Beast Master

Beast Master Level Progression
level XP Title HD THAC0 D W P B S
1 0 - 1d6 19[0] 11 12 12 15 16
2 1,800 - +1d6 19[0] 11 12 12 15 16
3 3,600 - +1d6 19[0] 11 12 12 15 16
4 7,250 - +1d6 19[0] 11 12 12 15 16
5 15,000 - +1d6 17[+2] 9 10 10 13 14
6 30,000 - +1d6 17[+2] 9 10 10 13 14
7 60,000 - +1d6 17[+2] 9 10 10 13 14
8 120,000 - +1d6 17[+2] 9 10 10 13 14
9 240,000 - +1d6 14[+5] 7 8 8 11 12
10 360,000 - +2 14[+5] 7 8 8 11 12
11 480,000 - +2 14[+5] 7 8 8 11 12
12 600,000 - +2 14[+5] 7 8 8 11 12
13 720,000 - +2 12[+7] 5 6 6 9 10
14 840,000 - +2 12[+7] 5 6 6 9 10

Beast masters are adventurers with a special connection to animals. They are often accompanied by one or more loyal beasts.

Prime requisites: A beast master with at least 13 in one prime requisite gets +5% to XP. If both STR and WIS are 16 or higher, the character gets a +10% bonus.


Beast masters can use all types of weapons and can use leather armour, chainmail, and shields.

Animal Companions

A beast master may attempt to forge a bond with an encountered animal. If the attempt succeeds, the animal becomes the beast master’s loyal companion.

Establishing a Connection

The beast master must approach the animal in a peaceful manner. The referee makes a reaction roll. If the result is 8 or greater, the animal becomes the beast master’s companion.


Type of animals: Both wild and domestic animals may be companions. Giant or magical animals may be companions at the referee’s discretion.

Maximum companions: A beast master may have up to one animal companion per experience level. The total Hit Dice of companions may not exceed the character's experience level.

Death or dismissal: If an animal companion dies or is dismissed, the beast master may attempt to forge a connection with a new animal.

Companions’ Behaviour

Once a connection is successfully established, the animal companion will follow the beast master everywhere. It obeys basic commands from the beast master and will fight to defend the beast master, never checking morale.


After reaching 5th level, a beast master can see through the eyes of their animal companions, wherever they may be. This requires deep concentration.

Identify Tracks

A beast master can identify the tracks and spoor of animals in the wild.

Reaction Modifier

A beast master gains a +1 bonus to reaction rolls made when interacting with animals, in addition to their CHA modifier. (See Encounters in Old-School Essentials.)

Speak with Animals

Animals understand the basic meaning behind a beast master’s words.

Communication with animals is always commensurate to their intelligence.

After Reaching 9th Level

A beast master may construct a stronghold in the wilderness. Animals within a 5 mile radius of the stronghold will become friends with the beast master. They may warn of intruders, carry messages and news, and so on. In exchange for this friendship, the beast master must protect the animals from harm.