Illusionist Spell List
1st Level
1. Auditory Illusion
2. Chromatic Orb
3. Colour Spray
4. Dancing Lights
5. Detect Illusion
6. Glamour
7. Hypnotism
8. Light (Darkness)
9. Phantasmal Force
10. Read Magic
11. Spook
12. Wall of Fog
2nd Level
1. Blindness / Deafness
2. Blur
3. Detect Magic
4. False Aura
5. Fascinate
6. Hypnotic Pattern
7. Improved Phantasmal Force
8. Invisibility
9. Magic Mouth
10. Mirror Image
11. Quasimorph
12. Whispering Wind
3rd Level
1. Blacklight
2. Dispel Illusion
3. Fear
4. Hallucinatory Terrain
5. Invisibility 10' Radius
6. Nondetection
7. Paralysation
8. Phantom Steed
9. Rope Trick
10. Spectral Force
11. Suggestion
12. Wraithform
4th Level
1. Confusion
2. Dispel Magic
3. Emotion
4. Illusory Stamina
5. Improved Invisibility
6. Massmorph
7. Minor Creation
8. Phantasmal Killer
9. Rainbow Pattern
10. Shadow Monsters
11. Solid Fog
12. Veil of Abandonment
5th Level
1. Chaos
2. Demi-Shadow Monsters
3. Illusion
4. Looking Glass
5. Major Creation
6. Maze of Mirrors
7. Projected Image
8. Seeming
9. Shadowcast
10. Shadowy Transformation
11. Time Flow
12. Visitation
6th Level
1. Acid Fog
2. Dream Quest
3. Impersonation
4. Manifest Dream
5. Mass Suggestion
6. Mislead
7. Permanent Illusion
8. Shades
9. Through the Looking Glass
10. Triggered Illusion
11. True Seeing
12. Vision
Reversible Spells
If a spell can be reversed, the name of the reversed version is noted in parentheses.