
The proud and stubborn breggles—sometimes called goatfolk (or hregl, in their own tongues)— have inhabited the High Wold since antiquity. Once the sole masters of that fertile region of hills, meadows, and tangled woods, the ancient breggle noble houses now rule alongside humans, swearing fealty to the Dukes of Brackenwold. Breggles live much as humans do, dwelling in hamlets, farmsteads, and castles. In the larger towns of the High Wold, breggles live side by side with humans.

Shorthorns and Longhorns

Breggles divide themselves into two castes, differentiated by horn length: shorthorns (the working class) and longhorns (the noble class). Despite this division, shorthorns and longhorns are in fact the same species. The horns of a shorthorn who earns wealth and renown will grow, eventually reaching longhorn proportions (4” or more). True acceptance in the ruling class is, however, another matter.

Intermarriage With Humans

Humans and breggles occasionally marry and have children. Socially, characters of half-breggle, half-human parentage are seen as belonging to both Kindreds. They tend to take strongly after one of their parents and, for mechanical purposes, should be treated as either human or breggle.


Among the armies of the wicked Nag-Lord are a multitude of corrupted breggles known as crookhorns, twisted in mind and body by the evil magic of their master. The breggles of the High Wold regard crookhorns as wretched abominations, to be eradicated at any opportunity.

Religion and Ancestor Worship

As subjects of the duke, breggles are nominally adherents of the Pluritine Church. True devotion to the Church is, however, rare among breggles, who prefer to offer up prayers to esteemed ancestors from their long history—see Aud frengd Hlerr, p179.