2nd Level Cleric Spells
- Bless
- Duration: 6 turns
- Range: 60’
- May be used in one of two situations:
- 1. Battle: Allies within a 20’ square area
who are not yet in melee gain a +1
bonus to attack and damage rolls and
a +1 bonus to morale.
- 2. Ritual: Casting bless may also form
part of rituals of purification or consecration,
at the referee’s discretion.
- Reversed: Blight
- Incurs a –1 penalty to morale checks,
attack rolls, and damage rolls of enimies
within a 20’ square area. A save versus
spells is allowed to resist the blight.
- Find Traps
- Duration: 2 turns
- Range: 30’
- Trapped objects or areas within range of
the caster glow with a magical blue light.
- ▶ Magical and mechanical traps: Are
both detected.
- ▶ No knowledge: About the nature of
the trap or how to deactivate it is granted.
- Hold Person
- Duration: 9 turns
- Range: 180’
- This spell causes one or more humans,
demihumans, or human-like monsters to
be paralysed if they fail a saving throw
versus spells. It may be cast in two ways:
- 1. Against an individual: The target’s
saving throw is penalised by –2.
- 2. Against a group: 1d4 individuals in
the group are targeted.
- Restrictions: Human-like monsters of
greater than 4+1 HD and undead are not
- Know Alignment
- Duration: 1 round
- Range: 10’
- The caster gains immediate knowledge of
the alignment of one character, monster,
object, or location within range. (Most
objects or locations do not have an
alignment, but magic items or holy places
- Resist Fire
- Duration: 2 turns
- Range: 30’
- A single creature is bestowed with supernatural
resistance to fire, as follows:
- ▶ Normal heat: Unharmed by non-magical
heat or fire.
- ▶ Save bonus: Gain a +2 bonus to all
saving throws versus fire-based magical
or breath attacks.
- ▶ Fire-based damage: Is reduced by 1
point per damage die rolled. (Each die inflicts
a minimum of 1 hit point damage.)
- Silence 15’ Radius
- Duration: 12 turns
- Range: 180’
- A 15’ radius area is rendered utterly
- ▶ Within the area: All sound is stopped.
Conversation and spell casting are impossible.
- ▶ Noise from outside the area: Can be
heard by those within it.
- ▶ Casting upon a creature: Silence may
be cast upon a creature, which must
save versus spells. If the save fails, the
15’ radius area of silence moves with the
creature. If the save succeeds, the spell’s
effect remains stationary—the targeted
creature may move out of it.
- Snake Charm
- Duration: 1d4+1 rounds or turns
- Range: 60’
- One or more snakes are rendered
non-hostile, rearing up and swaying to
and fro but not attacking.
- ▶ HD affected: The spell affects snakes
whose total Hit Dice do not exceed the
caster’s level. For example, a 7th level
caster can affect 7 HD of snakes, which
can equal seven 1 HD snakes, or two 3
HD snakes and one 1 HD snake, or any
other combination.
- ▶ Duration: When cast on snakes that
are already attacking, the spell lasts for
1d4+1 rounds. Otherwise, it lasts for
1d4+1 turns.
- Speak with Animals
- Duration: 6 turns
- Range: 30’
- The caster can communicate with one
type of animal within range when the
spell is cast.
- ▶ Type of animal: Ordinary animals or
giant versions of ordinary animals may
be targeted.
- ▶ Questions: The caster can ask questions
of and receive answers from animals
of the chosen kind, although the spell
doesn’t make animals any more friendly
or cooperative than normal (a reaction
roll may be required).
- ▶ Services: If an animal is friendly
toward the caster, it may perform some
favour or service.