
Mycelian Level Progression
level XP Title HD THAC0 D W P B S
1 0 - 1d8 19[0] 9 11 9 13 12
2 3,000 - +1d8 19[0] 9 11 9 13 12
3 6,000 - +1d8 19[0] 9 11 9 13 12
4 12,000 - +1d8 17[+2] 7 9 7 11 10
5 24,000 - +1d8 17[+2] 7 9 7 11 10
6 45,000 - +1d8 17[+2] 7 9 7 11 10

Mycelians are humanoid mushrooms, with tall stems, wide, flat caps, and beady eyes amid their gills. They have no mouths, but communicate telepathically. They dwell in lightless caverns deep underground.


Mycelians have naturally tough skin and do not wear armour. They may use shields and any kind of weapons.

Fungal Spores

Once per day per level, a mycelian may emit a spray of spores at a single target within 20'.

Pacifying spores: The target must save versus poison or become completely passive for 1 round per level of the mycelian, unable to act or move.

Hallucinogenic spores: (From 4th level.) The target must save versus poison or be afflicted with terrifying visions for 1 turn per level of the mycelian. Roll on the table below to determine the target's reaction to the hallucinations.

Hallucinogenic Spores
1–2Flee in terror
3–4Cower and babble
5–6Attempt to kill nearest creature


A 1st level mycelian is 4' tall. A mycelian’s height increases by 1’ per level gained, up to a maximum of 9’ tall at 6th level.

Unarmed attacks: A mycelian may make melee attacks with its club-like fists. These inflict 1d4 damage per level, as shown in the level progression table.

Natural Armour Class: Although unable to wear armour, a mycelian's tough skin grants it a natural Armour Class with experience level, as shown in the level progression table.


Mycelians have infravision to 60’ (see Darkness under Hazards and Challenges in Old-School Essentials).

Light Sensitivity

When in bright light (daylight, continual light), mycelians suffer a –2 penalty to attack rolls and a –1 penalty to AC.

Rest and Sustenance

Mycelians do not eat or sleep in the normal sense. Instead, they require a period of 8 hours each day spent in contact with moist earth.

Missing the rejuvenative period: The mycelian loses 1 hit point per day until it is again able to spend 8 hours in contact with moist earth.

Telepathic Communication

Mycelians are mouthless and unable to speak, communicating entirely telepathically. This form of communication is effective with any sentient creature within 120’ and allows the mycelian to converse in any language they know.

After Reaching 6th Level

A mycelian may found a subterranean stronghold that will attract mycelians from far and wide. The character will rule over the other mycelians as their king.

Fungal Reanimation

A mycelian king can implant special spores into the decomposing substrate of a humanoid corpse, causing it to reanimate as a fungal zombie under the mycelian's control.

Time: Creating a fungal zombie takes one week. The mycelian must carefully tend the process.