Religion in Dolmenwood

Pluritine Church Hierarchy

  • The major hierarchical ranks within the Church are as follows, along with the Levels of PC clerics/friars regarded as being of roughly equivalent rank.
  • Archbishop: Per land.
  • Bishop: Per major region of each land.
  • Commander: Three (one per Holy Order) under each bishop. Level 10+ PCs.
  • Abbot / Archdeacon: Per abbey or city. Level 6+ PCs.
  • Vicar: Per settlement. Level 3+ PCs.
  • Curate: Several serve each vicar. Level 1+ PCs.

Cults of the Nag-Lord

According to rumour, cults venerating the wicked Nag-Lord have begun to spring up in the wild places of Dolmenwood.

It is said that crookhorns, monsters, and even corrupted humans gather to worship the twisted King of the Wood and further his evil plans.

Anganach (Old Gods)

Futurus (New Gods)

Dwarven Gods

Other Gods