Humans are renowned for the deep passions that drive them through their short lives. They have the potential to become great leaders, forging alliances between other races, but they are easily corrupted. Humans do not have any racial abilities but are the most flexible race, being able to select any class and advance without limits to experience level. (Other races, have a limited choice of character class and strict limits on maximum level.)
All non-demihuman classes: Unlimited
If the optional rule for lifting demihuman class and level restrictions is used (see p78), it is recommended that the loss of human characters’ main advantage (i.e. unlimited advancement in any class) be compensated by the following abilities.
+1 CHA, +1 CON.
When rolling hit points (including at 1st level), the player of a human PC may roll twice and take the best result.
When an initiative roll is tied, humans act first, as if they had won initiative. If using the optional rule for individual initiative (see Combat, p234), humans get a bonus of +1 to initiative rolls.
All of a human’s retainers and mercenaries gain a +1 bonus to loyalty and morale.