Grimalkins have the innate ability to shift between three different forms. A grimalkin’s normal form—known as its estray form—is that of a humanoid cat, wearing clothing, speaking, and walking upright. Like other fairies, they have an immortal lifespan but are vulnerable to pure iron.
A grimalkin can transform into a fat domestic cat, known as their chester form. This transformation takes 1d6 rounds. The following applies when in chester:
Dull-witted: The character’s Intelligence score is halved. They can understand language, but can only respond in yowls and meows.
Combat: The character has AC 7 [12], a movement rate of 90’ (30’), and may make a bite and two claw attacks each round. Each attack inflicts 1 point of damage.
Class abilities: In chester, a grimalkin cannot wield weapons or use any class abilities (e.g. spell casting, thief skills).
Equipment: All equipment carried is transformed with the character, effectively vanishing, but reappearing upon the character’s return to their humanoid form.
Changing back: The character changes back at dawn.
Armour must be tailored to grimalkins’ small size. Likewise, grimalkins can only use weapons appropriate to their stature (as determined by the referee). They cannot use longbows or two-handed swords.
In combat with larger-than-human creatures, grimalkins gain a +2 AC bonus, due to their small size.
Grimalkins can be killed but do not die naturally. They are immune to the mundane illnesses of mortal-kind, but are affected by magical diseases. Grimalkins also cannot die of thirst or starvation, though a lack of sustenance drives them insane and sadistic.
As fairies, grimalkins are vulnerable to iron weapons, suffering double damage on a successful hit.
A grimalkin who is in battle and near death (less than one-third hit points) may transform into a near-invisible, primal fey form, known as wilder. The transformation requires one round. The following applies when in wilder:
Fey chaos: The character’s memories are suppressed and they cannot distinguish friend from foe, indiscriminately attacking the nearest creature.
Primal strength: The character gains 2d6 hit points and a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
Veiled in darkness: Only the grimalkin’s deranged, predatory eyes are visible in wilder. Those who can perceive the invisible or see in darkness discern a stocky feline form, 3’ high at the shoulder, with a bulky head, a leering mouth, and fur standing on end, as if electrified. Opponents who cannot perceive the invisible or see in darkness have a –2 penalty to attacks against the character.
Combat: The character has AC 6 [13], a movement rate of 90’ (30’), and may make a bite and two claw attacks each round. Each inflicts 1d4 damage.
Class abilities: In wilder, a grimalkin cannot wield weapons or use any class abilities (e.g. spell casting, thief skills).
Equipment: All equipment carried is transformed with the grimalkin, effectively vanishing, but reappearing upon the character’s return to their humanoid form.
After 2d4 rounds: The character disappears into Fairy. After 1d6 days spent wandering strange paths in Fairy, the grimalkin spontaneously reappears in their humanoid form, in the presence of their companions.