
level XP Title HD Atk Paralyze Poison Breath Device Magic
1 0 Man-at-Arms 1d8 +1 14 12 15 13 16
2 2000 Warrior +1d8 +2 14 12 15 13 16
3 4000 Swordmaster +1d8 +3 14 12 15 13 16
4 8000 Hero +1d8 +4 12 10 13 11 14
5 16000 Exemplar +1d8 +5 12 10 13 11 14
6 32000 Myrmidon +1d8 +6 12 10 13 11 14
7 64000 Champion +1d8 +7 10 8 9 9 12
8 128000 Epic Hero +1d8 +8 10 8 9 9 12
9 256000 Warlord +1d8 +9 10 8 9 9 12
10 384000 Warlord +3 +10 8 6 7 7 10
11 512000 Warlord +3 +11 8 6 7 7 10
12 640000 Warlord +3 +12 8 6 7 7 10
13+ +128000/lvl Overlord +3/lvl +1/lvl 6 4 5 5 8


  1. Fighters start with an attack bonus of +2 and it goes up by +1 every level.
  2. Unlike most other classes, Fighters with a high Strength score can have bonuses to hit and on damage.
  3. Fighters Parry at a +4 to AC and can perform the Press and Defensive Fighting melee options