
At the referee’s option, various types of poison may be available for purchase. Using poison is a chaotic act, so it will be avoided by many characters. The sale of poisons is also prohibited by most cultures. Characters may have to turn to the black market or to clandestine guilds (e.g. of thieves or assassins) to acquire poison.

Effects of Poison

A victim of a poison attack must save versus poison with a modifier depending on the strength of the poison. The effects of the poison then depend on whether the save succeeded or failed.

The tables opposite list the available types of poison, the cost to purchase a single vial, and the following details:

Save modifier: Applied to the victim’s saving throw. Indicative of the strength of the poison.

Chance of detection: Probability of the victim noticing the poison, either visually (per round of a poisoned blade being used) or by smell or taste. Characters who notice a poisoned blade may attack the one wielding it or may call for aid. A victim who notices an ingested poison will reject the poisoned drink or food, thus avoiding being poisoned.

Onset time: The poison’s effect occurs after this delay. An onset time of “instant” indicates that the poison takes effect instantly, before the victim has a chance to react in any way.

Effect (if save succeeds / fails): Notes what happens to victim if the saving throw fails or succeeds.

Using Bloodstream Poisons

Bloodstream poisons are typically applied to a bladed weapon.


Applying a vial of poison to a weapon takes one turn. A vial of poison is sufficient for a single bladed melee weapon or up to 6 arrows or crossbow bolts.


Once applied to a blade, a poison is effective for up to two days or two hits in combat, whichever comes first.

Evaporation over time: After one day, a poison is at half effectiveness; after two days it is no longer effective.

Wiping off after hits: The first attack with a poison is at full effectiveness, the second attack is at half effectiveness, and upon subsequent attacks the poison is no longer effective.

Half effectiveness: A poison at half effectiveness inflicts only half damage. For poisons that cause death (rather than damage), half effectiveness grants a +4 bonus to the saving throw.

Using Ingested Poisons

Ingested poisons take effect when swallowed by the victim. A vial of poison is enough to poison one victim.

Bloodstream Poisons
Type Cost (gp) Save Mod. Chance of Detection Onset Time Effect (Save Succeeds) Effect (Save Fails)
I 10 +6 80% 1d4+1 rounds None 15hp damage
II 75 +5 65% 1d3 rounds None 25hp damage
III 600 +4 40% 1 round None 35hp damage
IV 1,500 +3 15% Instant None Death
Ingested Poisons
Type Cost (gp) Save Mod. Chance of Detection Onset Time Effect (Save Succeeds) Effect (Save Fails)
I 5 +6 80% 2d4 rounds 10hp damage 20hp damage
II 30 +5 65% 1d4+1 rounds 15hp damage 30hp damage
III 200 +4 40% 1d2 rounds 20hp damage 40hp damage
IV 500 +3 15% Instant 25hp damage Death
V 1,000 +2 0% 1d4 turns 30hp damage Death