
level XP Title HD Atk Para Pois Breath Devi Magi +AC Climb Stealth Bushcraft
1 0 Brute 1d8 +0 12 10 15 13 16 +0 2in6 3in6 2in6
2 2500 Beast +1d8 +0 12 10 15 13 16 +0 2in6 3in6 2in6
3 5000 Marauder +1d8 +0 12 10 15 13 16 +0 2in6 3in6 2in6
4 10000 War Painter +1d8 +2 10 8 13 11 13 +1 2in6 3in6 2in6
5 18500 Neck Cruncher +1d8 +2 10 8 13 11 13 +1 3in6 3in6 3in6
6 37000 Slaughterer +1d8 +2 10 8 13 11 13 +2 3in6 3in6 3in6
7 85000 War Hawk +1d8 +5 8 6 10 9 10 +2 3in6 3in6 3in6
8 140000 Blood Dancer +1d8 +5 8 6 10 9 10 +3 3in6 3in6 3in6
9 270000 Chief +1d8 +5 8 6 10 9 10 +3 3in6 3in6 3in6
10 400000 Slaughter Chief +3 +7 6 4 8 7 7 +4 4in6 3in6 4in6
11 530000 [Name] the Barbarian +3 +7 6 4 8 7 7 +4 4in6 3in6 4in6
12 660000 [Name] the Destroyer +3 +7 6 4 8 7 7 +4 4in6 3in6 4in6
13+ +128000/lvl [Name] the Conquerer +3/lvl +9 4 3 5 5 5 +4 4in6 3in6 5in6


  1. Agile Fighting: Barbarians gain a +1 AC bonus at 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th Level
  2. Strike Unvulnerable Monsters: At 4th level a Barbarian can hit monsters that can normally only be hit by +1 magical weapons, at 8th level this increases to be able to strike +2 monsters
  3. Cure Poison: While in the wilderness the Barbarian can spend a Turn foraging herbs to concoct an antidote and allow another player to attempt another saving throw vs a Poison


  1. Armor Restriction: Barbarian will refuse to wear Plate armor as it impedes their movement. Wearing Plate will impose a -1 penalty to their skills, remove the Agile Fighting feature
  2. Fear of Magic: Barbarians are mistrustful of magic and will refuse to knowingly use or come under the influence of spells or magic items. Barbarians will accept divine magic associated with their tribal religion.