Duergars (also known as grey dwarves) are short, scrawny, bearded demihumans who live in strongholds and cities deep underground. They are renowned for their greed for precious metals and stones and for their xenophobia toward other races. Like other dwarves, duergars have a naturally strong constitution and a high resistance to magic. Duergars are around 4’ tall, weigh about 120 pounds, and have lifespans of up to 500 years. Their skin and hair are grey and their visages are ugly.
Due to their short height, duergars can only use small or normal sized weapons. They cannot use longbows or two-handed swords
As expert miners, duergars have a 2-in- 6 chance of being able to detect new construction, sliding walls, or sloping passages when searching.
Due to their expertise with construction, duergars have a 2-in-6 chance of detecting non-magical room traps when searching
Duergars have infravision to 90’ (see Darkness under Hazards and Challenges, p220).
When in bright light (daylight, continual light), duergars suffer a –2 penalty to attack rolls and a –1 penalty to Armour Class.
Duergars have a 2-in-6 chance of hearing noises (see Dungeon Adventuring, p222).
Duergars’ natural constitution and resistance to magic grants them a bonus to saving throws versus paralysis, poison, spells, and magic wands, rods, and staves. This bonus depends on a duergar’s CON score, as follows:
Underground, duergars have a 3-in-6 chance of moving silently.