Barrowmaze Magic-user Spells
- Fennril’s Exquisite Strangulation
- Level: 1 (Magic-User)
- Duration: 2 rounds +1 per level
- Range: 20 feet plus 5 feet every 2 levels
- This spell allows the caster to reach out with magical
energy and strangle a medium-sized or smaller humanoid
- Each round, the victim takes 1d4 hit points of damage plus
1 additional point per level. The caster must concentrate
solely on the spell or the effect is broken.
- During the strangulation the victim can take no action
and will focus solely on attempting to breath. Creatures
over 4 HD are unaffected.
- Hitzemun’s Blue Feet
- Level: 1 (Magic-User)
- Duration: 1 turn +1 turn per level
- Range: One person by touch
- As a boy, the Ice Mage Hitzemun enjoyed going barefoot
as much as possible. In fact, his teacher insisted that
to master ice magic, Hitzemun should be outside in the
winter environment barefoot as often as possible.
- Hitzemun discovered that his feet were not the proper
type to be outside during the winter, so he developed
Hitzemun’s Blue Feet to make his feet immune to damage
from cold and freezing temperatures.
- As a side effect, Hitzemun found that he could use the
spell to gain traction on icy surfaces. The spell also
provides +2 on all cold-related saves for the duration of
the spell.
- Submitted by Imon Fyre
- Mazakala’s Mucilaginous Effluvium
- Level: 1 (Magic-User)
- Duration: 1 round
- Range: 10 feet +5 feet per level (max 30 feet)
- By means of this spell, the caster spews forth a ball of
sticky mucilage that s/he can direct toward a single
humanoid opponent (or other subject to the Referee’s
discretion). The effect lasts for a single round.
- The effect is subject to the specific target of the spell. The
caster may 1) target the head and blind; 2) target the
body and constrain from attacking; or 3) target the foot
and immobilize.
- Humanoids and/or monsters over 4 hit dice are allowed
a save (Spells) at +2.
- Mazakala was a young, promising human magic-user,
who, after creating this spell, was bitten in half by a
Pteranodon while marching to Barrowmaze.
- Baltron’s Black Sheen
- Level: 1 (Magic-User)
- Duration: 1 turn
- Range: 5 sq. feet/level
- This spell creates a thin sheet of black ice across an area
of effect subject to the level of the caster. Any creature
that steps onto the black sheen must save (Petrification)
or slip, slide, and fall. A fifth level magic-user may cast
the icy coating in different ways including weapon
handles, rope, or ladders. In these examples, creatures
are allowed a save (Spells).
- Mazakala’s Glassy Facsimile
- Level: 1 (Magic-User)
- Duration: Permanent until touched
- Range: 30 feet from caster
- By means of this spell, a magic-user can create a sparkly
phantasmagorical simulacrum of a specific humanoid
creature. If the creature beholds its copy, it must make a
save versus spells or be completely entranced (unable to
function) beyond staring at the glassy facsimile for 1d4+1
rounds before reaching out and touching the phantasm,
thereby ending the spell.
- The spell has no effect on 4+ hit dice creatures and the
caster must have a clear line of sight to the creature
being copied.
- Baltron’s Effusive Bloodboil
- Level: 2 (Magic-User)
- Duration: 3 round
- Range: One target within 30 feet of the caster
- By means of this spell, the magic-user increases the
blood temperature of a single humanoid creature.
- The spell has an effect that lasts for three rounds. In
the first round, the victim burns with fever and sweats
uncontrollably taking 1d4 points of damage. In the
second round, blood starts dripping from the eyes, ears,
and nose, and s/he takes 1d8 points of damage. In the
third round, as the Bloodboil dissipates, the victim takes
an additional 1d4 points of damage.
- The target is allowed a saving throw (Spells) but this only
serves to half the damage.
- Djriixim’s Purple Haze
- Level: 2 (Magic-User)
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 30 feet
- This spell is similar to the spell Stinking Cloud in many
respects. Djriixim’s Purple Haze creates a 20 foot cubed
bank of thick purple vapor centered anywhere within
range. Any living creatures caught within the vapor
will feel disoriented, unable to act (beyond staggering
outside the cloud).
- This condition lasts as long as the creature is in the cloud
and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves. Any creature that
succeeds in a saving throw (Poison) when leaving the vapor
is not affected for the remaining rounds but feels ravenous.
- Galaxina’s Scintillating Spark Shower
- Level: 2 (Magic-User)
- Duration: See below
- Range: 25 feet by 10 feet
- When this spell is cast, sizzling, crackling sparks leap
from the magic-user’s fingertips in an area of effect 25
feet across and 10 feet deep.
- All those within the area suffer 2d4 points of damage if
they are wearing non-metallic armor, or 4d4 points of
damage if they bear metallic armor or weapon.
- Victims are allowed a save (Spells) for half damage.
- Vitharia’s Vengeful Visage
- Level: 2 (Magic-User)
- Duration: See below
- Range: 0
- This spell functions as a lesser version of the 4th level
magic-user spell Fear.
- This spell creates an illusion that deforms the face of
the caster (or accentuates a pre-existing deformity) and
inspires terror in living humanoid creatures within an
invisible cone (5' wide origin, 20' long, and 15' diameter
at the terminal end).
- Those who behold the Vengeful Visage panic and flee
from fear of the caster if they fail their saving throw
(Spells). Victims flee from the caster as fast as their
movement rate allows, for a number of rounds equal to
half the caster’s level (rounded up). This spell has no effect
on blind creatures or creatures of 4 or greater hit dice.
- Vitharia was a young elven magic-user of great promise
who was defaced when pummeled in the street by thugs.
- He was later bludgeoned and eaten by a mimic.