Barrowmaze Cleric Spells
- Spiritual Armor
- Level: 1 (Cleric)
- Duration: 2d4+1 Rd/level of caster
- Range: Caster
- This spell enhances natural armor with a shimmer-ing blue glow.
- For the duration of the spell, the caster receives the blessing of their neutral or lawful deity in the form of an AC bonus (+2) against undead.
- This bonus does not stack with other spells.
- Continual Flame
- Level: 2 (Cleric)
- Duration: Permanent
- Range: 20 feet torch/5 feet candle
- A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch (20 feet),
springs forth from an inanimate object that you touch.
The effect looks like a regular flame, but it creates no
heat and does not use oxygen.
- A Continual Flame can be covered and hidden but not
smothered or quenched. This spell may be cast directly
on a creature’s possessions, but the creature receives a
saving throw (Spells). This spell cast be cast on inanimate
objects only.
- Animate Statue
- Level: 3 (Cleric)/4 (Magic-User)
- Duration: 1d10 rounds +1 per level
- Range: 1 inanimate statue
- By means of this spell, a cleric or magic-user can animate
a statue for a period of time equal to 1d10 rounds plus
the caster’s level.
- The statue will only respond to the verbal commands of
its creator. Although the exact hit dice are subject to the
material of the statue, it is suggested that the Referee use
the Animated Statues (Crystal, Stone, and Iron) presented
in the Labyrinth Lord Core Rulebook as base guidelines.
- Note that if the caster dies while the golem is still
animated, it will go berserk and attack a random target.
Statue | Move | AC | HD | #ATK | DMG |
Crystal | 90'(30') | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1d6x2 |
Stone | 60'(20') | 4 | 5 | 2 | 2d6x2 |
Iron | 30'(10') | 4 | 4 | 2 | 1d8x2 |