When PCs wish to construct strongholds or any other type of building, the following procedure should be used:
1. Permission: It may be necessary to secure permission to build from an existing authority over the land. This may not be required if the land is uncharted wilderness.
2. Clear land: If the construction site is in the wilderness, all monsters in a 6-mile area (i.e. one hex on a typical small-scale wilderness map) must be killed or driven off.
3. Design: The player creates a plan for the stronghold and calculates the costs (see construction prices overleaf).
4. Review: The referee should review and approve the player’s plans.
5. Hire engineers: For every 100,000gp cost of the stronghold, the PC must hire one engineer (see Specialists, p234).
6. Construction: Once the land has been cleared and construction materials delivered, construction may commence. The time required depends entirely on the stronghold’s total price: one day of game time per 500gp.
7. Prepare for settlers: If the PC wishes to found a dominion and attract settlers, a wider area around the stronghold should be cleared of dangers.
Permission: While local rulers may allow PCs to build in a town, it is unlikely that they will grant permission for the construction of castles or fortifications.
Costs: When building in an existing town or city, the proximity of materials and labour greatly reduce the costs.
▶ Stone buildings: Reduced by 60%.
▶ Wooden buildings: Reduced by 80%.