- Each hex is 6 miles long from side to side. 7 miles from corner to corner.
- At an optimal position the horizon is approximately 3 miles.
- Step 1: Party picks a direction of travel for that day or continues along a chosen path. Declare marching order.
- Step 2: Referee checks if the party gets lost. Roll a 1d6. On a 1 then roll against the highest Bushcraft skill on party. If this fails then the party is lost.
- Step 3: Party updates their map to indicate where they think they are
- Step 4: Referee updates her map to indicate where the party really is
- Step 5: Referee checks for random encounters, and resolves combat normally. Roll 1d6, there is a random encounter on a roll of 1 or 2.
- Step 6: If the new location is a keyed area, then programmed encounter should occur
- Step 7: Party rests. Track used provisions.
- Step 1: Roll 1d6, on and 1 or 2 there is a random Encounter
- Step 2: Refer to releveant encounter table and roll to see what and how many are encountered.
- Step 3: Roll 2d6 on the reaction table below.
- Step 4: Roll 3d6x10 for the distance between the players and encounter if releveant.
- Step 5: Roll 1d6 for surprise. On a 1 or 2 the characters are surprised (1 for elves)
In most instances, NPCs’ reactions will be obvious
based on the circumstance of the encounter. If there
is any doubt, consult the following chart.
This chart can also be used in any situation
where someone is attempting to convince an NPC
as to a course of action and there is doubt as to the
Roll |
Reaction |
2 |
Hostile |
3-5 |
Unfriendly |
6-8 |
Indifferent |
9-11 |
Talkative |
12 |
Helpful |