1-29 | +1 to hit. |
30-45 | +1 to any three of your saves. |
46 | You have a second attack per round. You divide your usual attack bonus however you like between opponents/strikes. You get another extra attack per round every time you re-roll this result. |
47-48 | +1 Con up to racial max. Numbers in excess go to Str or Dex. |
49-50 | If a creature more than 10' tall knocks you down to half or fewer hit points, you may summon your fury to inflict triple damage on a hit. This only works once per opponent. Unless you re-roll this result, then it works twice, or three times, etc. etc. |
51-53 | You now have a 2 in 6 Bushcraft skill. Add one point each time this is re-rolled. |
54 Quest: | that thing you wanted? The Jewel of Carmathroq? The Map to the Pleasure Pits of Mazuun? The Spiked Club of Ooolatt? It’s there. Four sessions worth of adventure away or less. Tell your Referee, who then must place it.
You must have a fair shot at it—like any other treasure, but there’s no guarantee you will get it. If you don’t get it by the fourth session you can keep trying or let it go and roll again on this table. However, if you choose to roll again and then you do get the thing somehow anyway, you lose whatever gimmick you rolled. Referee, think up some clever reason why. |
55-56 | You can intimidate hostile beasts of animal intelligence into accepting you as dominant so long as nobody in your party has attacked them. Basically, roll d10 and add your charisma or level (whichever is higher) and the Referee rolls d10 + the creature’s meanness, rated on a scale of 1-20 by the Referee with 20 being like some mother bear that just watched you eat all her baby bear’s heads and is also mind-controlled by a hostile witch doctor. If the “Charisma attack” works, the creature will calm down. If the charm offensive fails, you are effectively at unarmored, flat-footed armor rating the next round because you are really not scaring them there and are walking right up to the animal. Good luck with that. If you re-roll this result while leveling up, take +1 to hit or all saves. |
57 | You are totally used to tromping around in the wilderness. In any wooded environment (or whatever other one you are a native of) you cannot be surprised and will always notice anyone coming at least 2 rounds away unless they are actively planning an ambush. Your experience with the landscape and the way it grows allows you to search a wilderness hex at twice the ordinary speed and if you are pursuing or being pursued through the wilderness you add your level, in feet, to your relative speed for purposes of determining who catches who. If you re-roll this, the expertise extends to all outdoor environments, re-roll again and it goes for dungeons, re-roll again and cities, again and it works in like the planes, re-roll again and you should probably just re-roll on this table until you get something different. |
58 | +1 Str up to racial max. Numbers in excess go to Con or Dex. |
59-60 | You may take half an hour out of your busy schedule and eat the heart of an animal that you and your party (of 10 or fewer people) killed (a regular, non-magical animal, though prehistoric animals and maybe some other weird monsters count at the Referee’s discretion). You yourself must have delivered the killing blow. After you do that, you gain the offensive strength of that creature for one hour (# of attacks, bonus to attack, damage) but are also kind of nuts and cannot speak except in short grunts (you can point). You can preserve the heart for as long as you want before doing this. Do this more than once per day and you will go completely crazy. Re-roll this result and the effect lasts an extra hour. |
61 | +1 damage. If you roll this again it jumps to +3, then +5, +7, etc. |
62-63 | +2 vs toxins, poisons, and whatever other saves might be considered derivable from your general good health in the system you’re using. +3 vs inebriation. Same bonuses again each time you re-roll this. |
64-65 | On a melee hit you can do your usual damage plus knock a human-sized opponent back 10. If you try it twice on the same opponent they get a Str check against you (d10 + whole Str vs d10 + whole Str). If you roll this result again you get 2 free shoves before the opposed checks kick in. After that, re-roll. |
66 | On a melee hit you can do your usual damage plus knock a human-sized opponent of equal HD or less prone. If you try it twice on the same opponent they get a save or Str check or something against you. If you roll this result again on this table, you get 2 free knockdowns before the saves kick in, then 4. After that, re-roll. |
67 | You are now +2 to hit in two of the following situations: from horseback, in unarmed combat, or with a bow or crossbow. Your choice. If you eventually roll all of those and keep re-rolling this result, you start getting +2 to weird fighting situations you can make up, like fighting blind or on fire or whatever, subject to Referee approval blah blah blah |
68-69 | +2 to checks to intimidate people, -1 to charm or lie to fancy folk. +2 more to intimidate when you re-roll this thereafter. |
70-71 | A single hit that normally would have killed you just maims you instead. You lose an arm below the elbow or leg below the knee, your choice. If you re-roll this you can “bank” another one or, if you’ve already lost a limb, the next time you get magically healed it comes back.72-73 Your crit range extends by one. Now you do double damage on a 19 or 20. Keep rolling this and it keeps extending. |
74-75 | Your knowledge of the natural world gives you a sense of the unnatural. You can detect the presence (but not the precise location) of ghostly or invisible things on a 1 in 6. Goes up by one each time you roll this result |
76-79 | So long as you have 1 hit point, you gain d4hp from taking a drink of any strong spirit. However, with each drink after the first in an hour, you must make a successful Wis check to hit the right target when attacking. Re-rolling this result increases your tolerance—it will be 3 drinks before you must make a Wis check, then four, then five, etc. |
80-82 | You have “Frazetta armor”. You may add your Cha bonus and Str bonus to your armor rating when not wearing armor. If you have no Cha or Str bonus then you’re a loser but treat this roll as if you just upped your Cha by one. Re-rolling this means your Cha goes up by one, until there’s a bonus. |
83-84 | You do d6 + Str bonus damage unarmed. You go up one die each time you re-roll this. |
85-86 | On a successful hit you can hold anything whose Str and Dex are both less than your Str for an extra round automatically before it starts to get checks to escape. You get another round each time you re-roll this. |
87 | You are immune to fear from any kind of undead and are +1 to save vs any kind of spooky undead special power by any kind of ethereal dead. +2 more each time you re-roll this. |
88-89 | Cold does 2 points less damage to you for each time you roll this result. |
90 | On the first round of any combat (and only on the first round) you may gamble any number of your hit points on an attack. If you hit, you do that much damage; if you miss, you take that much damage (a miss indicates your foe was able to set up to receive your charge). You must be in the first rank of combatants (i.e. nobody gets to soften them up or test them before you pick how much you’re gambling.) Each time you re-roll this you get +1 damage to the attack. |
91-92 | You can make your own weapons given a week and 10% of the usual cost of this merchandise. Each time you roll this (including the first time) you’ve had enough free time and luck to custom-craft one for your hand and fighting style, allowing you a +1 to hit and damage with that weapon. |
93-94 | Your scars, tattoos, and monstrous speech speak of exotic lands and distant adventure to the gullible folk of civilized lands. +2 to lie about where you’ve been or what you’ve seen to any of these so-called “sophisticates”; they’ll believe anything. +2 more each time you re-roll this. |
95 | +2 to save vs any divine spell, +3 if you have personally slain a Cleric of that faith. +1 more each time you re-roll this. |
96 | On a successful hit you may distribute the damage rolled between any two targets within reach so long as they have an equal or lesser armor rating to the one you just hit. Every time you re-roll this you get one more target up to a maximum of 5. |
97-98 | You have a Stealth score of 2 in 6—add one each time you re-roll this result. |
99-00 | You have a Climb score of 2 in 6—add one each time you re-roll this result. |