Hex Travel



In most instances, NPCs’ reactions will be obvious based on the circumstance of the encounter. If there is any doubt, consult the following chart.

This chart can also be used in any situation where someone is attempting to convince an NPC as to a course of action and there is doubt as to the outcome.

Roll Reaction
2 Hostile
3-5 Unfriendly
6-8 Indifferent
9-11 Talkative
12 Helpful

Weather Table

Roll (2d6) Weather
2 Severe Heat
3 Sunny (Hot)
4 Sunny (Clear)
5 Partial Clouds (Warm)
6 Cloudy (Warm)
7 Cloudy (Temperate)
8 Clear (Temperate)
9 Cloudy (Cold)
10 Rainy (Cold)
11 Thunderstorm (Cold)
12 Snow (Very Cold)

Monster Saves

level Range Paralyze Poison Breath Device Magic
1-3 14 12 15 13 16
4-6 12 10 13 11 14
7-9 10 8 9 9 12
10-12 8 6 7 7 10
13+ 6 4 5 5 8


Cover AC
25% +2
50% +4
75% +7
90% +10

Encumbrance & Movement

    Movement/Turn Movement/Round    
Points Encumbrance Exploration Combat Running Miles per Day
0-1 Unencumbered 120' 40' 120' 24
2 Lightly Encumbered 90' 30' 90' 18
3 Heavily Encumbered 60' 20' 60' 12
4 Severely Encumbered 30' 10' 30' 6
5+ Over Encumbered 0' 0' 0' 0
Terrain Adjustment
Jungles, Mountains, Swamps x1/3
Desert, Forests, Hills x1/2
Clear, Plains, Trail x2/3
Road x1
Conditions Adjustment
High Winds or Precipitation x1/2
Storm Conditions x1/3