
level XP Title HD Atk Paralyze Poison Breath Device Magic Architecture
1 0 Sentry 1d10 +0 10 8 13 9 12 3 in 6
2 2200 Warden +1d10 +0 10 8 13 9 12 3 in 6
3 4400 Shieldbearer +1d10 +0 10 8 13 9 12 3 in 6
4 8800 Defender +1d10 +2 8 6 10 7 10 4 in 6
5 17600 Sentinel +1d10 +2 8 6 10 7 10 4 in 6
6 35200 Guardian +1d10 +2 8 6 10 7 10 4 in 6
7 70400 Champion +1d10 +5 6 4 7 5 8 5 in 6
8 140800 Vaultguard +1d10 +5 6 4 7 5 8 5 in 6
9 281600 Vaultlord +1d10 +5 6 4 7 5 8 5 in 6
10 422400 Vaultlord, 10th lvl +3 +7 4 2 4 3 6 6 in 6
11 563200 Vaultlord, 11th lvl +3 +7 4 2 4 3 6 6 in 6
12+ +140800/lvl Vaultlord, 12th lvl+ +3/lvl +7 4 2 4 3 6 6 in 6


  1. Dwarfs are able to bear incredible burdens; it takes five additional items for a Dwarf to gain the first encumbrance point.
  2. A Dwarf receives a +1 bonus to his Constitution modifier (so a Dwarf with a 12 Constitution has a +1 modifier instead of the usual 0 modifier, for example).
  3. A Dwarf also continues to apply his Constitution modifiers, if any, to Hit Points gained after level nine.
  4. Dwarves Parry at a +4 to AC and can perform the Press and Defensive Fighting melee options