Elementalist Spell List
1st level
- 1. Burning hands (MU)
- 2. Create water (rev.) (C)
- 3. Crystal resonance
- 4. Feather fall (MU)
- 5. Firelight
- 6. Lasting breath
- 7. Manipulate fire (MU)
- 8. Purify
- 9. Ray of fire/ice
- 10. Read magic (MU)
- 11. Resist cold (C)
- 12. Seasong/windsong/firesong
- 13. Shapes
- 14. Sound the deeps
- 15. Summon/banish lesser elementine
- 16. Wall of vapour (I)
2nd level
- 1. Dweomerfire
- 2. Elemental cancellation
- 3. Fire trap (MU)
- 4. Fog cloud (I)
- 5. Incinerate (rev.)
- 6. Produce flame (D)
- 7. Pyrotechnics (MU)
- 8. Resist fire (C)
- 9. Sea lust
- 10. Summon/banish greater elementine
- 11. Tidal force
3rd level
- 1. Banish elemental
- 2. Fireball (MU)
- 3. Fly (MU)
- 4. Gust of wind (MU)
- 5. Heat metal (rev.) (D)
- 6. Protection from fire (D)
- 7. Stone shape (D)
- 8. Summon elemental I
- 9. Vacuum
- 10. Water breathing (D)
4th level
- 1. Contact elemental spirit
- 2. Fire shield (MU)
- 3. Flash fire (rev.) (D)
- 4. Ice storm (MU)
- 5. Lower water (D)
- 6. Move earth, lesser (MU)
- 7. Summon elemental II
- 8. Summon elemental horror
- 9. Temperature control (D)
- 10. Wall of fire (MU)
- 11. Wall of ice (MU)
5th level
- 1. Atmosphere bubble (MU)
- 2. Command elemental I
- 3. Cone of cold (MU)
- 4. Contact other plane (MU) *
- 5. Control winds (D)
- 6. Distort distance (MU)
- 7. Elemental plane protection
- 8. Flame strike (C)
- 9. Gaseous form (q.v. necromancer spell list)
- 10. Passwall (MU)
- 11. Summon elemental III
- 12. Transmute rock to mud (rev.) (MU)
- 13. Wall of stone (MU)
6th level
- 1. Command elemental II
- 2. Control weather (MU)
- 3. Freezing sphere (MU)
- 4. Move earth (MU)
- 5. Part water (MU)
- 6. Stone to flesh (rev.) (MU)
- 7. Summon aerial servant (C)
- 8. Summon greater elemental kin
7th level
- 1. Command elemental III
- 2. Control weather, greater (D)
- 3. Delayed blast fireball (MU)
- 4. Earthquake (D)
- 5. Elemental plane protection, 10’ radius
- 6. Fire storm (rev.) (D)
- 7. Statue (MU)
- 8. Wind walk (C)
8th level
- 1. Castaway
- 2. Elemental portal
- 3. Elemental wrath
- 4. Incendiary cloud (MU)
- 5. Meld elemental
- 6. Power word petrify
- 7. Skyland
9th level
- 1. Brimstone monolith
- 2. Demand
- 3. Gate (MU) *
- 4. Elemental portal, greater
- 5. Imprisonment (MU)
- 6. Meteor swarm (MU)
- 7. Pact of brass