Wood Elf

Wood elves are slender, fey demihumans with pointed ears. They typically weigh about 110 pounds and are between 5 and 5½ feet tall. Wood elves dwell in hidden, treetop settlements in deep forests, and are seldom seen by humans. They are reclusive and defend their homelands against trespassers. Like druids, wood elves worship the force of nature and the myriad deities that personify it.

Available Classes and Max Level

Detect Secret Doors

Wood elves have keen eyes that allow them, when actively searching, to detect hidden and secret doors with a 2-in-6 chance

Immunity to Ghoul Paralysis

Wood elves are completely unaffected by the paralysis that ghouls can inflict.


Wood elves have infravision to 60’

Listening at Doors

Wood elves have a 2-in-6 chance of hearing noises

Missile Attack Bonus

Wood elves’ keen coordination grants them a +1 bonus to attack rolls with all missile weapons.