
Known as the “Big Siblings of Humankind,” gargantuas are demihumans who stand about 7½’ tall and weigh 550 pounds. Gargantuas typically live among or near humans, though some prefer to establish their own communities in the wilderness. They are known for their strong resistance to every kind of hardship. Gargantuas also have a reputation for being slow-witted and literal-minded that is not entirely deserved, though it is true that they lack subtlety when compared to their smaller kin. They can be steadfast allies or unyielding foes.

Available Classes and Max Level


Armour must be tailored to gargantuas’ large size.

Two-handed melee weapons: A gargantua can wield any two-handed melee weapon, such as a battle axe, with only one hand.

Open Doors

Gargantuas open even barred doors with ease. They are treated as the next highest STR category when it comes to determining their chance of opening doors (see Ability Scores in Old-School Essentials). For example, a gargantua with STR 12 is treated as if their STR were in the 13–15 category instead.


Gargantuas’ natural constitution and resistance to magic grants them a bonus to saving throws versus poison, spells, and magic wands, rods, and staves. This bonus depends on a gargantua’s CON score, as follows:

Rock Throwing

Gargantuas are adept at using rocks as projectiles. Rocks thrown by a gargantua deal 1d6 damage on a successful hit and have a range of 5’–50’ / 51’–100’ / 101’–150’.