Phase Phase elves are slender, fey demihumans with pointed ears. They typically weigh about 120 pounds and are between 5½ and 6 feet tall. Their hair tends to be violet or silver and their eyes are either pure black or pure white—without an iris or pupil (see Dual Persona). Phase Phase elves originate from an alternate dimension which is inaccessible to other races, and about which they never speak.
Phase elves are completely unaffected by the paralysis that ghouls can inflict.
Phase elves have infravision to 60’
Phase elves have a 2-in-6 chance of hearing noises
Phase Phase elves have keen eyes that allow them, when actively searching, to detect hidden and secret doors with a 2-in-6 chance
A phase elf has two independent but interconnected personae or phases, each with a different character class. When creating a phase elf character, the player must select two classes, one per phase (e.g. a fighter phase and a thief phase).
Phasing: Each morning, upon awakening, the character may choose to switch to their other phase. This is called phasing. Phasing is possible at most once per day.
THAC0 and saves: The character uses the values for their current phase’s class.
Hit points: The character has a single pool of hit points, shared by both phases. When rolling for hit points at character creation, roll the HD of both classes and divide the total by two. Upon gaining a level, any hit points gained are also divided by two. Fractions are tracked and may add up to a whole number later on.
Experience points: The character has a separately tracked experience level and XP count for each of their two classes. XP earned is divided between the two classes as the referee sees fit, based on which phase (or phases) the character was in while adventuring. When the character has gained enough XP in one of their classes, that class increases in level.
Class abilities: The character can only use abilities of their current phase’s class. This includes spell-casting and allowed weapons and armour.
Eye colour: When in the one phase, the character’s eyes are pure white; when in the other phase their eyes are pure black.
Personalities: The two phases have complete knowledge of the other’s actions. They usually share the same name, but their personalities and goals may differ.
Alignment: The two phases may be of different alignment.