Drow (also known as dark elves) are slender, fey demihumans with pointed ears, skin as black as the night sky, and hair of silver or white. They have extremely long lifespans, being nigh immortal. Drow dwell exclusively underground, carving great cities of stone and crystal. They are ruled by a cult of priests and priestesses who worship strange subterranean deities. They are related to the elves of the surface world and share their love of nature and magic. Drow typically weigh about 120 pounds and are from 5 to 5½ feet tall.
Drow have keen eyes that allow them, when actively searching, to detect hidden and secret doors with a 2-in-6 chance.
Drow are completely unaffected by the paralysis ghouls can inflict.
Drow have infravision to 90’.
At 2nd level, a drow is able to cast the darkness spell (the reverse of light) once per day and, at 4th level, detect magic once per day.
When in bright light (daylight, continual light), drow suffer a –2 penalty to attack rolls and a –1 penalty to Armour Class.
Drow have a 2-in-6 chance of hearing noises.