Hephaestans are a race of tall (6’), thin demihumans with angular features and pointed ears. Some sages claim they are relatives of elves, hailing from a distant land or even another world. For their part, hephaestans are tight lipped on the subject of their origins. Despite their cold rationality and aloofness, hephaestans get along well with most intelligent races.
Hephaestans have keen hearing, giving them a 2-in-6 chance of hearing noises
Hephaestans have developed a non-lethal combat technique that applies pressure to the nerves at the back of a creature’s neck to induce temporary unconsciousness for 4d4 rounds. Neuropressure only affects targets of 4+1 or lower Hit Dice (see Game Statistics under Monsters in Old-School Essentials) and is ineffective against creatures larger than the hephaestan or lacking a discernible neck. Furthermore, neuropressure requires a successful attack roll against an unaware opponent to take effect. This ability is usable a number of times per day equal to the hephaestan’s level.