
Changelings are magical demihumans that possess powers of deception and shape-stealing. In its natural form, a changeling appears to be a normal human.

Available Classes and Max Level


A changeling can alter their form to exactly mimic another person. This requires 1 round of physical contact.

Slain victims: The changeling can steal the form of a person they have killed within the last turn.

Unconscious victims: The changeling can steal the form of a sleeping or unconscious victim.

Effects of Successful Shape-Stealing

Duration: The changeling remains in the new form for 1d6 rounds.

Stats: The changeling retains their own intelligence, hit points, saving throws, and attack probabilities.

Capabilities: Physical capabilities of the new form (e.g. strength, physical attack forms, modes of movement) are acquired. Non-physical special abilities (e.g. immunities, breath weapons, spell casting) are not acquired.

Clothing and gear: Items visibly worn or carried by the victim are copied. Copied items do not possess any magical properties of the original and vanish if dropped.