague
- Duration: Concentration (up to 1 day)
- Range: 480’
- Cast above ground, this spell conjures a
60’ diameter swarm of flying insects with
the following properties:
- ▶ Movement: 20’ per round. While the
swarm is within range, the caster is able
to direct its movements.
- ▶ Vision: Within the area of the swarm
is obscured.
- ▶ Creatures of 2 HD or less: Are driven
away, if caught within the swarm.
- ▶ Concentration: If the caster moves or
loses concentration, the swarm dissipates,
ending the spell.
- Restrictions: The spell has no effect if
cast underground.
- Quest
- Duration: Until quest is completed /
Instant (remove quest)
- Range: 30’
- The caster commands a single subject to
perform a specific quest or task.
- ▶ Examples: Rescuing a prisoner, killing
a specific monster, bringing a magic item
to the caster, or going on a journey to a
holy site.
- ▶ Suicidal quests: The prescribed quest
must not be obviously suicidal.
- ▶ Saving throw: The subject may save
versus spells, with success indicating that
the quest has no effect.
- ▶ Refusal: Otherwise, the subject must
undertake the quest or fall under a curse
(per the curse spell, with the exact nature
of the curse determined by the referee).
- ▶ Completion: Once the task is completed,
the spell ends.
- Reversed: Remove Quest
- Can dispel an active quest spell. If the
character who cast the quest spell to be
nullified is higher level than the character
casting remove quest, there is a chance of
the spell having no effect. The probability
of failure is 5% per level the caster is
below the caster of quest.
- Raise Dead
- Duration: Instant
- Range: 120’
- This spell has two uses:
- 1. Restore life: To a recently deceased
human or demihuman. See below.
- 2. Destroy undead: A single undead
monster is destroyed, if it fails a saving
throw versus spells.
- Restoring life: When used to restore life,
the following stipulations apply:
- ▶ Time limit: The caster can raise a person
that has been dead for no longer than
four days per level of the caster above 7th.
For example, a 10th level caster can revive
a character that has been dead for twelve
days (three levels above 7th × four days).
- ▶ Weakness: Returning from death is
an ordeal. Until the subject gets two full
weeks of bed rest, they have 1 hit point,
move at half the normal rate, cannot
carry heavy items, and cannot attack, cast
spells, or use other class abilities. This
period of weakness may not be shortened
by any magical healing.
- Reversed: Finger of Death
- Directs a ray of deadly magic at a single
target. If the target fails a saving throw
versus death, it dies instantly. Casting
finger of death is a chaotic act; it will only
be used by lawful casters in desperate