
level XP HD Atk Paralyze Poison Breath Device Magic Skill Points
1 0 1d6 +0 14 16 15 14 14 4
2 1500 +1d6 +0 14 16 15 14 14 +2
3 3000 +1d6 +0 14 16 15 14 14 +2
4 6000 +1d6 +0 14 16 15 14 14 +2
5 12000 +1d6 +2 11 12 14 13 12 +2
6 24000 +1d6 +2 11 12 14 13 12 +2
7 48000 +1d6 +2 11 12 14 13 12 +2
8 96000 +1d6 +2 11 12 14 13 12 +2
9 192000 +1d6 +5 9 10 12 11 10 +2
10 288000 +2 +5 9 10 12 11 10 +2
11 384000 +2 +5 9 10 12 11 10 +2
12 480000 +2 +5 9 10 12 11 10 +2
13 576000 +2 +7 7 8 10 9 8 +2
14 672000 +2 +7 7 8 10 9 8 +2
15 768000 +2 +7 7 8 10 9 8 +2
16 864000 +2 +7 7 8 10 9 8 +2
17+ +96000/lvl +2 +9 5 6 8 7 6 +2/lvl


  1. A Specialist can multiply the damage done by a Sneak Attack by allocating points to this skill. Assume that the damage multiplier is × 1 for all characters, but for every point allocated to the skill by a Specialist, the damage multiplier is increased by one. If a Specialist has any points in Sneak Attack, then he also gets a +2 bonus to hit above any other bonuses he already has when performing a Sneak Attack.
  2. May allocate his skill points to improving the following skills. If a skill other than Sneak Attack is maxed out at a 6 in 6 chance then 2d6 are rolled and the skill only fails if two 1's are rolled.


  1. The Specialist must be unencumbered to use any of the class abilities involving movement or suffer a one point skill penalty per level of encumbrance.
  2. They must have Specialist Tools (see Equipment section) to use Search for finding traps or to use Tinker for opening locks or other such activities.